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The CFH observatory hosts a world-class, 3.6 meter optical/infrared telescope. The observatory is located atop the summit of Mauna Kea, a 4200 meter, dormant volcano located on the island of Hawaii. The CFH Telescope became operational in 1979. The mission of CFHT is to provide for its user community a versatile and state-of-the-art astronomical observing facility which is well matched to the scientific goals of that community and which fully exploits the potential of the Mauna Kea site.

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Global warming has become a planetary crisis. We sense the worst is yet to come and the ancients tell us similar events have happened before. They've seen natural catastrophes we've yet to see, and lived through tribulations we've yet to endure. This is why they began writing about their experiences 3600 years ago for the benefit of those yet unborn. All this plus their dire prophesies for our near future come to us in the 11 books of The Kolbrin Bible. It is your history. It is your future. Surviving it, is your choice.

The Kolbrin Bible is a substantial Biblical-era wisdom text of immense value to comparative religion scholars, space threat researchers and philosophers. The earliest books of this ancient manuscript were written following the Hebrew Exodus from Egypt. Unlike the Holy Bible and the Koran, however, it offers a view of ancient times that bridges secular and religious thought. It shows the reader how the ancients pooled their teachings together to overcome the worldwide series of catastrophes that spawned the Exodus. It also sends forth clear, urgent warnings of a repeat of those catastrophes from across the millennia to those of us living today. It also teaches us how, as a species, we can survive and overcome them.

The Kolbrin Bible offers a wealth of knowledge for:


The Kolbrin Bible offers invaluable insights through the writing of ancient authors for those seeking a better understanding of their own faith through comparative analysis. This is because it reflects the cutting-edge metaphysical and philosophical thinking of ancient times. Some researchers feel that the early Egyptian texts may have had a direct influence on the teachings of Jesus, given the Bible's and the Koran's accounts of his hiding in Egypt as a child.


For those concerned about space threats, The Kolbrin Bible offers an accurate description of a massive object called "The Destroyer" which orbits our Sun and is due to return with catastrophic results in the near future. It also correlates to Nostradamus's "Bearded Star," Mother Shipton's "Fiery Dragon" and the "Red Comet" warning of the Mayan Calendar Prophecies.


The Kolbrin Bible differs from the Holy Bible and Koran in that it offers a human-centered paradigm consistent with many "New Age" beliefs. The personal accounts in The Kolbrin Bible offer invaluable insights and a time machine journey into the genesis of the early religious and metaphysical thought following the Hebrew Exodus from Egypt. It teaches that we best serve God, the Light behind the Light, by serving one another. Facing obliteration by religious and government officials, these teachings eventually took root throughout ancient Europe and flourished, growing fastest during the beginning of the European Renaissance in the 14th century.


The parallels between the "sack" of the Library of Alexandria and the near loss of The Kolbrin Bible are of interest to scholars, researchers and philosophers alike.

Founded at the beginning of the 3rd century BCE, the Library of Alexandria was the largest in the world at that time. It was burned during Julius Caesar's invasion of Alexandria (48 - 47 BCE). According to the Roman Philosopher and author, Aulus Gellius (123 - 169) the "sack" of Alexandria destroyed 700,000 scrolls; the pitiful few that survived only whet our regrets over this tragic loss. Oddly, the same fate nearly befell The Kolbrin Bible.

The Britain Book, the last book in The Kolbrin Bible, states that Joseph of Arimathea, great uncle to Jesus Christ, brought the Egyptian Scrolls with him when he brought the family and friends of Jesus from Judea to Britain. Credible sources state that Joseph founded Glastonbury Abbey in Somerset County, in the southwest of Britain, where the scrolls were stored for safekeeping. However, much of The Kolbrin was lost to an arson fire in 1184. Luckily, some of the original manuscripts were carved into thin bronze sheets, and stored in copper-clad boxes. These bronze sheets became known as The Bronzebook of Britain and were later combined with another collection, The Coelbook, to become The Kolbrin Bible.


The need to study The Kolbrin Bible is urgent because it warns us of a long period object called "The Destroyer" that is soon to return. The detailed accounts contained in The Kolbrin Bible of the last flyby event are factually prescient and help explain current perturbations in our solar system. More importantly, The Kolbrin Bible offers us new hope by telling us how humanity survived and evolved beyond the last flyby of "The Destroyer."

Article Source:

Note Found In The Cover Of An Old Copy Of

The Kolbrin

What follows was not discovered among the shards, but was said to be found within the cover of an old copy of the Kolbrin.

    "When I was young my grand-father told me that the Kolbrin had been brought back to light by his grand-father's people in the place known to them as Futeril Cairn, beyond the pool of Pantlyn at Carclathan by way of Gwendwor in Wales."

    "I remember him saying it was originally written in the old alphabet of thirty-six letters. The books were stored in a tinker's budget box, the lid of which was not hinged but held with flanges and lifted off after being heated, a cuning device of the wayfaring tinkers. It was also secured with pins and stirrups. There were goblin heads at the corners and it was fastened by locking bars inside and out. I never saw it, nor did I know anyone who knew whether it still existed."

    "I remember being told that inside the box was a clear glass roundish ball about the size of a large apple, which at one spot reflected all the colours of the rainbow. It was encased in a precious cagework inside a protective cover of horny hide which had raised swellings, the like of which my grand-father had never seen before. He knew a lot about animals and their hides, but could not tell what this was; he thought it might have been the hide of some kind of large, horny snakelike creature such as those which live in deep lakes."

    "There were two stones of dullish glass like rainstones, one being whitish at one end. Each was oval in shape and somewhat flattened and tapered towards one end. Grand-mother used to tell fortunes with these and they went to cousin Sarah in America. There were two other pieces of rounded glass set in something made of bone which had pretty designs engraved on it. The bone setting was falling apart and was of no conceivable use. There was also a bluish coloured cross with an opening at the top and its arms were forked at the ends. This was fastened by a small chain curiously worked, to piece of round brass about the size of a small plate which was engraved with figured, of which a bird, a wand, two billhooks, a whip and some heads could be made out. There were beads of blue and red and a brooch shaped like a hook and made of gold. There was a acorn-like cap such as Flamens wear."

    "There was also a longish brass object like a knife, with engraving, in a wrapping of rotten wood. That is all there was, except for the books which were not like books at all. I do not know what became of the other items. I saw the glass ball once when I was a small child but cannot remember much about it, except that it was hollow at one end and when I put a finger in the hollow it felt warm."


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Bilderberg Group 2011 Secret New World Order Agenda Leaks by Moles: End Internet; Prolong Recession; Inflate Oil Prices to Gain Support for War in Middle East & Africa

June 9th, 2011 | Add a Comment

Security & White Privacy Curtain Guard Entrance to Hotel Suvretta for Bilderberg Group:
By Staff

The Bilderberg Group 2011 meeting’s secret New World Order agenda has been leaked to the public by moles.

Veteran Bilderberg Group investigative journalist Jim Tucker appeared on the “Alex Jones Show” radio program live Thursday from near the summit in St. Moritz, Switzerland, and said the NATO war action against Libya heads the secret society’s agenda.

The globalists are “determined” to create a “big bloody war” in Libya that would involve every major world power except Israel, Tucker explained. Prolonging the recession, high oil prices and exorbitant prices reflected at the pump will be used to gain the support of the American commoners for continued military action in the Middle East.

As Tucker previously reported from his inside sources, Bilderberg members are terrified by the increasing resistance to the attack on Libya from within the U.S. Congress.

More than a third of House Republicans voted this week to leave the NATO coalition attacking Gaddafi’s military, which would force a NATO withdrawal from the civil war in Libya.

NATO chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen was photographed by Jones’s staff as he arrived at the conference in St. Moritz yesterday afternoon. He is not on the official Bilderberg attendee list that was leaked by moles to the news website, but it is commonplace that many members request their names to be excluded from any roster.

Tucker said several individuals within the Swiss federal government were enraged at the Bilderberg Group’s “invasion of their sovereignty.”

According to Bilderberg Group historian Daniel Estulin and other researchers, the secret society is the direct descendant club of the Venetian Black Nobility, the 500-year-old conglomerate of Europe’s nobility determined to create perpetual war for money and distraction, destroy countries and create a one-world government.

NATO Secretary General Anders Rasmussen Arrives at Bilderberg Group Summit:

Beginning in the early 1900s, the Bilderberg Group sponsored eugenics program that works to reduce so-called undesirable people from the world, and they created plans for the Euro.

