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June 4, 2010: Earth and space are about to come into contact in a way that's new to human history. To make preparations, authorities in Washington DC are holding a meeting: The Space Weather Enterprise Forum at the National Press Club on June 8th.
As the Sun Awakens... (spaceweather poster, 200px)
Many technologies of the 21st century are vulnerable to solar storms. [more]

Richard Fisher, head of NASA's Heliophysics Division, explains what it's all about:

"The sun is waking up from a deep slumber, and in the next few years we expect to see much higher levels of solar activity. At the same time, our technological society has developed an unprecedented sensitivity to solar storms. The intersection of these two issues is what we're getting together to discuss."

The National Academy of Sciences framed the problem two years ago in a landmark report entitled "Severe Space Weather Events—Societal and Economic Impacts." It noted how people of the 21st-century rely on high-tech systems for the basics of daily life. Smart power grids, GPS navigation, air travel, financial services and emergency radio communications can all be knocked out by intense solar activity. A century-class solar storm, the Academy warned, could cause twenty times more economic damage than Hurricane Katrina.

Much of the damage can be mitigated if managers know a storm is coming. Putting satellites in 'safe mode' and disconnecting transformers can protect these assets from damaging electrical surges. Preventative action, however, requires accurate forecasting—a job that has been assigned to NOAA.

"Space weather forecasting is still in its infancy, but we're making rapid progress," says Thomas Bogdan, director of NOAA's Space Weather Prediction Center in Boulder, Colorado.

Bogdan sees the collaboration between NASA and NOAA as key. "NASA's fleet of heliophysics research spacecraft provides us with up-to-the-minute information about what's happening on the sun. They are an important complement to our own GOES and POES satellites, which focus more on the near-Earth environment."
As the Sun Awakens... (movie strip, 568px)
Click on the image to play a 39 MB movie about space weather and NASA's heliophysics fleet. [more]

Among dozens of NASA spacecraft, he notes three of special significance: STEREO, SDO and ACE.

STEREO (Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory) is a pair of spacecraft stationed on opposite sides of the sun with a combined view of 90% of the stellar surface. In the past, active sunspots could hide out on the sun's farside, invisible from Earth, and then suddenly emerge over the limb spitting flares and CMEs. STEREO makes such surprise attacks impossible.

SDO (the Solar Dynamics Observatory) is the newest addition to NASA's fleet. Just launched in February, it is able to photograph solar active regions with unprecedented spectral, temporal and spatial resolution. Researchers can now study eruptions in exquisite detail, raising hopes that they will learn how flares work and how to predict them. SDO also monitors the sun's extreme UV output, which controls the response of Earth's atmosphere to solar variability.
As the Sun Awakens... (solar prominence, 200px)
On April 19, 2010, SDO observed one of the most massive eruptions in years. Earth was not in the line of fire ... this time. [full story]

Bogdan's favorite NASA satellite, however, is an old one: the Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) launched in 1997. "Where would we be without it?" he wonders. ACE is a solar wind monitor. It sits upstream between the sun and Earth, detecting solar wind gusts, billion-ton CMEs, and radiation storms as much as 30 minutes before they hit our planet.

"ACE is our best early warning system," says Bogdan. "It allows us to notify utility and satellite operators when a storm is about to hit.”

NASA spacecraft were not originally intended for operational forecasting—"but it turns out that our data have practical economic and civil uses," notes Fisher. "This is a good example of space science supporting modern society."

2010 marks the 4th year in a row that policymakers, researchers, legislators and reporters have gathered in Washington DC to share ideas about space weather. This year, forum organizers plan to sharpen the focus on critical infrastructure protection. The ultimate goal is to improve the nation’s ability to prepare, mitigate, and respond to potentially devastating space weather events.

"I believe we're on the threshold of a new era in which space weather can be as influential in our daily lives as ordinary terrestrial weather." Fisher concludes. "We take this very seriously indeed."

For more information about the meeting, please visit the Space Weather Enterprise Forum home page at

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Major news here:
In a move that presses to have Ufo disclosure on an unprecedented scale  throughout the EU, an Italian Member of the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France, has submitted a request to the highest legislative body within the European Union for full disclosure of classified UFO documents by the 27 nation governments that belong to the EU! :

Below is an extract of his submission which you may read here:

Written declaration on the declassification of documentation on UFOs
The European Parliament,
–      having regard to Articles 4, 179, 180 and 189 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,
–      having regard to Rule 123 of its Rules of Procedure,
A.      whereas in 1978 the 33rd General Assembly of the United Nations formally recognised UFOs as a valid issue,
B.      whereas in 1993 a resolution drafted by the Italian physicist Tullio Regge and seeking to extend to European level the investigative remit of what was then the only government body looking into UFOs (the SEPRA, which has now become the GEIPAN) was tabled in Parliament,
C.      whereas many members of the scientific community have been looking into the issue of UFOs and have denounced the systematic covering-up of information on the subject,
D.      whereas a study of the material collected by the governments of all the Member States would have major scientific and technological spinoffs,
1.      Considers it essential to set up a scientific centre for the analysis and dissemination of the scientific data gathered to date by various European bodies and governments;
2.      Calls for public archives on UFOs to be opened up and for records to be declassified by the Member States, thus providing the public and the mass media with access to the full range of documentation on the subject;
3.      Instructs its President to forward this declaration, together with the names of the signatories, to the Council, the Commission and the governments of the Member States.

Source - EU Parliament

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Methane and Martial Law in the Gulf of Mexico


Earlier this week Reuters reported on a massive amount of methane discovered in the Gulf of Mexico. Texas A&M University oceanography professor John Kessler said methane gas levels in some areas are “astonishingly high.” Kessler recently returned from a 10-day research expedition near the BP oil gusher. Kessler’s team measured both surface and deep water within a 5-mile (8 kilometer) radius of BP’s destroyed wellhead. “There is an incredible amount of methane in there,” Kessler told reporters. He said the level may be as much as one million times the normal level.

In late May BP said methane makes up about 40 percent of the leaking crude by mass. In addition to methane, large mounts of toxic hydrogen sulfide, benzene and methylene chloride are leaking into the Gulf according to the EPA and others.

Lindsay Williams, a former Alaskan pipeline chaplain with high-level oil industry connections, told the Alex Jones Show on June 10 that deadly gases are indeed escaping from the breached wellhead.

Investigative journalist Wayne Madson, writing for Oil Price, states that his sources inside the federal government, FEMA, and the US Army Corps of Engineers are dealing with a prospective “dead zone” created by the escaping methane within a 200 mile radius from the Deepwater Horizon disaster.

In addition, Madsen reports, Corexit 9500, the oil dispersant used by BP, is viewed by FEMA sources as mixing with evaporated water from the Gulf. This deadly mixture is then absorbed by rain clouds and produces toxic precipitation that threatens to continue killing marine and land animals, plant life, and humans within a 200-mile radius of the Deepwater Horizon disaster site in the Gulf.

The “dead zone” created by a combination of methane gas and Corexit toxic rain, Madsen continues, will ultimately result in the evacuation and long-term abandonment of cities and towns within the 200-mile radius of the oil gusher.

“Plans are being put in place for the mandatory evacuation of New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Mandeville, Hammond, Houma, Belle Chase, Chalmette, Slidell, Biloxi, Gulfport, Pensacola, Hattiesburg, Mobile, Bay Minette, Fort Walton Beach, Panama City, Crestview, and Pascagoula,” Madsen writes.

On June 13, SoCal Martial Law Alerts (SCMLA) predicted that Gulf states would be evacuated. “Greg Evensen, a retired Kansas Highway Patrolman, estimates that 30-40 million people would need to be evacuated away from the Gulf’s coastline (i.e. at least 200 miles inland),” SCMLA reported.

In order to accomplish this gargantuan feat, the federal government (through FEMA and other agencies) would most likely seek first to control and manage the transportation system and then operate relocation centers to manage evacuees. Toward this end, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has already declared the airspace over the oil spill site to be a no-fly zone until further notice. Various sources have indicated that local police, highway patrol, National Guard, US military and foreign troops may be involved in an operation to evacuate the Gulf Coast. In fact, the Governor of Louisiana has already requested evacuation assistance (i.e. National Guard) for his state from the Department of Defense (DoD) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

Madsen’s trusted sources now lend credence to the SCMLA report.

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Latest web bot predictions 2010

Flu Shots

US Government doesn't have enough personnel to implement forced vaccinations. Whole schools will be closed from parents pulling their kids due to forced vaccinations...will cause chaos in school systems nationwide.

FEMA Camps - Internment Relocation Specialists being hired right now

All it really is a request for applications to fill positions. Not enough $$ in our current budget to hire enough people to man enough posts to create actual internment camps. If there was going to be a big push on internment camps, there would be cement trucks and purchases in these areas. Cement sales are's all fear-based propaganda. There isn't enough people to round up and maintain these camps. 1/3 of all people will refuse the flu vaccine = 100 million people in the US.

Outsourcing - Foreign troops or United Nations to enforce FEMA camps?

Logistics state this can't happen. They would need millions of troops and these numbers don't exist.

The numbers argue against it. 1970's Swine Flu - ppl were 16x more likely to have a fatal incident than ppl who just got the flu. We now have that history. If the gov wanted ppl to show up for the vaccine, they should remain soft and create enough fear to voluntarily take the vaccine.

