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ROMANIAN SMART INFO ( back-up ) / RSI Aliens Caffe - Hanul Extraterestrilor / Electronic Voice Phenomena Moderat de 007/Ro, 007/gRO, Draco, EnKi, fernb
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Electronic Voice Phenomena - A History
Since the discovery of what has now come to be known as the 'Electronic Voice Phenomena' (EVP), we have to give thanks for the efforts of many gifted researchers who, over the years have given their time and commitment in the face of much hostility.

Where did it all begin? Probably with the discoveries made in the field of electronic communications by inventers such Thomas Edison, Nikola Tesla, Oliver Lodge and Guglielmo Marconi. These men of vision all held belief in an afterlife and the possibility of making contact with that world through electronic means which you won't necessarily learn about in a criminal justice degree online or an online RN to BSN. Edison had his first lab at the age of ten and by the time of his death he had patented 1093 of his inventions. He also believed in a 'life after death', as can be determined by the many statements he made during his lifetime. In support of this, what follows is just one of them "I will be going to a world beyond, whereby I shall continue the research where i left off". It is also interesting to note that there was a blueprint found after his death for a machine which he believed could be used for making contact with that very place. As no machine was ever found, we have no means of knowing if he had actually built this.
What follows is information of past and present researchers who we owe a debt of gratitude to for the efforts they have given to further our knowledge of this amazing discovery....

1920`s Hereward Carrington Psychic Researcher begins experimenting.
1928 Thomas Edison worked on equipment he hoped would permit communication with the dead, using a chemical apparatus with potassium permangansate.
1930`s The Scandinavian military pick up what was probably the first ever polygot messages. At the time believed to be German coded messages, which was later discounted.
1936 Attilz Von Szalay started to experiment with a Pack-Bell record-cutter and player, trying to capture paranormal voices on phonograph records.
1956 Raymond Bayless joined Attliz Von Szalay in experiments and wrote an article for the Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research in 1959.
1959 Swedish film maker Friedrich Jurgensen discovered strange voices whilst our recording bird sounds.
1964 Jurgensen after 5 years of research publishes his findings in his book Roesterna Fraen Rymden (Voices from the Universe). Attliz Von Szalay gets voices of his deceased relatives on tape for the first time.
1965 Dr. Konstantin Raudive, a Latvian psychologist and philosopher, visited Juergenson, concluded that the phenomenon was genuine, and started his own experiments in Bad Krozingen, Germany.
1967 Thomas Edison spoke through West German clairvoyant Sigrun Seuterman, in trance, about his earlier efforts in 1928 to develop equipment for recording voices from the beyond. Edison also made suggestions as to how to modify TV sets and tune them to 740 megahertz to get paranormal effects. (Session recorded on tape by Paul Affolter, Liestal, Switzerland). Franz Seidi, Vienna, developed the "sychophone". Theodore Rudolph developed a goniometer for Raudive's experiments.
1968 Father Leo Schmid, Oeschgen, Switzerland, was assigned a small parish to give him time to experiment with taping voices. His book, Wen Die Toten Reden (When the Dead Speak) was published in 1976, shortly after his death. Raudive published his book Unhoerbares Wird Hoerbar (The Inaudible Becomes Audible), based on 72,000 voices he recorded.
1970 Scott Rogo and Raymond Bayless publish 'Phone Calls From The Dead'. Raymond Cass begins experimenting.
1971 Colin Smythe, Ltd. England, published explained English translations of Raudive's book: Breakthrough, an Amazing Experiment in Electronic Communication with the Dead. Marcello Bacci and co-workers in Grosseto, Italy, made weekly contact with 'spirit' communicators, which still continued in 1988. William Adams Welch publishes his findings 'Talks With The Dead'. Paul Jones, George W Meek and Hans Heckman, Americans, opened a laboratory. First serious research to create a two-way voice communication system far more sophisticated than the equipment used in EVP approach.
1972 Gilbert Bonner, a dedicated researcher who amassed a huge collection of voices during his lifetime, begins experimenting. Peter Bander, England, wrote Carry on Talking, published in US as Voices From the Tapes
1973 Josephand Michael Lamoreaux, Washington State, had success with recording paranormal voices after reading Raudive's book.
1975 Formation of V.T.F German research group. William Addams Welch, Hollywood script writer and playwright, authored Talks With the Dead.
1978 William O'Neil working for George Meek, using a modified side-band radio, had brief, but evidential contact with an American medical doctor said to have died five years earlier.
1981 Manfred Boden has unsolicited contact with communicators of non-human evolution via telephone and computer.
1982 George Meek made a trip around the world to distribute tape recordings of 16 excerpts of communications between William O'Neil and an American scientist who died 14 years earlier. He also distributed a 100-page technical report giving wiring diagrams, photos, technical data and guidelines for research by others. Hans Otto Koenig, West Germany, develops sophisticated electronic equipment, using extremely low beat frequency oscillators, ultra-violet and infra-red lights, etc. Sarah Estep begins the American Association of EVP (AA-EVP)
1984 Kenneth Webster, England, receives (via several different computers) 250 communications from a person who lived in the 16th century. Most print-outs are in English text consistent with speech at that point in history, and personal details fully supported by library research. Communications often concurrent with poltergeist-type phenomena. Webster writes book, The Vertical Plane, with extensive photo documentation in 1989.
1985 Klaus Schreiber, West Germany, with technical assistance from Martin Wenzel, begins to get images of dead persons on TV picture tubes, using opto-electronics feedback systems. There is positive identification in many cases by accompanying audio communications, including audio-video contact with Schreiber's two deceased wives. This work is the subject of a documentary TV film and a book by Rainer Hobbe of Radio Luxembourg.
1986 Jules and Maggie Harsh-Fischbach, Luxembourg, develop and operate two electronic systems superior to that of any of the EVP equipment up to this time.
1987 The C.E.T.L group formed, Luxembourg.
1989 Samuel Alsop publishes his book Whispers of Immortality.
1995 INIT formed (International Network for Instrumental Transcommunication, ITC)
2003 Scottish researcher Alexander MacRae made a number of attempts to capture EVP in a specially designed labratory belonging to the Institute of Noetic Science, Petaluma, California. The laboratory was described as being "double-screened"; Shielded against electromagnetic radiation; to prevent interference from radio transmissions or near by electronic devices, and insulated against sound; to prevent contamination of recordings by external noise sources. Over the course of the experiment, MacRae reported capturing a number of anomalies which were subsequently isolated and analyzed. Based on this analysis, and the level of screening against outside interference, MacRae concluded that the anomalies represented distinct speech from a source that could not be explained through conventional means.