A similar theme from last year’s meeting in Spain is present this year: Bilderberg Group members are furious at the increasing amount of protesters and media coverage that they are receiving.

“They’ve now asked Rupert Murdoch, biggest owner of newspapers throughout the world, to try to talk the major newspapers in Europe out of covering Bilderberg,” said Tucker. However, he added that the effort had mostly been a failure due to the large amount of coverage by the Swiss media.

The secretive group operates under “Chatham House rules,” meaning that no details of what is discussed can ever be leaked to the media, despite editors of the world’s biggest newspapers, such as the Washington Post, the New York Times and the Financial Times, being present at the meeting.

Tucker said the Bilderbergers had expressed “great anger that the commoners are forcing this coverage and forcing these headlines.”

David Rockefeller Arrives at Bilderberg Group Summit Thursday:
Attack on Internet and Privacy:

In addition to fears of Congress waking up to the Libya war scam, the elite members are also concerned over the amount of news and information accessible on the internet.

In response, co-workers of the Bilderberg Group in Congress have introduced several bills over the past several months designed to remove the internet and stop it as a medium for alternative news and information.

On April 1, 2009, the Senate introduced two bills, endangering a free and open internet: S. 773: Cybersecurity Act of 2009 and S. 778 to establish a White House cybersecurity czar.

Then, on September 20, 2010, S. 3804: Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act (COICA) was created.

Early May, a very limiting bill was introduced in the Senate: Preventing Real Online Threats to Economic Creativity and Theft of Intellectual Property Act of 2011. The bill called PROTECT IP for short would use copyright infringement as a cover to remove web domains and institute censorship.

The European Commission is working to implement the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA). The draconian legislation will eliminate Net Neutrality, subvert national sovereignty, and end consumer privacy and other civil liberties. In the United States, the mainstream media has mostly ignored ACTA.

A huge protest against the Bilderberg Group is scheduled for Saturday at noon outside the Suvretta House Hotel involving both Socialist and conservative Swiss People’s Party activists.

Prior to Jim Tucker’s interview, Jones spoke with journalist Paul Joseph Watson who reported that a sick Bilderberg member was given elite red carpet treatment at the St. Moritz airport earlier today.

The incident was witnessed by We Are Change Birmingham, a British affiliate of the activist group founded in New York.

Swiss newspapers discovered Wednesday that the official start of the Bilderberg conference had to be delayed by a day because members were not able to fly their private jets and helicopters through heavy rain storms and the low-lying cloud cover that blanketed St. Moritz over the past several days. Less than half of the attendees had arrived at the Suvretta Hotel by early evening on Thursday. staff spied the arrival of the leading neocon and former assistant Secretary of Defense, Richard Perle, and possibly Microsoft founder Bill Gates.

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Leonid Elenin

Needle in Lion


According to nasa and everyone else, LEONID ELENIN discovered Comet Elenin"c2010x1" on December 10th 2010 in NEW MEXICO around constellation Leo. I FIND THIS VERY INTERESTING DUE TO THE FACT THAT THIS PORTION OF THE SKY WAS NOT VISIBLE TO NEW MEXICO IN DECEMBER OR JANUARY OR FEBRUARY" its barely visible right now in may" YOU COULD NOT HAVE BEEN IN THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE "New Mexico" OBSERVING A COMET THAT WAS IN THE CONSTELLATION LEO "SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE" DURING DECEMBER. According to the Elenin ephemeris on the JPL database, and all other ephemeris's, Comet elenin was in the constellation Leo during December. BUT constellation Leo, and Comet Elenin,WERE NOT visible from New Mexico. I will make a video using stelarium, or ceslestia showing that during DECEMBER AND JANUARY COMET ELENIN WAS NOT VISIBLE FROM NEW MEXICO. Sites with legitimate information have been going down or being changed almost everyday since I began researching. Im not into conspiracy theories BUT SOMETHING IS WRONG

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ANU is the LEADER of a RACE of Spirit Beings Called the ANUNNAKI.
Or as we call them, THE FALLEN ONES(ANGELS) The Annunaki are aREPTILIAN FORM of SPIRIT BEING, and ANU is KING. They are Great MASTERS of GENETIC ENGINEERING, In ALL its SHAPES and FORMS. Their other GREAT ABILITY, is that they can MORPH their Appearance.TO LOOK as they PLEASE, Any FORM They Liked to MANIFEST them Selfs. So ANU and the ANNUNNAKI were cast out of HEAVEN, to forever RESIED on PLANET NIBIRU, And PLANET EARTH had just received its FIRST LIFE FORMS, which were once again left to NATURE. It is NOW around 1000,000,000 Years AGO. So ANU and the ANNUNAKI, were left on their OWN, on the WANDERING PLANET NIBIRU , on its 3600 YEAR ORBIT Passing though OUR UNIVERSE .AND PLANET EARTH , it was left to NATURE

Its NOW around 120,000 Years AGO. ANU and the ANUNNAKI are still in residence on PLANET NIBIRU, after been cast out from HEAVEN, BUT a problem has arose during the past few 100,000 YEARS, The ATMOSPHERE of NIBIRU started to DETERIORATE leading to the ANNUNAKI having to, FILTER the ATMOSPHERE, in Order to stay on NIBIRU, but for the FILTERS To work, LARGE QUANTITIES of GOLD are required, The ANUNNAKI were able to EAISALY EXTRACT this GOLD, from NEARBY PLANET, but after a LONG period of TIME, All the EASILY EXTRACTED GOLD had been EXSHUSTED, NOW , ANU and the ANUNNAKI had a BIG PROBLEM, there was NO NEARBY SOURCE of GOLD To be FOUND. So ANU took the only available option left open to him, He went CAP in HAND to see GOD, and explained the SITUATION on NIBIRU, ANU PLEADED with GOD for HELP.

Again GOD HELPED Lucifer. GOD took PITY on HIM, and so made ANU a PROPOSAL, HE explained to ANU that PLANET EARTH, was ready for the INTRODUCTION of the NEW HUMAN SPECIES, And that IF the ANUNNAKI being MASTERS of GENETICS, WERE to HELP with the DEVELOPMENT, of the HUMANS, HE would ALLOW ANU, for a WHILE, to EXTRACT GOLD From EARTH, To this ANU AGREED, And SO the HUMAN RACE was BORN, and the ANUNNAKI collected their GOLD. It is NOW around 6600 YEARS AGO. All the EASILY obtainable GOLD had been REMOVED from PLANET EARTH by the ANUNNAKI, so they had to look ELSEWHERE, But that's another Story.
ANU was STILL FULL of HATE and RESENTMENT, TOWARDS GOD for being CAST OUT, BUT ANU had a PLAN for REVENGE!!!...........The Story will Continue.

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The Atlantean Conspiracy
By Eric Dubay