The collapsing dollar will put pressure on everything including the government to do anything. For every 12 months you work, you give 8 to the government. That cannot continue. The people should recall every representative that they can possibly do because it will be too late to wait until 2010 to vote them out. No diffeence between Obama and McCain in their ideologies because they're funded and controlled by the same masters. We have the ability to recall politicians. They don't work for the populus, they work for the shadow government.

Revolution in 2010

Congress has an approval rating of 12% but 90+ re-election rate. Congress uses the divide and conquer process. (voting for the lesser of two evils). The universe will put us in a position by July 2010 to where mass movements will occur in such a manner to make the mass movements in the 60's look make any other mass movement on the planet look like training exercises. TPTB will not be able to withstand this...there will be a mob action with millions of people involved.

Nearly a billion of ppl will die this upcoming year...disease, revolutionary war and starvation associated with the collapsing dollar. This will cause conditions that will resemble the French Revolution

Swine Flu & Forced Vaccinations

Real purpose is population reduction. It will be a long term effect that will cause people to die.

What happens if we refuse the vaccine?

Let them make it a criminal offense. If enough people are criminal, then they have no power. The gov's only power is to legislate and to create money. They try to make you take a stand by making you a criminal. My stand would be, make me a criminal..then I’m in a real good subclass with the rest of the population later. Then it’s up to them to have a response. If I stand as a sovereign individual, there is nothing you can do to compel me to do this. At some point if you force me to cross the line and band to do that, then the gov is risking their position and power. If you do that to enough people, the lack of them will become noticed. The refuseniks will start with the soccer moms who refuse to let their children get vaccinated. 15-20% will be refuseniks, and up to 90% of children may not go to school. We can shut them down with non-cooperation.

7th Day Adventist doctor is talking about the danger of vaccinating against anything that’s a swine protein. Has to do with similarity of the pig and human’s proteins, which is only 2 small molecules different from our own.

Waiver for Flu Shot?

There are in some places. In WA, you don’t have to take the vaccine. There are healthcare waivers in some states. It won’t matter because you’re still playing their game. Just say NO instead.

Government plans on 4% of refusals to vaccine. Fear thru $1,000 day fine. People will go from criminal to revolutionary because of this.

Divide and Conquer

The MSM tells us we’re divided. They’re only in your own mind. We have a class division that’s coming out. It will be a class struggle, not racial or religious.

The revolution will occur with or without the forced vaccinations. They’ll still try something else, the dollar will collapse by fall, there will be international incidents that cause food shortages, economic collapse, unemployment, etc.. The bigger the gov, the bigger the lies. All of their lies will come to not because the lies will become exposed. e.g. lies on the unemployment numbers. By January 2010, they might say the unemployment rate is 11% but it’ll be more like 40%. This will motivate ppl to participate ppl in the next phase of the American Revolution. Between January and July, we’re gonna get real active. In July it turns and we start to take things back.

How will the Gov make their case to force the vaccinations?

Scientists are trying to alter the H1N1 into a stronger virus to be released by January. H1N1 actually mutates into something less lethal as it goes forward. They’re gonna have to engineer something in the lab that’ll scare people to fall into line with the vaccinations.

Swine Flu Vaccine was patented over a year ago before the flu ever existed. The flu was cooked up in a lab.

Vitamin D and Vitamin D3. Try to maintain 5000 units of Vitamin D each day.

In January, 1 or 2 localities, maybe more 30-40 localities, and the gov will plant a more lethal version of this flu where 2/3 of the school populus comes up with this sickness, trying to force others to take the vaccine. There will be a terrible backlash of the vaccine… will cause a health case crisis of its own later in 2010 in our ability to support those who are sick from the vaccine.

Our body creates 40,000 international units of Vitamin D in just two hours in the sun.

Why is January and February so critical for TPTB to do the checkmate?

Lower light levels in February. Less exposure to sun and producing enough vitamin D. People are indoor “critters” during the winter and don’t make their own vitamin D. Our immune system is at its weakest in January and February in the northern hemisphere in those months.

Chemtrails: Is there a correlation to chemtrails and forced vaccination. e.g. high amount of aluminum in chemtrails.

Aluminum has a correlation with Alzheimer’s and dementia. It creates the loss of the ability to control our emotional state. At low levels, it produces a lowering of will and makes you more compliant.

Fluoride in the water is attempting to make us more docile.


Population density is the trigger for chemtrails. The chemtrail patents all seem to be going to the idea to be reducing radiation from space. If this were true, there would be spraying over some large areas over the desert (in heat islands such as the ones found in larger, densely populated areas). Chemtrail contents include aluminum, barium, silica, cadnium, etc. Usually TPTB would waste resources that way. They’re trying to reflect energies away from population centers or there is a specific subset of mineral based compounds that they want humans to ingest. We’re burning up 9,000 gallons an hours in the US just to maintain chemtrails over the west coast. Where’s the money coming from? The taxpayers.

The Revolution

This won’t be like our last revolutions. It will spread along the population where we all realize we’ve been used as slaves all of our lives and the slaves will be revolting. Our data in the longer terms suggests by November 2010, chemtrails won’t be an issue anymore.

If Israel reconsiders their attack on the Iranian underground bunker and as a result no radioactivity is released into the atmosphere, is it still probable the consequences as outlines in the Alta Reports will still occur?

In a sense that certainly is the case. If the Israelis don’t attack Iran, there might be an “ill wind’ that instead of bringing radioactivity, it might bring a new mutated swine flu, a poisonous form of chemtrails, methane gas being released from the Pacific Ocean and gassing the pacific coast, so it doesn’t negate the higher level archetypes because some of the detail levels we chose as the most probable never materialized.

Can CIA or Mossad flood the web with misleading data?


Will the US Federal Government in Washington DC still exist and function after the overthrow of TPTB?

The government won’t be the same. We won’t have the same relationship to a centralized government. When TPTB goes, so does the central bank. At this point, I can’t predict what type of form it will be because we haven’t invented it yet. It’s up to us. The central bank and warfare model is dieing and won’t exist by 2015 and will be a remnant of itself by 2010.

Going from a planetary society to a Class 1 civilization

Between 2010-2015, our planet has the opportunity to become a Class 1 civilization where we have the ability to affect local regions of space by colonizing the moon or Mars. During this time there will be vast amounts of chaos. TPTB are going to suffer their downfall. Their infrastructure will go away into something that we can’t describe at this time.

Will people on their own to survive without government support?

That’s the indication we get. Right now, there isn’t any real government support for anybody and they demonstrate that repeatedly since (Hurricane) Katrina. People need to realize they’re on their own and their destiny is in their own hands.

What about resources to survive (e.g. water, food)

Get on the internet and research what you need. Dew wells get moisture from the air. Our planet can support 100 billion people if we use the resources well.

Taking the step from a class 00 to a class 1 society

The very technology at the core of taking that step from a class 00 to a class 1 society is the technology that liberates humans from having to bow down to any kind of centralized authority because it gives you, for instance, infinite energy in the form of ZPM machines, anti- gravity, the potential to have replication, the potential to tickle the template to create a plate of cheese from a pile of sand where you don’t have to worry about scarcity and it liberates you in a fashion that’s best discussed as a true liberation of the mind. When that occurs, it’s like, “Why do I care about the Central Bank and what they want to order me to do?”

Renewable energy status

…was created and existed since 1956. The shadow governments were very successful with that stuff in the 60’s. It exists now but there’s a barrier between us and it.

Will any US body called the government have any enforcement power over the people?

For a brief period of time, that will be the case. We’ll have that, especially in 2010. From July 2010 onward, we will have passed the peak of the ability of a central government in the US to enforce anything on the populous and in fact, the minions of the central government of the US will be on the run from July onward.

Does your predictive language indicate an effort to deliberately kill American citizens or military personnel thru the forced H1N1 program?

Leave out the word force and I’ll agree with you. From January onward, it’ll be mportant for Americans to maintain their health.

If Marshall Law is imposed, will guns be taken?

It’s too big of a task. Only a small percentage of the population was left behind with Katrina. Presidential Directive 51 is just a law…words on a sheet of paper. You can be afraid of that language if you want, but you’re attempting to manifest the outcome they want.

Nazi Germany

It’ll take 20 million people to enforce this. Once that spark goes (the revolution) it will spread very rapidly. The melting pot works against TPTB. We have more in common with ourselves than with the political elite. TPTB will try to shift the blame from them to the financial minions (banker, brokers, etc) and they’ll attempt to take that smear and move it down to the Jewish population in general and after we’ve slaughtered all of the bankers and we still have that anger, we’ll be turning it to TPTB and they won’t want that. This is the only risk we see to the revolution impetus. It’s just like Nazi Germany all over again. They used a common hatred of the bankers who happened to be Zionist Jews and transferred it to the Jewish population at large and there you go. And they’re gonna try it all over again because it worked so well the first time.

They try to create neural pathways in your mind, based on Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP). It’s a form of hypnosis that creates a pathway in your mind so all they have to do is move your consciousness into that pathway and it’ll naturally follow the path of least resistance. If you don’t question those images, then you’ll suck them up. The bigger the lie more repeated, the more it becomes true. You need to disrupt that neural pathway in your mind by questioning it. Know they’re using subliminal crud against you.

Analog to digital TV

Used to cram more subliminal messages to us.

Is there something in the ALTA reports to suggest illness in ppl or animals attributed to an increase in atmospheric mold exacerbated by chemtrails?

Yes, we’ve had that since 2003. The language goes out far enoug to encapsulate Morgellans Disease, the fiber disease as well that will affect us at least thru the next two generations for forty years.

