 Din: Vechime
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Sun appears 2 days early on Greenland!
In Greenland, the sun after the polar night of this year has risen by two days early. According to the KNR Radio Greenland showed the central star in Ilulissat, on Tuesday at exactly 12:56:57 Clock. Normally, the sun rises in the West Greenland settlement, however, until 13 First time in January again.
An expert from the University of Vienna suggests that the observation may be due to the recent strong accelerated melting of the Greenland ice sheet. One thing is certain - the constellation of the stars has certainly changed. The Greenlandic town IlulissatAP / Michael KappelerIlulissat is located in West Greenland and living from fishing and tourism.
Inhabitants of the third-largest city with 4,500 inhabitants of Greenland, made because of the early sun appeared worried. "Here in the place the sun comes up until 13 January. Since one or the other probably does not, "cited a 74-year-old KNR locals in a report on its website. No change in the Earth's rotation
Scientists rule out any case that the observation could have geophysical or astronomical reasons. "In the constellation of the stars has not changed," said Wolfgang Lenhardt, head of the geophysics department at the Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics (ZAMG) in Vienna. "There would have been an outcry around the world." The data of Earth's axis and Earth's rotation would be monitored continuously and meticulously. Horizon decreases [link to]
An axial shift is a difficult concept for most people to wrap their minds around. One too many disaster movies and most people, including a lot of scientists, believe such a dramatic shift in the angle of the tilt would be accompanied by Global destruction and disasters. Not true. This shift is about a 2000 mile shift which leaves us 2000 miles further to the south during the summer and 2000 miles farther to the north during the winter. Spring and Fall would be at the same positions. Most people forget that the Earth is about 25,000 miles in circumference, thus as the Earth rotates on its axis, the entire planet turns just over 1042 miles every hour and turns 25,000 miles every 24 hours. No global calamities, no destruction.... none of us can feel our planet turning 1042 miles every hour, so why would you believe that you could notice a 2000 mile shift? And if we are not having global disasters from our hourly 1000 mile rotation... then why would you think there would be global upheavals from a 2000 mile shift? Yes, there are signs and effects from this shift, but not in such a dramatic calamity. The changes are there but much more sedate than the doomsday believers might expect. And shifts like these are not unusual to our planet. There are numerous documentaries which describe how Earth's axis has tipped over in past millennia when previous meltdowns of the polar ice caps occurred creating a shift in the axis.
As the polar ice continues to melt, the weight distribution of the planet begins to change. Since the diameter of the Earth is larger at the equator, the weight of the planet is also heavier at the equator, so as the ice melts at the poles, the water levels equalize and rise in an even weight distribution which leaves less weight at the poles and more at the planet's midsection based on girth. The more ice that melts, the less weight at the poles and the planet begins to shift toward the heaviest section at the bottom.
What happens if you take a rubber ball and add a metal strip around the mid section to make it heavier... then float the ball in water? The heavy point will be on the bottom, so the planet will continue to rotate, but it will do so on it's side.
Since the ice does not melt in a day, the slippage in the axis will occur in moderate amounts. Not all at once, but some shifts will be more significant than others until the entire polar ice has been completely melted and the planet ends up laying on its side. The focus on this page is the shift which has already occurred.
However, according to an Aug 2007 report on CNN, world scientists have estimated total polar meltdown by 2020. This date also coincides with the US Gov't estimate that there will be a global water shortage in 2020. Since a full meltdown will raise sea levels by 297 ft (20 stories), a lot of water tables and water sources will be contaminated. Not only by sea water, but by the contamination which will mix with the water as it covers the cities, factories and chemical plants. So, it is interesting that both have fixated on the same year.
Some scientists believe the meltdown could occur 5 years sooner. From what I have seen of the current condition of the polar regions and the rate of melting, I believe we could see a total meltdown by 2013. The first week of July 2008, CNN reported that world scientists expected a complete melting of the arctic by Sept 2008. Right now, the gov't is limiting access to current satellite imagery of the polar regions. Most of the images are dated 1999 and earlier. For those images later than 1999, they have all been censored or modified to block the view. Why would the images be kept from the public... unless there is something they don't want you to see.