Presidential Bloodlines
Did you know all 43 U.S. presidents have carried European royal bloodlines into
office? 34 have been genetic descendants from just one person, Charlemagne, the
brutal eighth century King of the Franks. 19 of them directly descended from King
Edward III of England. In fact, the presidential candidate with the most royal genes
has won every single American election.
“This information comes
from Burke's Peerage,
which is the Bible of
aristocratic genealogy,
based in London. Every
presidential election in
America, since and
including George
Washington in 1789 to Bill
Clinton, has been won by
the candidate with the most
British and French royal
genes. Of the 42 presidents
to Clinton, 33 have been
related to two people: Alfred the Great, King of England, and Charlemagne, the most
famous monarch of France. So it goes on: 19 of them are related to England's
Edward III, who has 2000 blood connections to Prince Charles. The same goes with
the banking families in America. George Bush and Barbara Bush are from the same
bloodline - the Pierce bloodline, which changed its name from Percy, when it crossed
the Atlantic. Percy is one of the aristocratic families of Britain, to this day. They were
involved in the Gunpowder Plot to blow up
Parliament at the time of Guy Fawkes” -
Researcher/Author David Icke, “Alice in Wonderland
and the World Trade Center”
If America declared its Independence from the
European monarchies in 1776, how is it possible that
every single president has descended from European
monarchs? If presidents are democratically elected as
we are told, what are the odds that we would always
choose members of British and French royal
bloodlines to lead us?
“The Americas have always been owned and governed by the same royal families of
Britain and Europe that conventional history states as being among those defeated
during the wars of so-called ‘Independence.’” -Michael Tsarion, “Astrotheology and
Sidereal Mythology”
“If it really is the Land of the Free and if, as is claimed, anyone really can become the
president, you would fairly expect that the 43 presidents from George Washington to
George W. Bush would express that genetic diversity. You're having a laugh. The
presidents of the United States are as much a royal dynasty as anything in Europe,
from whence their bloodlines came.” -David Icke,
“Tales from the Time Loop”
Researchers like David Icke, Michael Tsarion, and
Fritz Springmeier, along with foundations like the
New England Historical Genealogy Society,
Burkes Peerage, the Roman Piso Homepage, and
other reliable genealogical sources have
documented these royal presidential bloodlines.
Actually, by branching out far enough on the
presidential family tree, the dedicated researcher
will find that all 43 presidents share kinship,
belonging to the same general ancestry, often called
the 13th Illuminati bloodline, the Merovingian line,
and/or the Windsor-Bush bloodline.
“If you go deeply enough into the genealogical research you will find that ALL the
presidents are from this line …A spokesman for Burkes Peerage, the bible of royal
and aristocratic genealogy based in London, has said that every presidential election
since and including George Washington in 1789 has been won by the candidate with
the most royal genes. Now we can see how and why. United States presidents are not
chosen by ballot, they are chosen by blood!” -David Icke, “The Windsor-Bush
Granted the relationships are sometimes
distant 10th or 15th cousins, but in a country
with hundreds of millions to choose from, this
simply cannot be chance or coincidence. Gary
Boyd Roberts, a genealogist at the New
England Historic Genealogical Society
thoroughly traced these connections in his
book “Ancestors of American Presidents.”
George W. Bush himself is directly related to
16 former U.S. presidents including George
Washington, Millard Fillmore, Franklin
Pierce, Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses Grant,
Rutherford B. Hayes, James Garfield, Grover Cleveland, Teddy Roosevelt, William
H. Taft, Calvin Coolidge, Herbert Hoover, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Richard Nixon, and
Gerald Ford.
Bush is closely related to the king of Albania and has kinship with every member of
the British royal family and the House of Windsor. He is related to 20 British Dukes,
the 13th cousin of Britain’s Queen Mother, and of her daughter Queen Elizabeth. He
is 13th cousin once removed from Prince Charles and has direct descent from King
Henry III, Charles II, and Edward I of England. Through the House of Windsor and
King Henry III, the Bush’s and Clinton’s are genetically related as well.
“According to Burke's Peerage, even according to
the official genealogy, Bill Clinton is genetically
related to the House of Windsor, the present royal
family in Britain; to every Scottish monarch; to
King Henry III of England; and to Robert I of
France.” -David Icke, “Alice in Wonderland and
the World Trade Center”
In 2004 George W. Bush ran as a “Republican”
against “Democrat” John Forbes Kerry – his 16th
cousin. These cousins, related to the same British
and French monarchs, are also secret society
brothers in the infamous Skull and Bones
fraternity. John Kerry descends from King Henry
II of England and Richard the Lionheart, leader of
the third Christian crusade in 1189. He also has links to royalty in Albania, Sweden,
Norway, Denmark, Russia, Persia, and France, but still not enough royal genes to top
George Bush. Earlier in 2000 we see the same story - George W. Bush ran neck and
neck with Al Gore; another supposed democrat and cousin of the Bush family.
“Al Gore is a descendant of Edward I, Roman Emperors Louis I, II, and Charles II
and is direct descendant of Charlemagne which makes him a distant cousin of
Richard Nixon and George W. Bush. So the top “democratic” candidates against
Bush in 2000 and 2004 were actually his cousins!” -Michael Tsarion, “Where
History Ends DVD”
“Never in the history of the United States have two presidential candidates been as
well endowed with royal alliances. There has always been a significant “royal
factor,” in those who aspired to the White House, with Presidents George
Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore
Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt and Ronald
Reagan, among others, all boasting blue
blood links. Al Gore…a descendant of
Edward I, he is also a cousin of former U.S.
President Richard Nixon, who resigned from
the White House in 1974 for his part in the
Watergate scandal. However, Al Gore does
have direct links to the Holy Roman Empire.
He is descendant of Roman Emperors Louis
II, Charles II, and Louis I and is therefore
also a direct descendant of Charlemagne,
the eighth-century Emperor. The problem is that Gore’s Charlemagne links also make
him a cousin of George W. Bush.” -Harold Brooks-Baker, Burke’s Peerage
Publishing Director from p. 7, NEXUS magazine, Vol. 8, No 1, January-February
By placing bloodline members on both sides of America’s faux political dichotomy,
the old monarchs have guaranteed their right to throne under the guise of democratic
elections. Back in 1996 we see the same tactic as “Democrat” Bill Clinton defeated
“Republican” Bob Dole, his cousin.
“Even Bill Clinton and Bob Dole, who ‘opposed’ each other at the 1996 election, are
distant cousins. They can trace their ancestry to England’s King Henry III, who
reigned from 1227 to 1273, and US Presidents
William Henry and Benjamin Harrison
…Clinton has far more royal blood than Dole
and is directly descended from the same
bloodline as the House of Windsor, every
Scottish monarch, and King Robert I of France.
This is why he was the Brotherhood’s choice.”
-David Icke, “The Biggest Secret” (191-192)
The Windsor-Bush bloodline reaches from the
American presidents, back to British/European
royalty, and it doesn’t stop there. It continues back through Roman emperors, all the
way to Babylonian Kings and Egyptian Pharaohs near the beginning of recorded
From Marie Antoinette and King Louis XVI, the French line continues back through
Louis XV-I, Charles XI-I, Henry IV-I, Philip V-I, Robert II and many other French
monarchs. It passes the de Medici family, specifically Queen Catherine de Medici of
France, who supported Columbus’ expedition to the “New World” along with
bloodline Queen Isabella of Castile, King Ferdinand of Spain, and the House of
Lorraine. It was also Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand who started the 350 year
Spanish Inquisition, which ordered the murder of millions who refused to convert to
Christianity. And from the House of Lorraine, Duke Godfroi de Bouillon became the
first Crusader King of Jerusalem.
“Father George and wife Barbara [Bush] are both
descendants of Godfroi de Bouillon who, in 1099, led
European noblemen in the successful Crusade to
recapture Jerusalem from the Islamic faith and moved
into the King’s palace at Temple Mount … Godfroi de
Bouillon was the first king of Jerusalem and the Duke of
Lower Lorraine, a major region for the Illuminati
bloodline …So when George W. Bush, a descendant of the
de Bouillon through his mother and father, talked of a
“Crusade” against “Islamic” terrorism…this was no slip
of the tongue…as was reported” - David Icke “Alice In
Wonderland and the World Trade Center Disaster”
The British line goes back from Prince William and
Harry, through Prince Charles and Princess Diana, to
Queen Elizabeth II, King George VI and V, King Edward VII, Queen Victoria, King
Edward III, II, I, and King George III, II, I. Then it passes through King James I who
ordered and financed the now most-widely read version of the Bible. Before James
came Mary Stuart, King Henry III, II, I, King John (signer of the Magna Carta) and
back to the Plantagenet and Habsburg dynasties under the Roman Empire. Other
branches carried the bloodline to Scotland, Austria, Germany, Spain, Sweden and
even Mexico:
“This same bloodline also includes key Scottish families
like the Lords of Galloway and the Comyns; Marie-
Louise of Austria, who married Napoleon Bonaparte;
Kaiser Wilhelm II, the king of Germany at the time of the
First World War; and Maximilian, the Habsburg emperor
of Mexico, who died in 1867. On and on it goes into
country after country. This bloodline connects into every
surviving royal family in Europe, including King Juan
Carlos of Spain and the Dutch, Swedish, and Danish
royal lines.” -David Icke, “The Windsor-Bush
Before the Habsburgs, the House of Lorraine and Charlemagne were the
Merovingians (Meroveus/Merovee) who originally brought the bloodline to France
and Northwest Europe. Back in 4th century Rome the bloodline passed through
Emperor Constantine, the first professed Christian emperor who initiated the Roman
Empire’s transition into a Christian State and presided over the first Council of
Nicaea. He was preceded by the Roman Piso family whom will be discussed later.
Before them came Herod the Great of Biblical fame and Ptolemy XIV, son of the
most well-known Roman emperor Julius Caesar. Caesar actually married into the
bloodline through Cleopatra, the most well-known Egyptian Queen. A little further
down this very same bloodline brings us to Alexander the Great:
“One common link in this
bloodline is Philip of Macedonia
(382-336BC),who married
Olympias, and their son was
Alexander the Great (356-
323BC), a tyrant who plundered
that key region of Greece, Persia,
Syria, Phoenicia, Egypt, Babylon,
the former lands of Sumer, and
across into India before dying in
Babylon at the age of 33. During
his rule of Egypt he founded the city of Alexandria, one the greatest centers for
esoteric knowledge in the ancient world. Alexander was taught by the Greek
philosopher, Aristotle, who in turn was taught by Plato and he by Socrates. The
bloodline and the hidden advanced knowledge have always gone together.” -David
Icke, “The Windsor-Bush Bloodline”
Back the bloodline goes past Alexander, past Nebuchadnezzar IV, III and other Kings
of Babylon, all the way to ancient African Kings and Pharaohs of Egypt - Ramesis II,
I, Tuthmosis IV, III, II, I, Amenhotep III, II, I and many more. For millennia these
Kings, Queens, Pharaohs, and Emperors have obsessively interbred with themselves
to preserve and spread their bloodline. They have ruled over us since the beginning of
recorded history, claiming they were given divine right to the throne by God or gods.
“This 'Divine right' is simply the right to rule by DNA. We have a head of state in
Britain to this day who is only there because of her DNA and the whole freeloading
hierarchy of the royal family is structured according to a person's DNA relationship
to the king or queen …what is
royal rule by DNA if not
outrageous racial and
genetic elitism? This 'Divine'
right to rule has nothing to
do with the 'Divine' and
everything to do with the real
origin of these bloodlines.
They claim to descend from
the 'gods' of the ancient
world and who or what these
'gods' were and are, I will
explain in detail later. The 'royal' families have interbred incessantly with each other
since ancient times because they are seeking to retain the DNA corruption that can
apparently be quickly diluted by breeding outside of itself. How interesting that the
families of the Illuminati and the power elite do the same to this day. Why? They are
the same bloodlines. The royal 'Divine' bloodlines of ancient Sumer and Babylon
(now Iraq), Egypt, the Indus Valley and elsewhere expanded into Europe to become
the royal and aristocratic families that ruled that continent and most of the world
through the British Empire and those of France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany
and so on. As the people began to challenge and reject the open dictatorship of royal
rule the bloodlines began to move 'underground' by operating among the population
in all the areas that control modern society …You will find a similar story all over the
world. Credo Mutwa, the official historian of the Zulu nation, told me how so many
black African leaders that were placed in power after the colonial masters gave the
continent 'independence', came from the bloodlines of African kings and queens who
claimed to descend from the same 'gods' as their white counterparts.” -David Icke,
“Tales from the Time Loop”