When will a new form of currency come around?

The death of the dollar will spend a whole year from 9/09 thru 9/10, within that time an underlying technology will transform the planet and will do away with currencies as we know them now. It may mean there is no currency or a global caloric credit but it does appear there will be a large collective of individuals run by a majority of women. By the time we get to 2013, this pan-global feminine collective will have worked out a new form of global currency. There is a resource shift that will go on at this time. A billion people will die in the next few years, if all goes well. We’ll still be resource restrained. There’s enough of resources left as a species to propel us for 10 billion people, to clean up our planet to get us into a class 1 civilization but we’ll have to so very carefully because there’s many opportunities to make horrific mistakes. A new form of currency won’t last. Currency does not appear to be a big deal to that future society.

The dollar we be gone by November 2, 2010 with the main bulge of that being gone by the summer of next year. The Amero will never happen.

Microchipping the population

The possibility is very, very low. We don’t see any of the linguistics going on now. There will be satellite disruptions by early 2012, there won’t be any form of cable broadcast TV that will be meaningful. Most of the good stuff from my viewpoint occurs from July (2010) onward, so I’m just trying to get thru July and things will lessen up a little bit. The computer chip thing is part of the old paradigm and won’t extend into the future. The idea of central control of anything will start to die by July of next year.

Can we equate the Aquarian Age with free will?

Certainly… and knowledge because you can’t have will power unless you have knowledge to effectively use it

People are concerned with losing freedom of speech, freedom of the press, etc., We all know the press is no longer what it used to be when the press is owned by 85% is owned by 5 companies, there’s a mediaopoly.

Those 5 companies are owned by a tight collection of people that are related thru blood to the Zionist bankers. There’s never been freedom of the press unless you owned the press. Now we all own the press thru the power of the internet and TPTB find this very difficult to cope with because they’ve made themselves very financially dependant on it, so they can’t shut it down without affecting their buddies with whom they cohabit and need support and get their living off the internet.

Losing the Internet Bill S773

Data indicates that they will attempt to do this twice during the revolution.

If you know the IP address, you can still access the internet….then they’ll come up with schemes to block IP addresses. There is an alternative form that will be hosted on bulletin board-like systems that used to exist prior to the internet. The only thing that is discreet and centralized about the internet is the DNS servers and we can all live without that, we just have to make adjustments. When they try to shut it down around the equinox, March 23rd of next year, when that occurs and it fails, they’re gonna be rather shocked at the response. I can’t go into any detail because I don’t want to frontload TPTB about that.

Red Dawn or Jericho scenario?

Nothing suggests anything like either. There’s gonna be catastrophic problems and we still have, for instance, words around the idea that there may be a mass evacuation of the US northward, or the northern hemisphere northward in general. There are some things described as the alien wars that could resemble that but it’s not a Russian or Cuban invasion of the US.

Project Bluebeam false flag?

We do see an explicit attempt by TPTB on their last gasp attempt during a revolutionary chaotic phase, of what everybody is calling this Project Bluebeam or fake ET invasion. That does not cause the alien wars data to exist. It won’t be successful.

ET contact

We do have to deal with real issues and relative to our species of humans relative and consciousness that is not human and not from this world. There is also going to be humans that are off-world that are non-tarin (sp?). Then there’s gonna be non-tarin, nonhuman consciousness that we’re going to be interacting with as well.

Is our present reality similar to the Starship Enterprise Holodeck reality?

Yes, absolutely. This is another part of the step from a class 0 to a class 1 society. (manifesting roast carrots)

Water control

Once we get to the ZPM, the zero point modules, then it won’t even be necessary nto do that because you’ll tell the energy waves around you to manifest oxygen and hydrogen in the form of water.

The death of TPTB

TPTB won’t have any kind of power in a long term fashion past July 2010. Once we get past that point TPTB are in their very last end days that may stretch out 18 months to two years beyond that and we may be still rooting a few of them out in 2015 and 2017. In the main, the back will be broken of this evil collection of nasty feudalists that think they own the rest planet and the egalitarianism which is the hallmark of a class 1 society will start to emerge in a real meaningful way and will allow us to get around many of these energy resources.

Revolution of the Mind

A temporary set of conditions lead to this planetary level of a revolution. It’s not only political, geopolitical or technological; it’s a revolution of the mind. We’ll start grasping in greater numbers our place in a class 1 society in a planetary system that is part of a galactic collective. It’ll be a global process across all of humanity. Over time, it’ll be less meaningful that you’re born in the US, as opposed as Canada, Finland, China or anyplace. As we shed this central bank and central government and warfare model that we’ve been under for the last 5000 years, getting rid of that karma will not be an easy process but getting thru it will be challenging, invigorating and satisfying as we all collectively invent new ways of doing stuff that eliminates the need for us to care about government, per se.

State capitols building underground bunkers

Its part of the fear process that’s motivating TPTB. They’re desperately afraid of something that they think will occur between October 2011 and May or so of 2013. They may have some real reason to fear something they’re not sharing what that fear is (my guess is that we all become totally transparent and telepathy becomes the form of communication). We don’t see it being successful and in the process of the revolution, all kinds of information will come out from July onward of next year, that will lay bear all their fears and what they’ve been writing about for years amongst themselves and we’ll know from that point on. It’ll take a few months, not everything comes out in July.

December 21, 2012

We have data points that are now being reinforced by stuff that’s coming out with the aliens that suggests that we will certainly make, or at least be given the opportunity by the universe, for the species to make the jump from a class0 to a class 1 society. In support of that, we also have interesting Russian and other, astrophysicists and stellar evolutionist guys that are writing now, that curiously, it may be that this particular cycle we’re in ends all cycles. Now let me be clear about that. The cycles that we’re seeing astrologically within our solar system are predicated on an idea that we’re part of the Milky Way and we’re not. We’re part of the Sagittarius B Dwarf Galaxy. This can be proven by infrared, it’s disputed on all of the astronomy forums but it doesn’t matter. In fact, the Russians are suggesting, these two particular Russian astrophysicists…one’s an astrophysicist and the other is a stellar evolutionist, they’re written a couple papers that suggest by the time we get to that point, December of 2012, our solar system will be finally and permanently attached to the Milky Way Galaxy and won’t ever leave the Milky Way Galaxy. Since the past 35-40,000 years at least but probably on the order of millions of years, we’ve been drawn out of Sagittarius B Galaxy as the Milky Way Galaxy eats Sagittarius B. Our solar system has been going up and down thru a sine wave pattern thru this band of magnetism and that has been the cause of some of our catastrophic problems. The Russians are of the opinion that we will be captured by Milky Way Galaxy (MWG) this time thru and we will become part of the third minor spiral arm of the MWG as a permanent address from this point forward and they have some interesting thoughts about that because as we pass up and down thru the thin edge of the plate of the MWG, we’re subjected to much more radiation from all of the suns that are part of the MWG that are spreading out all of their radiation from the center in this flat, spiral plate form. In the past, it’s only been a brief exposure that has hit Earth and our solar system and now it’ll be permanent from that time on, and so they’re saying even after that point, maybe no astrological alignments will ever occur that have ever occurred in the past and that none of those in the past will ever occur again, simply because we’ll now be part of a new galaxy. It does seem to lend some credence to the idea that we may be permanently captured now and curious that the Maya may just end their count, not because of the end of the world, but because of the end of the astrology and astronomy upon which they based their systems, even though their systems are actually counts and consciousness extrapolated, they began as astrological calculators on one level and if that disappeared, then they would just stop they calendar because everything would be new from that point forward. Basically what they’re saying is that new patterns will exist, new forms of energy, and new astronomy, and new astrological potential from that astronomy will exist from the point of 2012 onward. It just is an interesting coincidence that they stopped their long count calendar at that point because they may have known there is no point continuing because it would be an entirely new world with new energies affecting us.

We need to raise our vibrations in order to survive what coming. Do you lend any credence to that?

Certainly, especially at the level of actual energy. We’re going to be captured at the point at the highest level of the intensity of radiation of all different kinds. It may be extra light and who knows? We just don’t know all the kinds of energies that will affect us. We will there after become part of the MWG . Since matter does not exist, and it’s just an issue of the vibratory frequencies of energy all colliding with each other to make us think that matter exists, then that premise has a whole lot of theoretical underpinning to give it some credence that vibration will indeed be an issue. The whole idea of vibratory frequencies, nuclear atoms and everything will change. It might be that everyone suddenly becomes a super enlightened, super person. Unlikely, but that might be at the far end of the TPTB if we become very enlightened. And curiously, if you go to YouTube and look up Zbigniew Brzezinski you can see a couple of statements that he made recently where he says we, meaning TPTB, are very afraid of a global and sudden political mindset awakening. Now what would they be afraid of that would cause that mindset of awakening to come across so suddenly that they’re overwhelmed by it? They’re afraid that it’ll occur this year.

Are you implying DNA Upgrade because of these changes?

Yes, that is definitely an implication, However much evidence there is for that to occur is anybody’s guess.

Is there any connection between Scientology and the Secret Government? Is Scientology the philosophical background of the Black World?

I would say there is certainly a connection.

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Aia cu alienu...!

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Nu e fake!
Sunt aliens de Buzau!
Cautau covrigi ca nici d' aia nu prea se mai gasesc...


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Probabil ca sunt OZN-uri iraniene...