Unfortunately, most people will be in denial until the water starts lapping at their doorstep... and then they will all cry for someone else to do something about it. People are their own worst enemies. They refuse to listen to scientific data, attack anyone who does not share their opinion and then they want everyone else to fix their problems that they had refused to acknowledge. And when they get desperate, these will be the people who will prey on and victimize those who planned ahead. It would seem to me that everyone should start planning ahead to take care of their own needs and stop attacking those people who are trying to help them understand what is happening to our planet.
Sun Cycle
The sun will get hotter and larger as it continues through its normal aging cycle and will eventually be larger than the orbit of the earth... but not for a billion years, however, even the slightest changes make a difference in earth's weather and temperature. So no matter how gradually the sun warms and increases in size, it will affect our climate. But this doesn't account for the variation in the angle of the sun. That is related to the angle of axis of the earth in relation to the sun.
According to an article in Jan 2008, it stated that NASA was claiming the sun was entering a dangerous cooling cycle and the earth was entering a bad cooling period... I would take this with a grain of salt. Here's why:
1st keep in mind that NASA receives gov't and taxpayer money and is subject to appropriations approvals... which means NASA is not going to do or say anything not approved by the gov't authorities and Presidential Administration which is in power at the time.
The gov't in control when this article was released was doing everything they could to discredit the very existance of "Global Warming." What better way to confuse the public than to throw an opposite scenario onto the fire from a highly respected scientific organization as NASA?
Were you aware that as NASA's personnel retire or go elsewhere.... most of the NASA personnel are methodically being replaced with active or retired military or gov't personnel? The gov't doesn't want any loose cannons in our scientific community. (Keep the peasants dumb and happy).
If our scientists don't play the game, then they are either fired or their employer will lose the gov't monies which their institutions have become dependent upon. Many such fields of science have only a few resources available for employment. Try to find an aerospace firm or an observatory or just about any laboratory which is not tied to gov't monies. Since most employers cannot afford to lose those gov't monies, those scientists end up without a job and ridiculed if they speak out. (Remember Bob Lazar?)
Those few scientists who are not team players are subjected to attacks against their character and credibility and any other means of coercion or utilizing other "team player" scientists to publicly ridicule & condemn the assertions of the "loose canon" scientist to damage their credibility to obtain their silence. Having been on the receiving end of such types of attacks, I have the utmost sympathy for those few scientists who still have the courage to speak out but they rarely get any air time. Gov't pit bulls and jackals usually end up on the news or in gov't funded documentaries to utterly destroy the theories of any "non-team player" who won't remain silent. (such as Shermer, for example).
I remember a woman archeologist who discovered gigantic stone carvings in Central America which dated back over 200,000 years (if my memory of the timeline is accurate. It was a substantial time differential from the official stance on the age of civilization). These were larger and more profound than the ones found on Easter Island. Her funds were removed, she was fired from the university and her work ridiculed. You almost never hear about her discoveries but they are still there and quite fascinating. It makes the giant Easter Island carvings pale by comparison. But the powers that be have tried to make her discoveries disappear even though those giant stone carvings are still there. Since I'm going by memory, I don't have the exact info about her and her discoveries, but you should be able to find something about her on some other independent website like mine. I think she was in her 60's or older when I saw a story about her 2 or 3 years ago.
This dependency on gov't monies is the same for Universities and Dept of Defense (DOD) contractors. They are all dependent upon gov't grants, gov't monies, gov't contracts, taxpayer dollars and appropriations approvals. There are not very many scientists who are not under the controls of our Gov't. Even foreign countries are dependent upon us through foreign aid, bank loans, US corporate The US gov't also controls most countries and scientists in the world. purchases, grants, gov't and private sector assistance, world banking, substantial economic pressures... you name it. Those economic pressures even work on countries like China and Russia. We make foreign countries dependent on selling their goods to our country then control them with it by demonstrating how easily we can disrupt their income simply by blaming them for an 'unsafe product.' We never mention the fact that it was a US company which hired that country to build their product... who were responsible for specifying and ensuring those product materials met US safety standards in the first place. That is called "being setup." The countries which we can't control end up on the list of mortal enemies.
The public is just as much at fault for what has been going on. They accept this false data and organized discrediting campaigns enabling the crucification of those few who try to inform the public with the truth.