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Planul Illuminati pentru Romania, Bulgaria si fosta Iugoslavie
Posted on 10/01/2010

Permiteţi-mi să ma exprim destul de clar pentru toata lumea :  de 57 de ani, oficialii americani ştiau că trupele terestre americane urmau să fie staţionate în Iugoslavia, Balcani, Albania, România şi Grecia! Cu alte cuvinte, preşedintele Eisenhower ştia că, la o zi, după ce Noua Ordine Mondială a fost stabilita, trupele americane vor fi pe teren în această regiune. Acesta este planul, iar războiul din Kosovo ( 1999) a fost siretlicul conceput pentru a-i aduce acolo, in teren. Haideţi, acum, sa luam în considerare faptele.


În 1952, la Londra, Illuminati au sponsorizat o reuniune de a re-atragere a  lumii în regiuni militare dupa ce  Guvernul Unic al Lumii va intra in functiune. La începutul anilor 1920, liderii comunişti  ai Rusiei au învăţat o lecţie foarte valoroasă: au învăţat că trupele etnice s-ar putea sa nu poata fi deprinse de a fi brutale cu propriul popor. Prin urmare, comuniştii ruşi au conceput un plan prin care trupele ruse musulmane ar putea fi staţionate în teritoriile non-musulmane, şi invers. Deci, trupele nu ar avea nici o dificultate in asuprirea, incarcerarea şi uciderea oamenilor care nu sunt de ai lor. După cum veţi vedea în scurt timp, acest plan  va aplica aceste lecţii la nivel mondial. Avem de ce sa ne temem mult, după cum veţi vedea în doar câteva momente.

În 1952, Asociaţia Mondială a Parlamentarilor pentru Guvernul Mondial a decis care zone ale lumii vor fi ocupate şi ce trupe le vor patrula. Aceste forţe din întreaga lume vor fi comandate de un Director al Lumii, care va avea o organizaţie formata din 8 directori zonali şi 51 de directori regionali . Nici un director regional nu va fi vreodată responsabil pentru propria sa ţară şi nici trupele militare nu vor fi vreodată stationate în propria lor ţară. [Aceasta informaţie a fost preluat de la Consiliul Naţional Economic din New York, in 1962].

Trupelor americane le-au fost atribuite şase regiuni ale lumii, după cum sunt enumerate mai jos.

Regiunea 12 – Australia

Regiunea 32 – Uruguay, Argentina

Regiunea 75 – India, Nepal, Turkmekistan, Uzbekistan, Tadjikistan, Kirghistan, SSR( Statele Sovietului Rusesc)

Regiunea 58 – Austria, Ungaria, Cehoslovacia

Regiunea 55 – Iugoslavia, Grecia, Albania, România, şi Bulgaria - Regiunea Balcani [NOTA: Serbia, Bosnia-Herţegovina, Croaţia şi Macedonia au fost iniţial parte din fosta Iugoslavie, a se vedea harta CIA din prezenta Regiune centrala a Balcanilor, la http: / / asemenea, puteaţi vizualiza harta generală a Europei de la Din pacate la ora actuala imaginile nu mai sunt disponibile si probabil, in curand, nici site-ul-mucenicul ]

Astfel, trupele americane vor fi responsabile pentru o bucată mare din Europa, din Cehoslovacia pana în Grecia, şi mai departe în Est, frontiera din Ucraina si Turcia!

În 1952, trupele americane au fost planificate pentru a fi staţionate pe teren în regiunea 55, tocmai regiunea în care  ele au atacat în 1999! Prin urmare, ştim cu certitudine că trupele terestre americane se aflau în marş spre Serbia. Acest război a fost siretlicul prin care s-au adus Trupele America in teren, în regiunea 55.

Acum ştiti sigur că preşedintii Clinton, Bush si mai actualul Obama, au acţionat în acord perfect cu Planul lluminati pentru a insera trupele americane în Balcani, exact cum dictează acest plan din 1952 .

Acum ştiti gradul în care sunteţi minţit în fiecare conferinţă de presă şi în fiecare discurs.

Acum, ştiţi că  Congresul American şi Casa Albă urmăresc acest plan secret. 

Acum, ştiţi că fiecare eveniment major în această  “criză” este planificat.

Acum ştiti că nimic de importanţă majoră  nu se datoreaza şansei sau întâmplării.

Acum, ştiţi că personajele importante în această  “criză “( economica, politica, teritoriala,etc.)  urmăresc toate acest plan din 1952:

1. Preşedintele Obama şi tot Cabinetul lui

2. Toate Cadrele de Conducere , precum şi întregul corp de ofiţeri al Pentagonului. Amintiţi-vă, ca nici un lider militar nu va primi vreodată promovarea cu excepţia cazului în care el este de deplin acord cu privire la Planul  Noii Ordini Mondiale şi este pentru susţinerea acesteia. Acum ştiţi de ce Dwight D. Eisenhower a fost promovat peste capetele mai multor bărbaţi superiori să conducă toate forţele aliate din cel de-al Doilea Război Mondial. Acum ştiţi de ce General Powell a fost în mod similar, promovat peste mulţi bărbaţi superiori, in postul pe care l-a avut în timpul războiului din Golf.

3. Congresul – intreaga conducere a ambelor partide face parte din Planul general al Noii Ordini Mondiale şi al acestui plan regional, în mod special. Această conducere nu este pe cale să se opună preşedintelui Obama în nici un fel sustantial, chiar dacă aceasta il poate critica din cand in cand cu scopul de a face mai plauzibila întreaga situaţie.