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Our present mission of enlightenment will eventually come to an end in this form of communication, and will be superseded by one that addresses all alike. In the initial period we shall speak with you through your existing outlets such as television. However in time there will be a more personal form of contact, similar to your mobile telephones except that it will be based upon a different technology. It will enable you to converse with anyone, regardless of where they are around the world. Your present system emits harmful radiation, like many other appliances you use on a daily basis. The changes to the type of energies you use will be far reaching, until all of them come from free energy sources that are safe to use and non-polluting.

Naturally such changes must include the different forms of transport you currently use, that are creating massive pollution and are harmful to all life forms. Many of your illnesses result from it, not to mention the affect upon your Earth that has become seriously poisoned as a result. Your scientists and specialists in such matters have been well aware of the dangers, but their recommendations are ignored to protect the companies who are responsible. You have been unnecessarily held back, from what should have been natural progress towards the use of clean energy which could have already been widely used. As we have mentioned previously, the condemnation of your government is that they have kept these advancements for their own use. Their underground military bases use every conceivable advancement, which could have greatly benefited your quality of life.

Our mission will still proceed to accompany you to Ascension, but it also requires us to bring you into the modern age of free energy and all of its benefits. In fact we shall be together for a long time, well beyond your immediate needs and shall become as One. Your destiny is to travel the Cosmos which is open to you once you have ascended and live from your higher consciousness. Many of you have already acquired such a level, and your presence on Earth is awakening others to the power of Light and Love. It is the goal that you should be aiming for and it is achievable, which is why you are given so much help and encouragement. In fact your levels of consciousness are continuing to increase very rapidly, and if you are committed to Ascension you will be successful. As your bodies inevitably change so you will notice a more gentle energy present, and be of a much healthier disposition. Illness and disease is unheard of in the higher dimensions, and it is only prevalent in the lower ones such as yours.

Your future is assured, and even if you are not amongst those who do aspire to ascend. Those who oversee the progress of Humanity plan your evolution, and many times it has fallen into the lower dimensions. On each occasion it has been given the chance to rise up again, with a careful plan for your upliftment. The cycle you are just closing is one such example, and although you have had to find your own way back you have been helped at every turn. When it is seen that the Light is returning, you attract the attention of those Teachers who serve you. They incarnate into the more spiritually developed countries, and help to establish conditions for greater progress.

It may seem that you are at the mercy of events beyond your control, but in fact you collectively have the power to change them. You have for example contributed to the changes that are now taking place and have re-directed the focus of Man from the old paradigm, by seeing its inadequacies into a new vision that is bringing freedom and peace. Yes, it may take time but once the seeds are set they will come to fruition, and you are just beginning to see new ideas being examined that will bring you long awaited changes. Because it starts from the bottom upwards, you have much more influence than you imagine. Fear as always is to be avoided at all cost, as it feeds the very source that has kept you under its control for eons of time. It is the Love and Light that will transmute it and against which the dark Ones have no defence.

Your patience will be sorely tested in the immediate future, as matters will seem to be becoming more serious. However, the answers are with us and together with our allies, we shall reverse the threatening trends that you see now. We want to meet you with due ceremony befitting of such an occasion, and cannot just arrive without first approaching your leaders. The only exception would be where we were give divine permission to do so. You will understand that the Galactic Federation is not some marauding group of Space Beings, we are organised to police the Universe helping young civilisations evolve without interference. We carry out the bidding of those who have the ear of God, and carry out his plans for evolution.

Even in your lowest moments of despair, Beings of Light are with you and try to ease your worries. They help you pick up the pieces, and lift you into the Light so that you may find hope and new inspiration. You are never alone regardless of what position you are in, and your Guides will influence you for your good if you will but listen. Sometimes you need to create a quiet moment so that they can get through to you. Inspired thoughts are often a result of such contact, and unlike your ego will not lead you astray. Indeed, it is your ego that often controls your life, and imposes upon you the image you have built for yourself. Go within Dear Ones and listen to your Higher Self to understand who you truly are and what you are capable of. Your ego sometimes will limit your ability to change from the mindset you have created.

We are not the only ones here to help you open your eyes to the marvellous opportunities ahead of you. There are teachers and helpers at all different levels. They come to Earth with a variety of skills and experience, and often specialise in one subject to which they are fully dedicated. They come from many different planets as we do, and have volunteered for tasks that demand their full co-operation. Their lives are not your usual incarnations as they have already ascended, and normally would have no need of further earthly experiences. They come out of love for you, recognising your godspark and acknowledging your final spell in duality.

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An unidentified flying object disrupted air traffic over Hangzhou, capital of east China's Zhejiang Province, late Wednesday, the municipal government said Thursday.

Xiaoshan Airport was closed after the UFO was detected at around 9 p.m. and some flights were rerouted to airports in Ningbo and Wuxi cities, said an airport spokesman.

The airport had resumed operations and more details would be revealed after an investigation, he said.

Beijing, Jul 9: A Chinese official said that the Unidentified Flying Object which disrupted air traffic in a Chinese city has a "military connection". The officer refused to disclose more details about the UFO as it was not the proper time to publicly disclose the information since there was a 'military connection' to it.

The UFO had disrupted air traffic over Hangzhou, capital of Zhejiang province, on Wednesday, Jul 8. After it was detected at around 9 pm, Xiaoshan Airport was closed and some flights were redirected to Ningbo and Wuxi airports, informed an airport official.

He added that the air traffic has been resumed and more details will be released after the investigation.

Some media had reported that a fan shaped white light UFO was spotted in Urumqi, Northwest China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. Song Huagang, secretary general of Xingjiang Astronomy Society had later said that the UFO was later identified as debris from an intercontinental missile launched by US.

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Photon Belt Compilation

    * For those who just can't seem to get enough information on the Photon Belt, here's a compilation of various postings to a bulletin board. In most cases references have been made to the original authors whenever possible.

      (I think this is from Barbara Hand Clow, but the reference has been lost).

      Yes, we are moving into a zone in space that is band of photon energy. Our star moves into that band for about 2000 years and this event happens about every 11000 years. The last time we were in was Atlantis. The 11000th year out of the photon belt she calls the Galactic Night. Our star system is the 8th star in the Pleadian star group. Our star cirles the star Alcyon, as do the other pleadian stars. Alcyon is in the phton belt all the time. Others are in and out for varying periods of time depending on their orbit. The experience we have on Earth at this time is extremely valuable for the range of experience moving between dimensions that happens as we move into and out of the photon belt. Trillions of souls are trying to get into a body for this ride.

      We are starting to move into the photon belt now and will be totally in the belt all the time by 2012. In the photon belt the walls between the different dimension becomes increasingly thin or non existent. One of the things that has to happen as we move into the photon belt is that we have to master the 4th dimension and integrate it into this planet. The transition into and out of the photon belt is characterized by radical weather patterns, earth changes, and this will particulaly be interesting as the 4th dimensional world begins to precipitate onto our own 3rd dimensional reality. The elements of the 4th each of will attract individually, be able "see", and interact with depends entirely on our consciousness. We could attract a room full little devils with pitch forks or a room full of angels. The 4th dimension is polarized much like the 3rd dimension and beings on the 4th dimension level have there own agendas.

      From assisitance and blessing to outright interference with our development. Our state of consciousness IS the MOST IMPORTANT THING. She empahisizes this throughout. She also stressed "BEING HERE NOW". She said timing for this event is not important as we are, from a consciousness perspective, we are already in it. Timing, will also, will shift to our perception. She did say the apex of earth changes activity would be from 1998 to 2001. She talked about the dimensions this way: 1st dimension- mineral kingdom- the consciousness of resonating the earth "mother" accessed through crystals 2nd- the plant kingdom- the consciousness of feeling the earth mother accessed through interaction and communication with plants: i.e. Findhorn 3rd- time and space- the consciousness of linear time mastery through "being here now" polarized pos and neg 4th- the nonphysical kingdom of archetypes, guides, and nonphysical beings. Accessed through guides, archetypes, angels - also polarized into pos and neg 5th- the consiousness of cosmic cycles and patterns accessed though awarness of cosmic patterns 6th- the consciousness of "web weaving" or ceremonial precipation of certain consciousness patterns. i.e. crop circles precipitating are glyphs and symbols meant to awaken certain patterns of consciousness in us. Sacred work at world power spots another. 7th-consciounsess of oneness- door way to other higher dimensions. The sacred work here is to find and be re-unified with our twin soul. She said is it important to realize that there is no hierarchy of dimensions, one is not better or more important than another.

      Once in the photon belt, we will have access to all these dimensions of consciousness. THE PHOTON BELT STORY People all over the world are grasping, reaching out for little pieces of knowledge, enlightenment, hope for the future of their children in a world of growing degradation, drugs, rape, murder, etc. The Prophets of Doom preach of physical horror and annihilation. It is like a great vortex, a great sucking spiral, ever downward, blackness, despair. You look upwards, can see the light at the top and grasp and claw your way to get out of that ever quickening pull of despair. The truth sometimes is so simple that we look past it, ignore it and try to find a much more complicated answer, when all the time, it is there, staring you right in the face, your passport out of the vortex into the future.

      It all starts with a little atom and the group of little electrons which orbit around it. English physicist Paul Adrain Maurice Dirac, said that for each type of particle, an anti-particle will exist. In 1932, Carl David Anderson discovered the anti-electron and called it a positron. In 1956, the anti-proton and anti-neutron were discovered. When an anti-particle is formed, it comes into existence in a universe of ordinary particles, and it is only a matter of time... a fraction of a second... before it meets and collides with an electron. The charges cancel, the total mass of the pair is converted into energy in the form of PHOTONS. This offers a new and unprecedented powerful source of energy.