At the present time there are thousands of individuals and organizations from all over the world actively engaged in their own research. Hopefully in time through the efforts of these groups and individuals we shall truly make that important "Breakthrough".

Konstantin Raudive
In June 1965, Latvian Psychologist Dr Konstantin Raudive embarked on series of spirit communication experiments that were to change the lives of many. It was through reading a book by Swedish author Friedrich Jurgenson that Raudive's interest was captured. Jurgenson claimed that whilst out recording bird noises, he had recorded the voice of his deceased mother relaying a message to him. For the next 6 years after reading Jurgenson’s book, Raudive took up the search and began experimenting and recording voices successfully through his own recording methods, which he claimed were the voices of the dead. Many of the messages that Raudive recorded were received in polyglot (a mixture of different languages). It has to be noted that Raudive was fluent in four different languages and he was able to understand each message received in this way.

Konstantin Raudive's book 'Breakthrough' published by Colin Smythe Ltd in 1971 is the catalyst for many of today's researchers.

EVP Today
EVP in the year 2007 has moved on somewhat from the image of a researcher sitting in front of a reel to reel tape recorder for hours on end waiting for a disembodied voice to break through. The digital age is upon us and technology is providing us with many more options by which to conduct our experiments. Many current researchers still prefer the use of analogue recorders to further their research, believing that the voices are imprinted on the tape electromagnetically instead of being an acoustic noise. The use of analogue recorder seems to provide us with clear voices, but not as often as we would like. The introduction of digital recorders has definitely widened our scope for research with voices being picked up far more often, but the voice quality has suffered with many of the digital voices being somewhat distorted. It is important however, to research both analogue and digital methods in the quest to advance EVP recording to new levels. Various types of microphones can be used when researching both analogue and digital methods with particular emphasis on low frequency microphones. EVP is believed to be occurring at very low frequencies, in the levels of infrasound, well below that which the human ear is capable of hearing.

To date, EVP experiments the world over have produced far more evidence of an afterlife than any other aspect of paranormal research.