4. Liderii din interiorul Europei, din Marea Britanie pana în Franţa si în Germania şi nu numai.

5. Preşedintele rus Medvedev si Boris Yeltsin stiu de acest plan şi nu vor acţiona pentru a-l perturba. Acestia ar putea ameninţa că intervin, şi pot trimite unităţi navale în regiune, dar ei nu vor acţiona pentru a-i opri pe americani.

6. Fostul Preşedinte sârb Slobodon Milosevic a fost parte a acestui plan şi isi ştia rolul. Nimic din ce a facut el nu a fost facut din proprie iniţiativă. Înainte ca preşedintele Clinton sa faca o mutare, Milosevic a fost conştient de acest lucru, şi înainte ca Milosevic  sa faca o miscare in sens opus, Clinton a fost conştient de ea. Fiecare detaliu este scris cu  grija ca intr-un scenariu, fiecare om fiind un actor.

Trupele care vor staţiona în Statele Unite, Canada, Mexic

Haideţi, acum, să examinam trupele care vor fi staţionate în America de Nord în conformitate cu acest plan din 1952.

1. Nord-Est – trupe columbiene şi venezuelene

2. America de SUD si tot drumul inspre California – trupele ruse. Linia începe din Virginia şi se duce direct la Vest la frontiera Californiei.

3. Vestul Mijlociu- belgieni

4. Nord-Vest, inclusiv California – trupe irlandeze

5. Canada – trupe mongole [chineze] şi ruse

6. Mexic – trupe mongole [chineze]. Mi se pare foarte interesant faptul că porţiunea Mexic in care chinezii isi vor exercita controlul include San Diego, California! Guvernul american le-a dat tocmai comuniştilor chinezi controlul asupra unei “abandonate”  Baze Navale US, în Long Beach.

Acum ştiti, chiar mai concludent că Clinton, Bush, Obama şi Congresul American sunt parti ale acestui plan din 1952, şi ca ei acţionează în întregime sub controlul Illuminati pentru a pune capăt suveranităţii americane şi ca sa unească întreaga lume sub steagul Antihrist-ului care va veni.

Trupele străine, vor avea controlul total al întregului continent Nord-American. Nici o trupa americana apreciabila ca marime nu va fi permisă în această ţară. Dar ce se va întâmpla cu cele 2.475.967  de soldati  din trupele americane staţionate în această ţară? Ele ar trebui să fie desfiinţate sau dislocate peste mări. Ceea ce s-a si intamplat si continua sa se intample, Obama trimitand tot mai multe trupe in Afganistan si deschizand noi fronturi in Pakistan si Yemen, pe motivul luptei impotriva terorii. Alt steag fals. De asemenea el a dat mana libera Interpolului in America si a cerut Canadei 1.000.000 de soldati pentru aceasta primavara, pe motivul ca se teme de o revolta sociala. Trupe chineze au fost vazute pe strazile Canadei, desi nimeni nu stie de ce. Soldati francezi au fost adusi pentru exercitii in America. In mai multe orase din nordul Americii, au aparut peste noapte trupe militare in uniforme necunoscute, a caror apartenenta nu se cunoaste, care au preluat conducerea oraselor, serifii nestiind si neputand face nimic. Cei care ati urmarit imaginile de la  Conferinta pe teme climatice de la Copenhaga, ati putut vedea politisti imbracati in uniforme atipice si avand pe spatele jachetelor un ecuson total necunoscut. Acum incepe totul sa se contureze clar si are un inteles. La fel si acea delegare  a functiilor de presedinte facuta de Obama. 

După ce crizele simultane planificate s-au produs, oamenii vor fi atât de speriati incat, pierzandu-si minţile, ei vor accepta cu entuziasm apariţia bruscă şi dramatică a unui supraom spiritual, pe care adeptii New-Age il numesc Maitreya Hristos. El va fi Antihristul. În conformitate cu Scriptura, acest om va impresiona complet popoarele lumii, cu abilitatile sale supranaturale si mai ales cu capacitatea sa de a produce “miracole”.

Toţi liderii lumii isi vor afirma sprijinul lor total fata de el şi de “planul sau global de pace”. Când Hristos va explica  “Planul său de pace”, acesta va include planul din 1952 de a împărţi lumea în diferite regiuni asa cum este el enunţat în respectivul plan.

În acel moment, doar trupele americane vor fi staţionate în Balcani, Iugoslavia [care include Bosnia şi Serbia], Grecia, România, şi Bulgaria. Este foarte interesant pentru ca acest scenariu, de eliminare a trupelor NATO nationale din această regiune şi înlocuirea lor în totalitate, cu trupe americane, a si inceput, prin cererea  facuta de NATO tuturor tarilor membre de a-si suplimenta numarul de soldati in Afganistan, si pe urma Pakistan si Yemen. Evident, numărul de trupe americane va trebui să crească în mod dramatic în această regiune, o situaţie care din punct de vedere politic,  parea imposibil de susţinut de catre alegătorii americani in timpul lui Clinton si Bush, in prezent insa parerea acestora ne mai contand pentru presedintele Obama. Un alt pas important a fost facut, tot de Obama, prin stabilirea unei baze permanente la Constanta. Vezi articolul : . Daca insa Turcia ataca Grecia mutarea soldatilor americani in Europa devine imediat posibila, deoarece  nu se poate cere celorlate tari membre NATO, care sunt si membre UE si crestine, sa nu fie partinitoare fata de Grecia, ambele tari beligerante fiind membre NATO. Americanii vor asigura solutionarea razboiului iar celorlate state li se va cere sa nu se amestece, cu atat mai mult cu cat nici una nu va avea trupe suficiente cantonate acasa.

Va reamintesc ca Romania a aderat, la cererea ei, la Fortele politiei militare internationale ale UE. Va rog sa cititi competentele acestei forte.

Pentru a avea o imagine de ansamblu a acestui plan si cum s-a conturat el din 1952 pana in zilele noastre, va mai ofer cateva date:


• Aprilie 1949 – ministrii de Externe din 12 state (Belgia, Olanda, Luxemburg, Franta, Marea Britanie, Danemarca, Islanda, Italia, Norvegia, Portugalia, Canada si Statele Unite) au semnat la Washington Tratatul Atlanticului de Nord, care instituia o alianta de cooperare colectiva.

• Februarie 1952 – Grecia si Turcia au devenit membri NATO.

• Mai 1955 – Republica Federala Germania (RFG) a devenit membru NATO.

• Mai 1955 – a aparut Pactul de la Varsovia, ca reactie la aderarea RFG la NATO.

• Martie 1966 – Franta a anuntat prin vocea presedintelui Charles de Gaulle intentia de a se retrage din structura militara a Aliantei.

• Mai 1982 – numarul membrilor NATO a crescut, ca urmare a aderarii Spaniei.

• Noiembrie 1990 – membrii NATO si cei ai Pactului de la Varsovia au semnat la Paris Tratatul CFE (Fortele Conventionale in Europa). Prin acest tratat, cele doua parti s-au angajat sa nu desfasoare actiuni agresive una impotriva celeilalte.

• Iulie 1991 – Pactul de la Varsovia a fost dizolvat, din acest moment au aparut primele intrebari referitoare la rolul Aliantei in perioada post-Razboi Rece.

• Noiembrie 1991 – Alianta a adoptat primul Concept Strategic public. NATO nu a mai fost considerat un inamic al blocului comunist.

• Decembrie 1991 – Rusia s-a alaturat Consiliului de Cooperare Nord-Atlantic, care a functionat ca forum de consultare intre membrii NATO si statele din Europa Centrala si de Est.

• Iunie 1994 – NATO a lansat Parteneriatul pentru Pace, care permite cooperarea bilaterala dintre Alianta si statele partenere. In perioada 1994-1996, in Parteneriatul pentru Pace au fost incluse 33 de state, printre care si Federatia Rusa.

• Ianuarie 1994 – membrii Aliantei au semnat Declaratia de la Bruxelles, care a stabilit deschiderea NATO pentru aderarea altor state europene din Parteneriatul pentru Pace.

• Decembrie 1995, NATO a bombardat Bosnia-Hertegovina pentru a proteja “zonele libere” ale ONU (Organizatia Natiunilor Unite) din Bosnia de atacurile armatei sarbo-bosniace a Republicii Srpska.

• Mai 1997 – Rusia si NATO au semnat Actul Fondator NATO-Rusia si au stabilit un cadru de cooperare prin Consiliului Permanent Comun NATO-Rusia.