      The PHOTON is about to become your way of life in the very near future. A PHOTON BAND was discovered in outer space in 1961 by means of satellite born instruments. We will now move onto the PLEIADES.... The Seven Sisters... an estimated 400 light-years from here. This group of stars is the basis of mythology in many countries... the Greek Gods, Australian Dreamtime, Chinese mythology. To quote from just a few Astronomers: Jose Comas Sola made a special study of the Pleiades and discovered that they form a system, of which our sun is a part and also several other suns; and all, apparently, have their own Planetary systems. Freidrich Wilhelm Bessel showed that members of this group had a proper motion of 5.5 seconds-of-arc per century in the same direction. Isaac Asimov..."We can assume that all the stars in this cluster are the same chronological age." Edmund Halley, studying the position of the stars, noted that at least three stars were not in the spots recorded by the Greeks.

      The difference was so great that it was unlikely that either the Greeks or Halley could have made a mistake. It seemed very clear to Halley that these stars moved within a system. Paul Otto Hesse also made a special study of this system, of which our sun is a part, and discovered, at absolute right angles to the movements of the suns, a PHOTON BELT or MANASIC RING, a phenomena which scientists have not yet been able to reproduce with laboratory experiments. It takes our sun 24,000 years to complete an orbit, (of this system) and it is divided into sections. The 10,000 years of darkness is the period as we know it now, daytime, nighttime; the 2,000-year period of all light; again, 10,000 years of darkness; and 2,000 years of light

      WE ARE NOW POISED TO ENTER THIS PHOTON BELT between now and the end of this century. We have completed the full circle and are back at the beginning. It is described in detail in the bible, by books on mythology, by Nostradamus, and by modern day scientists. If the Earth enters first into the PHOTON BELT, the sky will appear to be on fire, but be assured, this is cold light, so there will be no heat. If the sun enters first, there will be immediate darkness, which, computed by our speed through space, will last 110 hours. The interaction between the Solar Radiation and the PHOTON BELT will make the sky look as if it is full of falling stars. As the Earth enters this radiation belt, all molecules will become excited, all atoms will change, things will become luminescent, THERE WILL BE CONSTANT LIGHT. There can be no darkness, not within the deepest cave, not within the human body. A quick look at the Christian bible: "All the stars will fall from the sky and the sky will be no more...." It is expected that the rotation of the Earth may diminish a little. Because of the reduced Solar Radiation, the temperature is expected to become cooler and the ice caps are expected to extend to about latitude 40 in both hemispheres. Your history books will tell you that at least five ICE AGES have been recorded, and they seem to last about 2,000 years. It may be noted that world communication centers, fixed satellites, U.S.-bases and experimental sights are within the 'safe zone.' Design or accident? What about you?

      There are three types of people in our cosmos: corporeal, like us, solid, human; atmospherean, also solid to a point, but the molecular structure is quite different; ethereans, no mass at all. When we enter the Photon Belt, a normal healthy person is expected to feel a jolt similar to putting your finger in a live light socket, and the transformation will be complete -- you will have just changed from a corporeal person to an atmospherean person ("and ye shall be changed to immortality without the separation of death in the twinkling of an eye". Theologians have written at great depth on Bible characters, and assert that they have lived in this period of light. The sky and atmosphere was different and apparently it never rained. Nostradamus, in his quatrain about the end of the world as we know it, in 1999: "and it will rain no more, but in 40 years, all will be normal." In aboriginal mythology it is said "Men were different to what they are now, we had a bridge to the stars." In all their stories if they fell out with the Chief or Elder, they fled to the sky. So did the Greeks. It appears that space travel is simple within the photon belt. The year 1962 was the year that we came within the influence of the Photon Belt. 1962 was a year of great UFO activity. Did we come within range of space travelers using the Photon Belt?

      As we hurtle closer and closer, will more UFO's look us over before our rebirth into the years of LIGHT. It would seem that this is already happening. Erich Von Daniken, when visiting South America, discovered a tribe with an object given to them by Sky People thousands of years ago. They were told to keep it clean and "when it hums like thousands of swarms of bees, we will return." It started humming softly three years ago (i.e., 1978). A cosmic alarm clock alerting us to the coming of the light? It would seem some civilizations may live permanently with The Light. When our Planet leaves this period of light and returns to the 10,000 years of darkness, do THEY return to the LIGHT and wait our eventual re-entry. It seems likely.

      The Mayans departed hurriedly with the message also of their return, which scholars say is now imminent. Rock carvings around the world show drawings similar to the system of Alcione. Ball lightning...a phenomena about which little is known, is it perhaps little pockets of the Photon Belt? To all UFO researchers, these craft always show an interest in nuclear installations. What will happen to a reactor within the Belt? I think our scientists are way out ahead. Photon energy seems to be the energy of the future. Many UFO reports seem to indicate Photon rockets on experimental craft "the headlights were at the back." The reports at hand indicate slow, cumbersome craft; but within the Photon Belt, I think we have craft for immediate unlimited space travel. Because the radiation of our sun will be modified by the Photon energy, is this why our scientists only pay small lip service to the development of solar energy? Let us think about our planet coming out of the light and into the darkness. Aboriginal mythology says "we were cast out into darkness and were much afraid, so the Gods gave us a Sun to warm us and a moon to see at night." If the ice caps form within the light years, then the increased Solar radiation when leaving the belt must surely melt the ice... Floods. If it does not rain within this period of light, it is understandable why Noah was so awed by the sight of that first rainbow. The Gilgamesh talks of a great flood, but it was apparently about 10,000 years before Noah's flood. We have thought about our world and the effect on a single person, but what about humanity as a whole?

      It is conceivable that many people will not survive the initial jolt if they are not prepared for it. If the ice extends to latitude 40, that covers half the USA, and most of Europe and Asia. That is a lot of people without a home. Will they be accepted in other countries? In a limited space of fertility, will it be possible to support untold millions? I think not. And so tomorrow....

      More information from the AOL Photon Belt bulletin board: General Information

      Was first discovered by scientists (Paul Otto Hesse) in 1961 near the vicinity of the Pleiades by satellite instrumentation. The photon belt is a huge torroid shaped object composed of photon light particles The solar system and the photon belt are moving toward each other Our solar system and the photon belt will merge sometime between March, 1995, and the end of 1996 The thickness is approximately 2,000 solar years or 759,864 billion miles Earth is now completing a 24,000-26,000-year cycle with this photon belt Before the photon belt arrives, the Sirians will be making mass landings on Earth to help us through the experience of the photon belt (The mass landings will occur 2-6 months before the photon belt reaches us) Going Through the Photon Belt Day 1 Enter the null zone Alter body type of all living things Non-operation of any electical device . Once the pumps quit and water tanks are empty, water will not run and toilets will not flush. Lights cannot be turned on. Cars will not start.

      When the collapse of the planet's electrical and magnetic fields occurs, it will also allow all atoms on Earth to be changed. The atoms in our bodies will be modified to form a new body-- a body that is semi-etheric--and the veil of consciousness around us will be removed.

      We will no longer be living in the limited 3rd-dimensional reality. We will now have physical and psychic gifts that we were meant to have Total darkness (for 2-3 days) . The sun will have disappeared from view and we will be unable to see stars in the pitch black sky Day 2 Atmosphere is compressed and everyone will feel bloated . This aspect is also beginning to happen now as noted by the increase in seismic activities that stretch from the 1960s to the present time. This can also be seen by the dramatic change in our planetary weather patterns.

      The big danger will be from nuclear materials since there is the possibility for either nuclear chain-reactions or huge and deadly radioactive explosions of fissionable materials. Therefore, to avoid these dangers, the Galactic Federation will allow a special landing of technical ships and personnel so that these potential nuclear dangers can be alleviated. Sun cools down Earth climate cools (ice age type of climate) . This will occur because the sun will be undergoing a change in its interdimensional polarity which will prevent the sun's heat from reaching planet Earth's surface. Day 3-4 Atmosphere dimly lit (like dawn) Start photon effect.

      This photon effect is very important because it will allow us to have a new energy source. This new energy source will permit the end of our planet's fossil fuel dependency. It will also allow the capability for space travel since photon drive technology is the power system for all starships operated by the Galactic Federation. Photon energy devices are operable Stars will reappear in the sky Day 5-6 Exit the null zone, enter the main photon belt zone Transition into a 24-hour daylight period Every living thing is invigorated (Humans will go back to having 12 strands of DNA) Earth climate warms Photon beam-powered ships can travel in space Incredible psychic abilities are reclaimed (eg telepathy, telekinesis, etc) We will now be living with what we have called "Extraterrestrials" 17 years later (2012-2013) Normally going through the photon belt would take 2000 years However at this time our solar system will enter an interdimensional rescue bubble that will thrust it out of the photon belt

      Our solar system will be put into a position about 3 light years from the Sirius star system (at present Sirius is approximately 8.3 light years from Earth) Then this will be the end of our 24-hour daylight experience and bring the return of an approximate 12-hour daylight/12-hour nighttime schedule We will now be fully 5th dimensional beings It is a time when you will be one with the Earth's spiritual hierarchy. It is also a time when you will return to work cooperatively with your planet's cetaceans to be co- guardians of Earth, and eventually with your rehabilitated solar system as well. You will as a planet go through a minimalized three days of darkness and cold and then three days of light and mellow warmth, for this is necessary to bringing awareness to everyone, but there will be no fear. Rest assured: All consideration has been taken under extreme advisement. No part of life will be upset.