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Electronic Voice Phenomena Recording Advice
We have outlined below some very basic guidelines to follow when attempting to record EVP. For more information and assistance, please contact us.

Adobe Audition EVP
Adobe Audition is ideal for analysing your recordings.

Spectral View
Spectral view can provide a more detailed analysis.

A data sheet should be used for keeping details of each recording session.

Televisions, computers, mobile phones and other eletrical appliances can cause interference.

Headphones are recommended for analysis, but be careful of any sudden loud noises.

EVP Recording Procedure
You have made the decision that you would like to attempt to record EVP and you have an audio recorder with an inbuilt or external microphone, what next?

If you would like to conduct experiments in your own home, like many researchers do, always opt for a quiet time of the day when noise contamination is at an absolute minimum. When choosing an area to record, be sure to take into account any possible noise that may occur and always look out for items such as televisions, computers, mobile phones, Symbol LS4278 barcode scanners and other electrical appliances that could cause interference. Reducing noise contamination and the risk of electromagnetic or radio interference will make the analysis of your audio recordings much easier and will help to keep your experiments controlled. Be sure to ask everyone who is taking part in your experiment to remain as quiet as possible. Waterproof jackets, the shuffling of feet on wooden floors and even so much as somebody breathing heavily can provide much contamination to your recordings. Always take the common sense approach.

At the start of your recording session it is best practice to always state the time, date, location of recording, the name of persons present at the experiment and the type of equipment that you are using before attempting to receive any communication. This will assist your analysis greatly, as it is very easy to lose track of recordings when conducting multiple experiments regularly. It is also recommended that you note down the weather conditions and the moon phase at the time of recording, sooner or later you may see a pattern emerging of the best times to record. Try making up a data sheet that you can fill in for each seperate recording session.

Now, imagine opening the front door of your home and inviting in everyone and anyone who passes by, sooner or later you are bound to encounter someone who has bad intentions, someone who will attempt to harm you, your home or your family. Let us assume for a moment that we are indeed communicating with discarnate souls, people who once lived as we are now. Your recording session has to be treated in exactly the same way, with the possibilty that you are indeed opening a doorway that everyone and anyone may enter. This is why it is always important to focus on asking for positive communication only when attempting to record EVP. Please always show the utmost respect to your would be communicators.

Ready to attempt communication? We do not recommend using recorders set to 'voice activation' mode as there can be a short delay of a second or so when a voice is sensed before your recorder activates, which means the first word of any message picked up could be missed. It is always good to prepare a list of questions before hand that you would like to pose during your experiments. Try to initially focus on receiving information such as names, dates and locations as these are all checkable and can help to provide the best evidence. Although it is nice to receive clear voices with random messages, it is sometimes difficult to work out their relevance without any additional information. Always ensure that anyone asking questions does so loudly and clearly, as whispers can be mistaken for EVP!! It is recommended that you leave at least 30 seconds in between questions for a response and try to remain as quiet as possible in that time. By not leaving enough time in between questions, you risk losing part of any message that you may receive. If any noise contamination does occur during the recording session, always note down the exact time that it occurs from the recorder's timer or tape counter. This again will make analysis of your recording much easier.

If you are using a digital recorder, try to record only for a few minutes at a time, before stopping the recorder and then recommencing. This will break down your recordings into smaller, separate files and will assist your analysis process greatly. It is important to work on the basis that 1 minute of audio recordings can take up to 1 hour to analyse no matter whether you are using digital or analogue recorders. Always try to keep your experiments short and controlled as there is no sense in sitting down to analyse hour after hour of audio recordings which can be quite exhausting. Recordings need to be meticulously analysed and you may find, if you have many hours of recordings, that you are rushing through them. Rushing the analysis process can be extremely counter-productive.

Audio Analysis
Are you ready to analyse your recordings? Any audio recorder that has a headphone socket can be connected to a desktop or laptop computer that is equipped with a sound card. Connect an audio lead from your recorder's headphone socket directly to the microphone socket on your computer and you are ready to go. Many of the newer digital recorders on the market have the ability to load files to a computer via a USB port.