• Iulie 1997 – la Summit-ul de la Madrid, Alianta a lansat prima invitatie de aderare pentru state foste comuniste (Ungaria, Cehia si Polonia).

• Martie 1999 – Ungaria, Cehia si Polonia au devenit in mod formal membri ai Aliantei Nord-Atlantice.

• Martie-iunie 1999 – Alianta a bombardat Kosovo pentru a pune capat actiunilor de purificare etnica declansate de sarbi impotriva albanezilor kosovari. In semn de protest, Rusia si-a suspendat temporar participarea la Consiliul Permanent Comun NATO-Rusia.

• Septembrie 2001 – dupa atacurile teroriste impotriva SUA, George Robertson, secretarul general al NATO, a invocat pentru prima data articolul 5 al Tratatului Atlanticului de Nord. Washingtonul a refuzat insa activarea prevederilor acestui articol.

• Mai 2002 – la Summit-ul de la Roma, Rusia si NATO au creat Consiliul NATO-Rusia.

• Noiembrie 2002 – la Summit-ul de la Praga, Alianta a lansat invitatia de aderare pentru Romania, Bulgaria, Slovacia, Slovenia, Lituania, Letonia si Estonia.

• Noiembrie 2002 – a fost adoptat Planul de Actiuni pentru Ucraina, care a deschis perspectiva unei cooperari intensificate si extinse intre Alianta si statul est- european.

• August 2003 – NATO a inceput prima operatiune majora in afara Europei, prin preluarea comenzii ISAF (Forta de Securitate si Asistenta) in Afganistan.

• Martie 2004 – Romania, Bulgaria, Slovacia, Slovenia, Lituania, Letonia si Estonia au devenit membri de facto ai Aliantei.

• Octombrie 2004 – Georgia a inceput procesul de cooperare cu NATO in cadrul IPAP (Planul Individual de Actiune cu Partenerii).

• Mai 2005 – NATO si Armenia au semnat acordul pentru IPAP.

• Decembrie 2005 – Alianta a incheiat acordul pentru IPAP cu Azerbaidjanul.

• Aprilie 2005 – Alianta a lansat Dialogul Intensificat cu Ucraina.

• Septembrie 2006 – pentru a raspunde aspiratiilor Georgiei la statutul de membru, NATO a initiat cu acesta un Dialog Intensificat.

• Noiembrie 2006 – la Summit-ul de la Riga, sefii de stat si de guvern ai membrilor NATO au declarat ca Albania, Macedonia si Croatia ar putea primi invitatia de aderare la Summit-ul de la Bucuresti din 2008. Albania si Macedonia au primit MAP in 1999, iar Croatia in 2002.

La 1 aprilie 2009 au aderat la NATO Albania şi Croaţia. Franţa s-a retras din comanda militară în 1966, dar a revenit în 2009. Islanda, singura ţară membră NATO care nu are o forţă militară proprie, s-a alăturat organizaţiei cu condiţia de a nu fi obligată să participe la război. In 3 decembrie 2009 “Muntenegru a primit un răspuns pozitiv la cererea sa de obţinerea a unui Plan de Acţiune în vederea Aderării (MAP, Membership Action Plan), a declarat secretarul general al Alianţei Nord-Atlantice, Anders Fogh Rasmussen.
Aceasta este ultima etapă înainte ca o ţară parteneră să-şi poată depune candidatura oficială pentru aderarea la NATO. Bosnia mai are putin de asteptat iar Serbia, tot la sfarsitul lui decembrie 2009 si-a depus cererea pentru aderarea la UE. DDupa intrarea Muntenegrului si Bosniei in NATO, Serbia are doua optiuni: ori adera si ea ori ramane singura si izolata. Acum redau in intregime un articol care mi s-a parut extrem de important si relevant si care contureaza foarte bine rolul Balcanilor , facand si mai credibil si real acest plan din 1952:

Dat fiind pozitia sa strategica, intre Europa si Asia, regiunea Marii Negre a fost revendicata timp de milenii de mai multe puteri, printre care Imperiul persan si roman, grecii, hititii, bizantinii, hunii, Turcia Otomana si Rusia Tarista, dar si de Franta lui Napoleon si Germania hitlerista.
Într-o analiza, Center for Research on Globalization, cu sediul in Canada, subliniaza, printre altele, importanta geostrategica a României si Bulgariei, pentru pretentiile Washingtonului la Marea Neagra, in conditiile in care, inainte de incetarea Tratatului de la Varsovia, in 1989, si de descompunerea Uniunii Sovietice, doi ani mai târziu, Marea Neagra nu era accesibila Occidentului in general si Pentagonului si Organizatiei Tratatului Atlanticului de Nord (NATO) in special.

Pâna in 1991, doar 4 state aveau iesire la Marea Neagra: Bulgaria, România, Turcia si Uniunea Sovietica. Turcia, in calitate de stat membru-cheie al NATO, era singura poarta de acces a Occidentului in regiune, in timp ce Bulgaria si România, a doua mai mult oficial decât in fapt, erau membre ale blocului estic si ale Tratatului de la Varsovia.
În cei 18 ani care au urmat, situatia in regiune, asemenea multor altora, s-a transformat conturându-se o noua disputa pentru controlul regiunii, in conditiile in care au aparut doua noi state cu iesire la Marea Neagra, Georgia si Ucraina, cu Abhazia adaugata in luna august.

În plus, fiecare tara membra a fostului Tratat de la Varsovia din afara fostei Uniuni Sovietice este in prezent membra a NATO si a UE, alaturi de trei foste republici sovietice de la Marea Baltica, Estonia, Lituania si Letonia. SUA au semnat acorduri pentru parteneriate strategice cu Georgia si Ucraina in ultimele doua luni, cele doua state reprezentând punctele-cheie ale incercarii Washingtonului de a obtine controlul asupra Marii Negre si a fostei Uniuni Sovietice.

Potrivit Center for Research on Globalization, in momentul de fata principalul accent al campaniei Pentagonului de a cuceri regiunea Marii Negre, si principalul punct major in mutarea interesului sau de la Est la Sud, priveste Bulgaria si România. Ambele tari, aminteste analiza, au aderat oficial la NATO la summitul de la Istanbul, in 2004 si, de atunci, au devenit ultimele – in ambele sensuri ale cuvântului – membre ale UE, se arata in analiza.

În decembrie 2004, secretarul de stat al SUA la acea data, Condoleezza Rice, a calatorit la Bucuresti pentru a semna un acord de folosire si de preluare a controlului asupra a patru baze militare: Mihail Kogalniceanu, Babadag, Cincu si Smârdan. La acel moment, explicatia SUA a fost ca Washingtonul se va folosi de respectivele patru baze pentru antrenamente, inclusiv pentru exercitii comune si multilaterale, pentru furnizarea de provizii si ca statie de tranzit pentru razboaiele din Afganistan si Irak.

În luna aprilie a lui 2006, SUA au semnat un acord similar cu tara vecina României, Bulgaria, pentru folosirea a trei dintre bazele sale militare importante, baza aeriana de la Bezmer, cea de antrenament de la Novo Selo si cea de la Graf Ignatievo, atât acordul cu Bucurestiul cât si cel cu Sofia fiind facute pentru o perioada de 10 ani. În conformitate cu acestea, Statelor Unite li s-au permis sa stationeze trupe intr-un numar care varia de la 5.000 la 10.000, prin rotatie sau permanent in ambele tari.

Dupa cum mentiona in 2006 publicatia americana Star and Stripes, acordurile prevad ca Washingtonul sa se poata folosi de bazele românesti si bulgare pentru pre-pozitionarea echipamentului si pentru trimiterea trupelor americane si echipamentului in zonele de conflict, daca este necesar. În cazul Bulgariei, a fost prima data când trupele straine au stationat pe teritoriul sau, de când fortele Wehrmachtului nazist au fost alungate in 1944, in timp ce in cazul României, prima data când aceasta permite acelasi lucru trupelor straine de la retragerea trupelor sovietice din 1958.