      (Excerpted from Jan. 1995 "Sedona Journal of Emergence," The Lucius Mind Group and Jean Gerson-Greer):

      Over and over, channelers are bringing forth that all the changes are not going to be part of the "doom and gloom" horror with the Four Horsemen in the lead. They are telling you that Earth will be going through some mighty terrible upheavals, and to prevent you getting caught in this, you will be lifted up, and when you return, Earth will be completely renewed. Ladies and gentlemen, this is all going to happen with much occurring within your own mindsets only if you let it happen! When will you put everything you've been receiving together and realize that yes, everything is in motion, but it is you who have the final say as to the best way to bring in the pristine power from the photon belt to revitalize Earth and all that lives therein and thereon. The new radiation or radiance from the photon belt will penetrate your atmosphere at a gentle rate, healing that which is known as nature, thereby stabilizing the turbulent weather systems. This will be completed by the end of your 1996, the original year 2000. You will as a planet go through a minimalized three days of darkness and cold and then three days of light and mellow warmth, for this is necessary to bringing awareness to everyone, but there will be no fear. All dream states will have been permeated with calm, peace and understanding, as it was in the beginning. Rest assured: All consideration has been taken under extreme advisement. No part of life will be upset. Call upon your angelic and Devic forces to be with you continuously once again as it was in the beginning, for they too have now been newly instructed. All will understand. If you do no believe, if you feel you need the conflicting points of view within your consciousness to stimulate you--fine, don't worry about it. For those who are still wary, begin observing all animal and insect behavior. You will find it completely normal as we approach the days involved. [The original times given by a wide variety of sources were in March 1995. The current ETA will being with the next solstice (winter, 1994) or, if deemed necessary by human mind/human mind reaction, put off until the summer 1995 solstice.] We must tell you that in the interim between now and the completion of the photon belt changes, there will be Earth changes similar to what you have been experiencing over the past decade. And there will be the natural reactions by animals and insects to them. And yes, these upheavals too will pass. It is newly written because you have asked for it to be so. And so it is.

      (Excerpted from Jan. 1995 "Sedona Journal of Emergence," The Samuel Group through Russ Consaul):

      To think about this ascension process, let us begin with the Earth. Your blessed home has begun a process whereby it will become more energy than matter. This is indeed a process and not something that will happen overnight. (Wow, wouldn't it be a surprise to everything living on the Earth if it did happen overnight?) Be assured it will take some time. Also, be assured that this evolution will happen! We suspect that a complete shift of the Earth from a third-dimensional reality (one of height, width and depth) to a fifth-dimensional reality (one beyond space/time, height, width and depth) will be completed by the year 2011. As we approach that date, the Earth will go through myriads of energy shifts. These energy shifts correspond to a great extent with celestial cycles, one of which is the rotation of the Earth around the sun, or your calendar year. Hence, each succeeding year will play a part in creating changes in electromagnetic and geomagnetic energies that will result in a repatterning of the Earth's molecular structure. This restructuring will ultimately allow the Earth to vibrate its subatomic particles so fast that it will evolve into energy, or, in other words, shift into the fifth dimension.

      Excerpted from June 1993 reading of Cosmic Awareness, Paul Shockley interpreter, Olympia, WA

      This Awareness indicates that these shifts are very subtle and very slow in changing, and this movement through a photon belt will take quite a long period of time, several years before great changes are actually recognized. It will be quite gradual so that entities will not even recognize that changes are occurring, but consciousness and energies and vibrations will be undergoing certain changes. There may come certain momentary events that create sudden changes: polarities may shift and change, at first lightly, then later suddenly and with great force. This Awareness indicates that it will be a period of time reaching into the next century, where the energies will gradually build and change and affect the nature of the earth and the experience in this material plane. This Awareness indicates that it will be a time in which spiritual light as well as physical light, in terms of the increase in antimatter, affects the physics of earth. The antimatter increase, which is essentially the merging of the spiritual photon light and the material light, or material matter on earth, will create a different vibration in the mass of matter, but it is not something that you can simply wake up and open the window and see. It is something that will appear very subtly as a change in matter and as change in consciousness, where consciousness begins to have more effect on matter and on the material realm. This Awareness indicates that there will be some changes over time in regard to gridwork, electrical fields of energy, the electromagnetic spectrum; all of these things will be affected in some degree as time passes so that some of the equipment that entities find very durable and working in today's society may not be workable in a future time because of the change in the electrical fields.

      Synopsis from an article called "age of Light " by Barbara Hand Clow

      Photons are light particles. She began researching photons in 1985. An articles by gravitational physicist Brian Swimme triggered some idea. Asked to speculate, he said he needed to report on the "central scientific discovery of the 20th century- the discovery of background radiation or photons in the microwave spectrum of the electromagnetic spectrum". Swimme commented that since 1961 and radical increase in photon has been evident and that the photon arrived here " soaked in news". She then had an vision of an "Atlantean scientist 'reading' photons and decoding the information in them by means of human DNA". In 1991, Robert Stanely reported a discovery of satellite instruments in Unicus magazine in an ariticle called ' The photon Zone- Earth's Future Brightens'. According to Stanely, these excess photons are beiong emitted from the cetner of our galaxy. Our solar system enters this area of the galaxy very 11,000 years and stays in this band of space for 2000 years. This band is described by Stanley as a "cloud of photons that rotate at a 90 degree right angle to our (solar system) horizontal orbit. Stanley, and other writers including astronomer Otto Hesse, Sir Edmund Halley, and Shirley Kemp, link the entry into the photon belt with an age old speculation that we are the eighth star in the Pleiadian sytem of stars. This is further confirmed by the Billy Meier contacts with Pleiadian space beings. In her research the most compelling source she came up with was "Los Calendarios Mayas Y Hunab K'U" by mayan astronomer/ astrologer Hunbatz Men. H. Men decoded much the 17 Mayan calenders. Of these, the calender " Calendario edel Tzek'eb o Pleyades" which describes the timing and meaning of our Sun's orbit around the cetnral star of the Pleiades, which is Alcyone. According to this, our Sun has 26,000 year cycle around Alcyon and each one of these great cycles is equivilant to one of the Ages of Sun in the Aztec calender. We will complete a 26,000 year cycle accrding to the calender in Dec of 2012. We will also be completing a larger 104,000 year cycle and begin "El Quinto Sol". In this cycle, those who stay will become a cosmic humanity and contact with other worlds will be possible. Notice, she says, how closely 26,000year orbit of Sun, the 26,00 year photon cycle,and our precession of the equinoxes correspond closely to timing of glacial cycles from core sample taken at the poles. The first time the earth's orbit entered the photon belt was in March of 1986. Every year since we spend a week longer on either side ( entering and exiting ). This means we right NOW ( Feb95) in the photon belt ( since early Jan) and will exit in early May. By the year 2001 will be in more of the year than out. By 2012 earth's entire orbit will be in the photon belt. The most intense part of the transition will be when our Sun moves fully into the Photon Belt in late 1998 or early 1999- the apex of the predicted earth changes. The action of the photon belt, will also have significant effect on the pineal gland. that's why everyone's psychic energy is starting to ramp up. Barbara HC theorizes that the photon action will have alot to do with unlocking and decoding our DNA for the next leap in evolution. Understanding these cycles is crucial to the awakening process we are all experiencing and will help reduce the physical, mental and emotional shock of this transition.

German writer Paul Otto Hesse described his beliefs about the belt and its impact in his 1949 book Der Jüngste Tag (English: "The Recent Day".[2] The concept was further progressed in 1977 by Samael Aun Weor (Víctor Manuel Gómez Rodríguez), his lecture The Rings of Alcyone at the Conferencia Sobre Alcione ("Conference on Alcyone", in which he cites mentions Hess [sic] who predicts that if the Earth enters the belt first, a "great fire in the skies, or pyrotechnic lights" would occur"; but if the sun enters first, "the radiation released would interfere with the solar rays and darkness would reign for 110 hours, after which everything would return to normal. "Weor refers to the photon belt as "Alcyone's rings" (or "the rings of Alcyone", Alcyone, Weor claims, is the principal sun (star) of the Pleiades 7-star cluster, of which our Sun, according to Weor, "It has been said that the sun which illuminates us is the seventh sun that circles Alcyone" and "Alcyone is, precisely, the principal sun of the Pleiades and in its orbit gravitate seven suns, our sun being the seventh which circles Alcyone". Alcyone has rings made of "radiation" caused by the "splitting of the electron" which is released as energy by which Weor refers to as "manasic", a Sanskrit term for the mind that "is in some way related to the inferior manas (inferior mind), or to the superior manas (superior mind)" [of the subtle body]. The electrons, Weor purports, "release a type of unknown energy".