Your recordings can be analysed sufficiently in software programs such as Adobe Audition, Sony Sound Forge, Goldwave or the free program Audacity which is avaliable for download at Once your recorder is connected to the microphone socket on your computer, press the record button in your chosen software program and press play on your audio recorder simultaneously, your sound file will now be loading. The volume level that the recorder is set to will determine the decibel level of the sound file that is loaded to the computer. If you find that your recordings are not loud enough after loading them to a computer, simply turn up the volume level on the recorder and reload the audio file.

Now that your recordings have been loaded to computer, you are now able to listen to them, break them down and save them accordingly. You can also use features in the software programs such as hiss reduction, noise reduction, amplify and various filters that can be used to enhance the quality of any inexplicable voices contained your files. These features should be used sparingly and the recordings should be kept as close to their raw state as possible. Using these features too much on any recording is deemed 'over processing' and can damage your file. You will know that you have 'over processed' a recording when it becomes difficult on the ear, which is when the 'Undo' feature comes in very handy! Equally, these features can be extremely useful if used correctly, so please take time to experiment with and learn about the software that you are using. Much information can also be learnt about your recordings within the software itself with features such as frequency analysis and spectral view.

We recommend the use of earphones during analysis, although, please be aware of any sudden loud noises that occur during your recordings which could cause damage to your ears. You will find that over a period of time you will develop an ear for hearing the distinct fast rhythm of an EVP voice and will naturally start to focus on other levels of noise within your recordings that you never noticed previously. We liken this to listening to someone that speaks with a foreign accent, you may find them difficult to understand at first, but the more you hear them the more you get used to the distinct nature of their voice.

If you find that you have not successfully recorded any inexplicable voices then please persevere, you will find that during experimentation you will gradually receive more and more voices. Once you capture that first elusive voice, there is no holding back. For best results, we always recommend recording regularly at the same time of day. It is very much like opening a doorway and waiting for somebody to walk through. After their first visit, they will return many times if the doorway is opened regularly, and they may even tell their friends.........

EVP File Classification
It is important to label each EVP file depending on the clarity of the voice. EVP researcher Dr Konstantin Raudive developed a method of classification in the 1970s that was far too complicated to remain practical. This was reviewed by researcher Sarah Estep who developed a much more useful classification system that is now used as standard with EVP researchers around the world. The classification sytem is as follows:

    Class A: A voice that can be understood without the need for headphones and that people can generally agree on the content.
    Class B: A voice that requires headphones to hear and not everyone can agree on its content.
    Class C: A voice that requires much filtering and even by wearing headphones nobody can agree on its content.

Please see our Equipment page for information about EVP Equipment and more details of recording methods.

pus acum 13 ani

Din: Vechime
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Ghostly Sounds (EVP)
History of Electronic Voice Phenomenon

EVP is a way to communicate with spirits. Researchers believe that the voices of the dead can be recorded and played back on magnetic audio tape. It is the most modern way to communicate with the spirit world. Some skeptics believe that they are not voices of the dead but radio or CB transmissions.

It has been said that Thomas Edison was working on an EVP device. However the credit for discovering EVP goes to Fredrich Jurgenson when he was recording bird sonds in the Sweedish countryside and on play back he distinctly heard the voice of a man discussing nocturnal bird songs in Norwegian. He had heard nothing during the recording but many voices on playback, some giving him instructions on how to record more voices. EVPs are also called Raudive Voices after Konstantine Raudive who recorded 100,000 voices. He published "The Inaudible Made Audible". EVP research is done all over the world but most heavily in the United States and Germany. The Association for Voice Taping Research was founded in the 1970's in Germany, and American Association - Electronic Voice Phenomenon in 1982. Conferences are conducted world wide by engineers and electronics experts who devise special sophisticated equipment to record EVPs.

In 1982, engineer George Meek and psychic William O'Niell built a device called a  Spiricom. Meek says a discarnate scientist old him how to build it whine contacting Meek at a seance. Meek then founded the Metascience Foundation of North Carolina. The Spiricom enabled two way conversation between the living and the dead. He Gave Spiricoms to anyone who anted them at no cost however most people reported no success. Other EVP researchers credited the initial success to the mediumship of O'Neill.  Researchers continue to strive to capture on tape some evidence of survival after death.   - by

If you have any to contribute please email them to us or we can convert them to sound files if you send us a cassette tape. Ghosts can be recorded on regular audio tape.  You may not hear anything while you are taping, but when you play back the tape listen carefully. This should be done in areas of suspected ghostly activity. All sounds here are in WAV format.

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