Cele sapte baze din cele doua tari sunt astfel primele baze militare americane pe teritoriul fostului Tratat de la Varsovia, subliniaza Center for Research on Globalization, relevând ca baza aeriana de la Bezmer, Bulgaria, este o baza similara ca importanta celei de la Mihail Kogalniceanu, in România. Baza Mihail Kogalniceanu a primit primele trupe americane deplasate in România in 2007 si a gazduit nou formata „Joint Task Force East”, fosta „Eastern Europe Task Force”.
Cu referire la bazele din România, Stars and Stripes nota ca este posibil ca trupele altor tari sa se foloseasca de bazele respective pentru antrenament si ca trupele americane stationate acolo sa se deplaseze, ca parte a turului lor de 6 luni, in tari din apropiere, Georgia si Ucraina, pentru scurte misiuni de antrenament.

Tot Star and Stripes mentiona, citând un oficial american, la 27 iulie 2008, construirea, in desfasurare, a unei baze permanente americane in România, care ar urma sa gazduiasca 1.700 de militari, si de un proiect similar in Bulgaria, cu capacitatea de a gazdui pâna la 2.500 de militari, care ar urma sa inceapa in iarna aceluiasi an. Analiza aminteste totodata ca Bulgaria si România, in momentul de fata membre ale NATO cu drepturi depline de aproximativ cinci ani, au deplasat contingente militare in Balcani, Afganistan si Irak si au pierdut militari in aceste doua din urma zone de conflict.

Desi niciuna dintre cele doua tari nu a gazduit forte sovietice sau baze ale Tratatului de la Varsovia in timpul Razboiului Rece, ambele sunt in prima linie a unor viitoare razboaie in zona Marii Negre, cum a fost cel din luna august a anului trecut dintre Rusia si Georgia, un conflict care ar fi putut foarte usor sa fie importat in Ucraina, se mai arata in analiza. Asa cum remarca presedintele român Traian Basescu, in luna august a anului trecut, „România este responsabila pentru protejarea frontierelor UE si NATO”, iar flota româna este responsabila in numele UE si al statelor aliate.

România si Bulgaria vor fi ambele facute sa isi respecte aceasta promisiune, acesta fiind unul dintre motivele cruciale pentru care cele doua tari au fost absorbite in structurile NATO, sustine analiza. De asemenea, potrivit Center for Research on Globalization, ambelor li se va ordona sa intervina in fosta Iugoslavie – Kosovo si Bosnia – daca Washingtonul si Bruxelles-ul, o vor cere. Totodata, ambele tari sunt implicate in circuitul trupelor pentru razboiul din Afganistan si pentru ocuparea Irakului.

Timp de doi ani, s-a mentionat in mod repetat ca bazele bulgare, acum bulgaro-americane, pot fi folosite pentru atacuri impotriva Iranului, cea mai recenta referire la aceasta fiind facuta de catre ambasadorul rus la NATO, Dmitri Rogozin, in luna septembrie a anului trecut. Dupa cum remarca, Vakhtang Maisaia, presedintele Asociatiei pentru Politica Externa din Georgia, „zona Marii Negre este o zona geostrategica vitala pentru Alianta, alaturi de misiunea sa ISAF in Afganistan, de operatiunile logistice in Darfur, de misiunile de antrenament ale NATO din Irak si de operatiunile de mentinere a pacii din Kosovo.

În prezent, sublinia acesta, unele din semnele clare ale noului interes al NATO in regiunea Marii Negre, incluzând Caucazul de Sud si sub-regiunile Europei de Sud-Est, dar si Marea Neagra insasi, pot fi remarcate având in vedere geo-economia, aici intrând si rezervele de energie ale Marii Caspice. Odata cu includerea României si Bulgariei in Alianta Nord-Atlantica, Marea Neagra a fost incorporata in zona vizata de articolul 5 al Tratatului de constituire al NATO (cel privind apararea colectiva), zona unde este posibila activarea Combined Joint Task Force, se mai arata in analiza.
Din pacate acest plan din 1952 nu este doar o profetie. El este un fapt real care se implineste cu fiecare zi ce trece. Trebuie sa ai orbul gainii ca sa nu vezi aceasta realitate, pe care, din pacate, noi suntem cei care o traim. Legat de faptul ca Romania va fi ferita de un razboi, dupa cum se contureaza planul, sincer va spun ca ma indoiesc de acest lucru.
Acum avem niste repere mult mai precise si mai palpabile pentru a intelege cat de aproape sau departe suntem de vremurile de pe urma. Din nefericire pentru noi suntem foarte-foarte aproape iar timpul se scurge in defavoarea noastra.

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Atractie turistica!?

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Vezi vreo gaura...ceva!?
MANIPULARE(sub fulare...!)!

First Photo Ever Of The Entire North Pole As Seen From Space!

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O poza fara nori nu exista?

Ar trebui, prin analogie, sa vedem si la alte planete din sistemul nostru solar acelasi lucru.

Si unde erau aceste gauri, aceste intrari, pe vremea cand era acolo zona tropicala cu vegetatie si mamuti?

Ma gandesc si eu ca proasta...

Exista vortex-uri ale campului magnetic terestru ceea ce poate fi speculat ca fiind portaluri inter sau multi dimensionale.

Ceea ce e o alta abordare.


Hai sa revenim la un subiect mai " palpabil ", intr-o oarecare masura.

Ce nu inteleg eu este ce frecventa au aceste " vibratii " si cum se pot decela.

Daca depasesc spectrul radiatiilor gamma atunci nu prea avem aparate, de fapt intram  intr-o bucla inchisa daca nu operam pe spatii complexe...
Mi-e lene sa scriu,
M-am saturat si sa-mi bat gura degeaba fara sa nu fiu inteles ...

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Locuri stranii din Romania

”Cerul straniu” de la Bozioru
Pe langa Complexul schiturilor rupestre, comuna Bozioru din judetul Buzau este recunoscuta pentru “cerul straniu”. Comuna Bozioru, cu satul Fisici si catunul Nucu, aproape de Lacul Gotes, are deasupra cupola unui cer de o claritate neverosimila, ale carui nuante intense contrariaza lumea stiintifica.
Demersurile stiintifice au evaluat in masuratori sticlirile cerului de Bozioru la 23.000 de grade Kelvin, in timp ce pentru un cer senin acesta ajunde de regula la 6.000 de grade Kelvin.
Asemenea unui vortex, unei spirale care te absoarbe catre o alta dimensiune, cerul din Bozioru iti amorteste simturile hipnotic si te transporta in strafundurile fiintei cu vehicule nestiute. Cercetatorii extrasenzoriali il considera fara dubiu, una dintre portile energetice ale Universului, in care spatiul si timpul se acorda cu axa infinitului.
Pe langa cerul aparte, organizatii oficiale sau mai putin oficiale au fost atrase de evenimentele devenite obisnuite, aici, care au depasit de mult eticheta coincidentei. Disparitii misterioase de persoane, care s-au facut nevazute sub ochii celor care le insoteau si care, fie nu au mai aparut niciodata, fie s-au trezit in cu totul alt loc, fara sa stie ce au patit; defectarea inexplicabila a aparaturii electronice; izvoarele radioactive, asa-zisele ape vii; anomaliile magnetice; aparitia unor Obiecte Zburatoare Neidentificate.; activarea brusca a fenomenelor telepatice si a altor manifestari extrasenzoriale, la oameni obisnuiti care traverseaza locul, sunt numai cateva dintre ciudateniile Boziorului.

Unii dintre istorici sustin ca muntii Buzaului reprezinta leaganul crestinismului din Romania. In asezarile rupestre din masivul Crucea Spatarului au locuit la doar 300 de ani dupa Hristos primii misionari crestini sositi din Orientul Mijlociu, ca sa propovaduiasca invatatura lui Hristos. Cea mai veche asezare, dintre cele aproape 20 cate sunt in complexul de vestigii rupestre, este grota numita Fundul Pesterii, care a fost locuita inca din secolul 6 IEN. Are incrustate pe pereti mai multe scrieri nedescifrate, dintr-un alfabet local.


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Sun Ejects Mystery Object 2012 HD


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Una ieri.


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Fericitzi cei cu IQ-ul negativ!!!

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Dupa invadarea Irakului americanii au fost primii care au distrus si/sau furat multe dintre aceste artefacte.
ISIS, la fel ca si AlQaeda, este o creatie a Ocultei.
De ce continua distrugerea probelor din Irak care fac trimitere la vechiul Sumer si implicit la istoria omenirii?
Cui foloseste si de ce se tem?
Cine se teme ca lumea afla adevarul despre "Anunnaki" si originea noastra? ce atata inversunare si ura impotriva lor?
Cine a dat comanda stie sigur adevarul!

"And you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free."