    Thereabout, in the year of 1974, three astronauts who were circling the Earth reported a type of radiation, or a type of unknown energy, unsuspected by official science. Obviously, since 1962, specifically since the 4th of February of that year, our planet Earth, and in general, the whole solar system, has been on the verge of entering the terrible rings of Alcyone. ... These rings extend for some light years; they are instantly enormous. Nevertheless, at any given moment, our solar system will enter Alcyone’s rings.[3]

In August 1981, an Australian UFO magazine called Australian International UFO Flying Saucer Research Magazine #12 in an article called The Photon Belt Alcyone Saga by Shirley Kemp also mentions the photon belt (but does not mention Rodriquez but does mention Josep Comas Solá, Freidrich Wilhelm Bessel. Isaac Asimov, Edmund Halley, Paul Otto Hesse, and Erich Von Däniken).[4] It was reprinted in the Australian Nexus magazine in February 1991 as The Photon Belt Story, page 6.[5][6][7]

On May 5 and June 23, 1992 the Phoenix Liberator mentions the photon belt.[8] The photon belt is also mentioned in a few Phoenix Journals (years unknown but seems to be from the mid-1990s).[9]

On June 8, 1992, the photon belt appears on Usenet in the newsgroup sci.astro.[10]

In November 1992, in the channeled newsletter, Revelations of Awareness, the photon belt is mentioned in the section The Photon Belt: "Five Days of Darkness & No Electrical Power" Claims the Phoenix Liberator: This to Occur July 25, 1992.[11] The newsletter refers to the photon belt in numerous issues thereafter.[12][13]

In 1993, in Foster Perry's book, When Lightning Strikes a Hummingbird: The Awakening of a Healer, Barbara Hand Clow mentions the photon belt numerous times in the book's foreword.[14][15]

In April 1994, the book You are Becoming a Galactic Human by Virginia Essene and Sheldan Nidle was published which mentions the photon belt:

    1994: The photon belt, a huge torroid [sic] shaped object composed of photon light particles, was first discovered by your scientists in 1961 near the vicinity of the Pleiades by satellite instrumentation.[16]

The book is an edited transcription of a series of messages channeled from Washta, a Sirian counselor and galactic presence, channeled through Nidle, who claims he has been receiving messages from the Sirians since he was nine.[17]

In January 1998, Noel Huntley, Ph.D.[18] wrote an article called The Photon-Belt Encounter which examines the origin and scientific credibility of the belt, which he refers to also as an "electromagnetic cloud".[19]

Since 2000, the photon belt has been mentioned in other books[15] such as The Pleidian Agenda by Barbara Hand Clow[20]

In the 2005 book Touched by the Dragon's Breath: Conversations at Colliding Rivers by Michael Harrington, the author mentions the photon belt numerous times[21] and, in the foreword, refers to a 1987 meeting with John Redstone at "Colliding Rivers" who, the author claims, was familiar with the photon belt, "a spectacular band of multi-dimensional light that St. Germaine had called the Golden Nebula" and "in esoteric circles it is known as the 'Dragon's Breath'."[22] Harrington also refers to "a Native American prophecy that told of a dynamic wave of energy traveling through space" and that "when the earth passed through this wave great changes would occur"; "this 'great transformation' would be preceded by a time of purification."[23]

[edit] Criticism from Ufologists

In 1999, fringe physicist and ufologist Paul LaViolette, chairman of the Starburst Foundation, a scientific research institute, criticized assertions about the photon belt made by Shirley Kemp in a magazine published by the "Australian International UFO Research Society" (later reprinted in the February/March 1991 issue of Nexus). He disputed Kemp's assertion that the belt had been detected by satellites in 1961, holding that no records of the such satellite findings was ever released, and that it was unlikely that equipment of the period would have been able to detect a belt such as was being described. LaViolette also disputed Kemp's assertions about the movements of the belt and the solar system in relation to the star Alcyone, in the Pleiades cluster, saying that in order for Kemp's figures to be accurate the solar system would have to be traveling at 10% of the speed of light, while Alcyone itself would have to be approximately 1 billion times the mass of the sun in order to support such an orbit. [24]

A number of predictions have been made as to the date Earth's collision with the photon belt. So far, no observable effects attributable to the photon belt have been seen on those dates. Dates so far given have included 1992 and 1997, a future date was given as 2011[25] or 2012[26].

[edit] Mainstream science and the Photon Belt

While the concept of the Photon Belt is a New Age philosophy, some parts of the story can be analyzed scientifically. There is no scientific evidence for the existence of any sort of "photon belt".

A photon is the elementary particle that makes up light. To the extent that such a thing as a "photon belt" is physically possible, it would require the gravitational pull of a black hole, with light rays being bent around the black hole near the event horizon, forming a photon sphere.[27] Barring interaction with gravity or matter, photons otherwise always travel in straight lines.

Alcyone is a star in the Pleiades cluster, some 440 light-years away. The core of the Pleiades cluster is approximately 8 light-years across. The Sun, and with it the Earth, is moving away from Alcyone.[25]

[edit] Popular culture

    * In 1994, in the April-May issue of Nexus Magazine, included is a review of a song called Five Days in a Photon Belt by Warp Factor Nine on Karmic Hit Records.[28]
    * In summer 1994, Art DiFuria, after having read about "a band of photonic matter" that will envelop the earth and change consciousness forever, in the astrology magazine Welcome to Planet Earth, it seemed to Art that this explained everything and left the Lilys to form Photon Band and released the single, 747, on Darla Records in 1996 (and other albums since then).[29]
    * In January 1995, the Lilys released the album Eccsame the Photon Band.[30]
    * In 1998, the music group The Photon Belt released a CD with Frankie Death called Soundtrack for the film 'Future Unseen ' on Subversive Records.[31]

[edit] References

   1. ^ Virginia Essene Sheldan Nidle (1994) "You are Becoming a Galactic Human", Spiritual Education Endeavors, ISBN 0937147087
   2. ^ Der jüngste Tag ("The recent day" by Hesse, 5th Edition, 1995, ISBN 3799902392, referenced in Die Transformation der Materie, Edwin Zimmerli (English translation).
   3. ^ transcript of The Rings of Alcyone from Digital Seance: The Photon Belt Alcyone Saga: Part Two, The Rings of Alcyone, Samael Aun Weor, 1977 (listed on Gnostic Web: Last Works of Samael Aun Weor)
   4. ^ Digital Seance: The Photon Belt Alcyone Saga
   5. ^ NEXUS Magazine: Back Issues: Contents: Volume 2, Number 2 February-March 1991
   6. ^ Visitors from the Pleiades and the Photon Belt by Bob Laidlaw
   7. ^ Orvatron Bimonthly Newsletter, March\April, 1992, archived on BeYoND THe iLLuSioN
   8. ^ The Phoenix Archives -- The Phoenix Liberators - 1992 Volume 19, Number 3: Earth To Pass Through Photon Belt, Volume 19, Number 10: Both Warnings And Deceptions Accelerate As We Near The Photon Belt
   9. ^ The Phoenix Archives -- Phoenix Journal Online #s 50, 51, 52, 74, 95--all by Gyeorgos Ceres (appended with "Hatonn" or "Hatonn-Aton" and unpublished Phoenix Journal 185 (view as HTML)
  10. ^ Google Groups: sci.astro: Galactic Radiation Belt, June 8, 1992
  11. ^ Cosmic Awareness Communications: Revelations of Awareness: Back Issues Catalog -- 1992
  12. ^ Revelations of Awareness 93-11 (archived at
  13. ^ Revelations of Awareness 95-4, 95-4,9,10,12,13, 96-2,8, 97-1,2,3,4, 99-6,11,12 via Revelations of Awareness back-issue master index search engine by Jon Strongbow
  14. ^ When Lightning Strikes a Hummingbird: The Awakening of a Healer, by Foster Perry (introduced by Barbara Hand Clow), p. 78 (also mentioned numerous times in the Foreword by Clow, pp. XV-XX), ISBN 187918110X
  15. ^ a b wikt:photon belt
  16. ^ Essene & Nidle, pp. 27–28 (source: wikt:toroid)
  17. ^ TESTING THE MAGIC MOUNTAIN: A Brief Analysis Of Core Samples by Australian UFO Researcher Morley Legg on "The Australian UFO Research Network"
  18. ^ Xlibris Author Biography: Noel Huntley
  19. ^ The Photon-Belt Encounter, Noel Huntley, Ph.D., January 1998
  20. ^ Channeled Information: A Political Hotspot by Rita Louise
  21. ^ Harrington pp. 20-22,28,109,121,124,131,139-141,148-150,152,157
  22. ^ Michael Harrington, Touched by the Dragon's Breath: Conversations at Colliding Rivers, 2005, Susan Creek Books, Foreword p. i, ISBN 0-9748716-0-5
  23. ^ Harrington, p. 7
  24. ^ Morphogenic Resonance or a Plethora of Galactic Center Disinformation, Paul LaViolette (bio), 1999
  25. ^ a b The Straight Dope
  26. ^ [1]
  27. ^ NASA article about visual distortions near a black hole
  28. ^ NEXUS Magazine: Back Issues: Contents: Volume 2, Number 19 April-May 1994
  29. ^ Photon Band, Empyrean Records
  30. ^ Lilys: Eccsame the Photon Band, Allmusic, Jason Ankeny
  31. ^ Frankie Death and The Photon Belt - "Soundtrack For The Film Unseen" (Subversive Records 1998, CD), Jerry Kranitz, Aural Innovations #14 (January 2001) (Subversive Records: The Photon Belt)

pus acum 14 ani

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Postari: 10086
Photon band (or "belt" was discovered in outer space in 1961 by means of satellite-born instruments. Planet Earth is now gradually moving into the Pleiades ... The Seven Sisters ... an estimated 440 light-years from here. This group of stars is the basis of mythology in many countries.