I had a member of my own family who asked (in regard to a specific issue of scientific cover-up & corruption at the time), "If this information was true, then why didn't any of the scientists speak up about it?"
I explained about the monies and jobs and pressures described above and added, "If you were going to be ridiculed & attacked every time you attempted to speak out about the truth and then ended up with the public believing the orchestrated official lies and kicking you further... why bother? Why subject yourself to that kind of treatment or ridicule if no one is going to appreciate it? When people are so programmed through organized manipulation of the media that they can no longer think outside the box for themselves, why would any of us subject ourselves to that kind of treatment for a public who can no longer recognize nor care about the real truth?"
The generation who cared are now mostly retired, in poor health or dead. That was the generation who went out into the streets by the millions and protested against wars and corruption. That was before the media was used to program society. When's the last time you saw a UFO documentary without Shermer or Freedman chopping up anyone who had a differing opinion? There is no reason either of them needed to be on the documentary. It is not a news program and does not require conflicting opinions to be shown.
Are you against war? Then why are your children and grandchildren playing war computer games designed to make it "fun" for them?
Blogs and email are of no consequence to the politicians, corporations and financial institutions which run this world. They don't read them and they don't care. They are deleted with the stroke of a key. Protests in the streets are a little harder to ignore, but they have that covered as well. They simply don't get any air-time on the news as if it never happened. I remember a 400,000 person war protest in NYC around March 2003 which didn't get hardly any media coverage. If they do, they just focus on a counter protest group which political groups with certain agenda's hired from the local colleges and hauled down to the scene to make it look like people were protesting the protest. The media made 100 paid demonstrators look like they outnumbered the 400,000 honest citizens. Hollywood type magic for the viewers. It even works locally since most people depend on their TV's for info rather than driving down to look for themselves. So most people don't know what is going on in their own towns. Everything is fed through the media.
Just check out who owns FOX; read about the background of the CEO of CNN... Alan Parsons; or who owns MSNBC (GE a huge gov't contractor). The same person who owns FOX also owns the Wall Street Journal, Dow Jones, the computer game company which makes those "War" computer games and the publishing company which prints your children's school books... just to name a few. Go on Wikipedia and read about the politicians who were in power between 2001 and 2008 (particularly the big shots in the President's cabinet)... as well as the ones in control in the 90's. Neither political group is innocent. It is like having 2 syndicates vying for power over the country.
Read about the largest corporations. See who the executives and boards of directors are and all the organizations they belong to. Read their biographies. See who are on the boards controlling the largest charities. Look up who controls the banking and transportation and pharmaceutical and food companies. Check out the Carlisle group and Monsanto on Wikipedia. See who are members of the boards of directors for our largest universities in the country. You'll find it is the same group of people running everything. They are on the boards of every major institution in this country and across the world.
I've already done all of this, so I know. I think it is time the rest of you looked it up as well. You're in for a shock. Think of the power these positions give them and how it could affect the things in your daily lives without your realizing it. Go online to Amazon and buy some of the independent documentary DVD's on these subjects which were produced without gov't monies or influence. "The Corporation" is a good one to start with. There are some very good documentaries like that which are available for purchase.
The powers that be, like to label these under "Conspiracy theories" hoping that the label itself will ridicule the information in the eyes of the public. Labels have been used throughout history to slur the value of people, groups or information. I believe one of those labeled groups were "fed to the lions" in the coliseums of Rome a couple thousand years ago. Labels have made people slaves or ended their lives in concentration camps. Labels are a very powerful tool to sway public opinions. Most people don't even realize they have been affected by labels and media programming. An example would be the word, Muslim. How does that word cause you to react? I'm just using this as an example to show the power labels can have.
My advice is to buy the documentaries and then research all of this info on Wikipedia. It is an excellent source of information about the subjects I described above. You can also verify that information by going right to the websites of those organizations so you can assure yourselves that the information is true and factual.
Once you understand all of these things, then your eyes will be open to much more which is going on with our planet... in environment, science, politics, health... and all the things you never realized were tied together. The very fact that you are looking at this website means you know something isn't right with our planet and are looking for the truth. This is why I always make sure I provide the source of all of my data and information. It is hard for the gov't to attack your information when it comes from their own websites.
What they don't like is to have someone putting it all together so people can see the whole picture.