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Probabil ca toti bat campii....
Auzi, UFO!
Nu exista asa ceva.
Si nici hotie in Romania....

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About us...

To simplify, I shall say this:
The man in his evolution, especially when Enki largely accelerated it, lived two births.


Why? How? What difference between two genetic manipulations ?

The fundamental difference is the BLOOD.
Because, in order that the Homo Sapiens Sapiens becomes the man he is today, he must be kneaded with the blood of gods.
In the literal meaning of the word.
In order that a real compatibility existed between humankind and the Nephilims, it was necessary that their seed of life was truly and authentically in common. And not just the sum of a slow and uncertain evolution where other uncontrollable or unknown parameters could arise.
Thus, to conceive the Man, Enki should gather:
. The BLOOD of gods, or their ESSENCE
. and the CLAY from earth.

The gods asked Enki " to produce a great artwork of wisdom ", of scientific expertise.
And a witness of this period tells on one of the tablets, that he had no problem to do and perform the task devolved to him!
The witness tells:
Enki gave his instructions to the mother goddess and asserted:

" Add to a nucleus of clay of the Foundation of Earth
Just over the Abzu –
and give it the shape of a nucleus.
I shall amass some blood, I shall create bones... "

The blood of the gods is not just the certainty of some kingship. Of a right to reign or to war.

The blood of gods is the BREATH OF LIFE.

That the ancient Hebrews called “Nephesh” or spirit, soul.
Here is, indeed, the foundation of Enki's gift to the men, to the women, to all that we are: A SOUL.
Here is what will mean the metaphor " in the image of Gods": besides the soul, the divine "imprint" or origin of the source.

The blood of the gods ENKI And THOT flows in us. It’s at the same time the vehicle, support of the soul and the soul itself.
Our blood conveys more than our family genes.
It transports in it our spiritual ID card. Which will be never erased.

Because indeed, it was Enki who gave his genes, what makes sense. He is the Creator, the researcher, the geneticist, the scientist, he participates thus totally, actively, entirely, if I may say, in this fabulous adventure which is to forge the NEW MAN.
THOT, the great Egyptian god, at the request of his father, also contributed to it. Completely. Moreover, the name given to Thot by the Sumerians was: NIN.GISH.ZIDDA or " Lord of the Tree of Life ".

It was the wife of Enki, Damkina, known also as Ninki, who "served" as birth goddess.
To carry the " first perfect man", was needed a fertile woman, capable of carrying a child, and naturally, of pure blood and healthy.

" Ninki my spouse goddess,
will be the one to give birth.
Seven goddesses-of-birth will stand close, to assist her ".

Once realized the mixture of the blood and the clay, Enki would seal his creation by giving it " the divine imprint ":

" The destiny of the newborn you will pronounce
Ninki will put the image of the gods and
that he is a MAN ".

(Attention, do not confuse the goddesses.
Ninhursag / Ninmah helped Enki to create the "lulu", the first homo sapiens, primitive worker.
Ninki / Damkina, wife of Ea/Enki carried the first successful specimen of the man, the first Adam, Adapa, the Adam pattern of the Homo Sapiens Sapiens.)

The first "perfect" man had been born. Adam - Adapa - First civilized man.
(There, again, do not confuse, the Sumerian names are difficult for us:
Adamu = lulu, first primitive worker.
Adapa = first prototype of the Homo sapiens sapiens, the Adam of the Bible. They are not the same Adam).
He will become the " pattern of men". Genetically speaking. The Sumerians report that without complex:

" In these times, in these years
The Wise of Eridu, EA,
created him as pattern of men".

Adapa is considered as son of Ea. Besides, the creative god loved so much this being that he adopted him.
As Ninki was really pregnant of Adapa, as she carried him and as the baby, himself, was "marked" with the imprint of Enki, it is obvious here that:


All of us, we descend from Enki / Ea and Ninki / Damkina. And obviously of Adapa / Adam.
So, in the blood of gods lives " this something ", the soul, the spirit, the breath.
This blood, this soul is the receptacle of his personality, his nature, his essence, his memory...
EA wanted this: to put in the man " the genes of gods ".

Let us read once more time the Sumerians, who tell here the birth of the first man:

" In the clay, god and Man will be bound
in a unity gathered.
So that, till the end of days,
the Flesh and the Soul
which, in a god, matured –
this Soul is bound in a blood relationship;
As its Sign, the life will proclaim it.
So that it is not forgotten,
So that the Soul is bound in a blood relationship. "

That is very strong, very profound and very promising.
Because it's what I always thought ; WE WERE MORE THAN WE THOUGHT.
I taught it, I wrote it.
Yes, we were created in the image of God.
Yes, we are divine beings.
Yes, the divine spark vibrates in us.
The infinite Presence. THE Consciousness.
Except that many, of which I was part of, lose their way and think that this is the god of the bible with fierce angers or “submission-mop”.
In truth, we were born from elsewhere, and as I already said and written:


That's why by recognizing our origins, we open ourselves to the power of our true Father.
And especially, we connected ourselves to an egregor of progress, innovation and especially fidelity in the act of giving.

Forever bound to Enki by his genes
To The one, who a long time ago, offered himself, body and soul to the rising humankind.

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Remember !

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marsel90 a scris:

Si Ponta cica vrea sa interzica exportul de lemn, pai cum domnu' Minciunica, avem voie sa facem asta sau e doar o masura populista? O sa zica apoi ca nu stiu ce acord nu-l lasa, sa faca asta, ca si cu referendumul anti Base, bre Ponta, ori faci ceva ce poate schimba cu adevarat in bine, ori mai bine nu te mai preface. Ne acceptam soarta si ne vindem in continuara strainilor !
Am facut un recensamant pe 100 de cunoscuti : 20 plecati  in afara : Sua, Canada, Germania; 15  se chinuie cu o firma si mai ciubucaresc ceva, 40 muncesc la multinationale sau companii straine, 15 lucreaza la companii 'romanesti' facute cu banii din vechiul regim (gen Antena cu banii din Crescent)
10 stau - bani de la babaci, mosteniri, rude in strainatate. specula imobiliara anterioara si proprietati blocate de care trebuie sa scape cumva. Cercul in care ma invart e destul de ok in sensul ca sunt oameni ambitiosi, cu facultate, parinti ok, daca fac acelasi sondaj la intamplare, numarul celor care stau e mult mai mare si nu ma refer la someri ci la cei asistati ; aici s-a dorit sa ajungem , aici am ajuns, e si vina noastra ca natie, ne vindem prea ieftin, va recomand sa cititi De ce este România altfel? de Lucian Boia

Modificat de rvic77 (acum 9 ani)

Bucharest East FM DX-er - KN34GL - Fundulea
Current DX devices : Sony SA3ES (eskip & listen), Onkyo Integra T4670 (tropo straight antenna DX), Tecsun PL390 (portable) and Tecsun PL390 (portable)
Backup : Sony ST920B, Eton G5, Sony Z1 -mobile phone radio

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Apucati-va de lucruri serioase !

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Postari: 202
Un articol interesant : - credeti ca grecii vor reusi sa iasa de sub stapanire ?
Ce sansa am avea noi ca tara stiindu-ne intr-o situatie asemanatoare, dar fiind un popor supus abordand ideea 'Capul plecat, sabia nu-l taie'
Posibil ca daca iese Grecia sa inceapa sa ne suga mai mult pe noi, ca doar se poate, suntem facuti special pentru asta 

Bucharest East FM DX-er - KN34GL - Fundulea
Current DX devices : Sony SA3ES (eskip & listen), Onkyo Integra T4670 (tropo straight antenna DX), Tecsun PL390 (portable) and Tecsun PL390 (portable)
Backup : Sony ST920B, Eton G5, Sony Z1 -mobile phone radio

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Postari: 10788
E simpla schema de jaf global doar ca lumea e proasta si ignoranta.

Fericitzi cei cu IQ-ul negativ!!!

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Remember !

Bagati la cap ca nu e gluma !
E crunta realitate.
Treziti-va !

Fericitzi cei cu IQ-ul negativ!!!

pus acum 9 ani

Din: Vechime
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- A fost relansat RDI-BOARDS ! -

Accesati noul forum @ !

ROMANIAN SMART INFO ramane, asa cum a mai fost, forumul de rezerva in caz de avarie pe forumul principal !
Momentan postarile pe anumite sectiuni de aici au fost blocate.

Have fun !

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