Around the early 1980s, a radio announcement in the U.S. was made that our solar system was, in fact, going to collide with an "electromagnetic cloud" in the not too distant future. However, this incredibly important statement of astronomical and historical significance was expressed in the usual casual and indifferent manner, as though of little consequence. Follow-up data was then suppressed and another government coverup was conceived for the typical purpose of exploiting natural events to camouflage contrived chaos.

What is this electromagnetic cloud, this golden nebula, sometimes referred to as the "radiant nebula" by ETs? Its more universal designation is known as the "photon belt", consisting of many bands, and any encounter with this belt is recognized by extraterrestrials as being of great importance.

Yes, we are moving into a zone in space that is a band of photon energy (hence the term photon 'belt'). Our star moves into that band for about 2,000 years and this event happens about every 11,000 years. The last time we were in was Atlantis. The 11,000th year out of the photon belt is often referred to as the Galactic Night.

    * Our star system is the 8th star in the Pleiadian star group. Our star cirles the star Alcyone, as do the other Pleiadian stars. Alcyone is in the photon belt all the time. Others are in and out for varying periods of time depending on their orbit. The experience we have on Earth at this time is extremely valuable for the range of moving between dimensions that happens as we move into and out of the photon belt. Trillions of souls are trying to get into a body for this ride.

      We are moving into the photon belt now and will be entirely in
      it by 2012. In the photon belt, the walls between the different dimensions become increasingly thin or even non-existent.

      One of the things that has to happen as we move into the photon belt is that we have to master the 4th dimension and integrate it into this planet. The transition into and out of the photon belt is characterized by radical weather patterns and earth changes. This phenomenon will be particulaly interesting as the 4th dimensional world begins to precipitate into our own 3rd dimensional reality.

      The 4th dimension is polarized, much like the 3rd dimension, which means that beings in the 4th dimension also have their own agendas as well - from assistance and blessing to outright interference with our spiritual development. Our state of consciousness is the most important thing as we continue to interact with the Photon Belt.

      1st dimension - mineral kingdom
      consciousness of resonating mother earth - accessed through crystals.

      2nd dimension - plant kingdom
      consciousness of feeling earth mother - accessed through communication with plants.

      3rd dimension - time and space
      consciousness of linear time mastery through 'being here now' - polarized into positive & negative.

      4th dimension - non-physical kingdom of guides & angels
      consciousness accessed through communication with spirit guides & angels - polarized into positive & negative.

      5th dimension - cosmic cycles and patterns
      consciousness accessed though awareness of major cosmic cycles and patterns.

      6th dimension - consciousness of ceremonial patterns
      crop circles, glyphs and symbols meant to awaken certain patterns of consciousness in us.

      7th dimension - consciousness of oneness
      Doorway to higher dimensions. The sacred work here is to find and be reunited with our soul mate.

      Once in the photon belt, we will have access to ALL of these dimensions of consciousness.

      The photon belt does not exist without a reason. Its purpose is to act as the prime regulator for galactic change, by coordinating its movements with a natural energy cycle from within the galactic core. At regular intervals this core spews forth an enormous, extremely intense energy wave that is intercepted and transmuted by the photon belt.

      When required, this energy can cause stars to nova, planets to change their orbit, or even their very nature - their atmospheric content - and become arid, semi-arid, or water planets. Consequently, each galaxy's divine plan painstakingly carries out the spread of physical life and its controlled evolution. Everything in Creation happens according to the sacred edicts of its specific divine plan, which a galaxy's Spiritual Hierarchy watches over. For this to be accomplished, Heaven forms countless Orders, Councils and Administrations.

      The photon belt regulates these waves, moving about in a set pattern that is established by how the galactic core operates. In our particular case, the Milky Way galaxy runs in roughly 13,000 and 26,000-year cycles. Hence, the photon belt rotates around the core according to this pattern. Each emission of galactic core energies varies in intensity and dispersal pattern, because it needs to affect every section of the galaxy in a specific way.

      This energy leaves behind a special pattern that encodes each section of the galaxy with a distinctive 'timetable' - that is, the way each star, planet, dust cloud, etc will react and carry out its part of the divine plan. Each aspect of a galaxy also possesses a schedule for its unique unfolding. These events shape the very nature of physicality.

      Let us outline the mechanics of this anticipated encounter of our solar system with the photon belt.

      The universe is held together by means of vortices within vortices of "centripetal" (directed toward the center) energy--with their associated electromagnetic fields--like whirlpools on water, within larger whirlpools (this is the machinery behind Einstein's space-time topology of general relativity). These spiralling energies give rise to natural space-time orbits--satellites around planets, planets around stars, solar systems around other major vortex centers, and so on.

      Our planet Earth orbits the Sun once a year, but our solar system as a whole also traverses an orbit in this section of the galaxy within a period of about 26,000 years. There are many other solar (star) systems in this cyclic motion (just as there are many other planets orbiting the Sun). The Pleiades, about 440 light years from us, is part of this system, and in fact our solar system orbits the central sun of the Pleiades, Alcyone. The photon belt encircles the Pleiades system. In fact, it consists of many photon bands emanating from the center of the galaxy, associated with the spiral arms of the galaxy.

      Thus, our solar system, and therefore planet Earth, takes some 26,000 years to come back to its same point in this particular orbit. Picture several star systems in a massive orbit, but now envision overall a doughnut-shaped cloud cutting across these orbiting star systems. This is the photon belt, or photon band. This means that our solar system goes through the belt twice each cycle of 26,000 years (that is, every half-cycle or 13,000 years). The thickness of the photon cloud is such that it takes about 2,000 years for our solar system to pass through it, and therefore about 11,000 years between each encounter with this belt (2 x 11,000 + 2 x 2000 = 26,000 years).

          When will this occur? A particular source of Pleiadian information indicated that it will not occur until just after 2010, and that it was difficult to predict, since the belt was oscillating randomly. There are in fact huge discrepancies in channelled material regarding the date of this revelatory occurrence, ranging from 2010-2012. Other Pleiadians tell us that our solar system skimmed the belt for a few days in 1987, then over a week in the following year (1988). However, the information also indicates that Earth does not fully enter the photon belt until around 2012.

      What does the photon belt consist of? What will be its effects on the life on our planet? Positive or negative? What is the photon belt's purpose, if any?

      The photon belt is an immense region of space which is radiating intense electromagnetic radiation throughout the visible spectrum and beyond, into high-frequency invisible light; even including some x-ray spectra. Reference has already been made through the media to huge increases in intensity of "dangerous" radiation entering through the holes in the ozone layer in certain regions of our planet.

      We have completed the full circle and are back at the beginning. It is described in detail in the bible, in books on mythology, by Nostradamus, as well as modern day scientists. If the Earth enters first into the PHOTON BELT, the sky will appear to be on fire, but this is called "cold light", as there will be no heat.

      If the Sun enters first, there will be immediate darkness, which, computed by our speed through space, will last 110 hours. The interaction between the Solar Radiation and the Photon Belt will make the sky look as if it is full of falling stars. As the Earth enters this radiation belt, all of its molecules will become excited. All atoms will change, things will become luminescent. THERE WILL BE CONSTANT LIGHT.

      There can be no darkness, not within the deepest cave, not within the human body. A quick look at the Christian bible: "All the stars will fall from the sky and the sky will be no more...".
      It is expected that the rotation of the Earth may diminish a little. Because of the reduced Solar Radiation, the temperature is expected to become cooler and the ice caps are expected to extend to about latitude 40 degrees in both hemispheres. Your history books document that at least five ICE AGES have been recorded and that they seem to last about 2,000 years. It may be noted that world communication centers, fixed satellites, U.S. bases and experimental sights are within the 'safe zone.' By design or accident? One can only wonder!

      If the ice caps form within the light years, then the increased Solar radiation when leaving the belt must surely melt the ice... floods. If it does not rain within this period of light, it is understandable why Noah was so awed by the sight of that first rainbow. The Gilgamesh talks of a great flood, but it was apparently about 10,000 years before Noah's flood. We have thought about our world and the effect on a single person, but what about humanity as a whole?

      This interaction with the photon belt has been referred to in channelling as the Christus. Moreover, the event is supposed to be the true nature of the ascension or rapture, well known in the prophecies of Christianity.

      Other spectacular effects, some of a temporary nature, are expected as our Sun system moves into the photon belt. Earth is circling the Sun, thus it is alternatively ahead of the Sun and behind it in its linear motion towards the belt. Consequently, either the Sun or planet Earth may enter first. It is impossible to predict which, since, as stated above, the photon belt is expanding and contracting randomly. If the Sun reaches the photon cloud before Earth, it has been prophesied that darkness will ensue for about three to five days. It will be expected to be pitch dark, with probable cancellation of electrical power sources. If however, Earth goes in first, then the darkness will be avoided.

      The photon-belt encounter will play a significant role in the (biblical) Transformation of man. The term "Christus" expresses the Second Coming of Christ. (Christ is a state of being/consciousness--some ETs refer to it as the "Christ office". Jesus was not Christ, but he could attune to this state.) There will be a rebirthing of planet Earth. We are told it will divide; each part retaining wholeness though, producing a 3rd density (frequency) Earth and a 4th density Earth. This will not be perceived physically. The planets will be in different dimensions. One will be in a parallel universe relative to the other.

      It is important to mention that there are several serious books on physics that cover parallel-universe theories. There is nothing particularly weird or new about this. It has been channelled that we sometimes move into parallel-universe planes and back, which are usually virtually identical. A further example is that an advanced civilization exists in the center of the Earth, but this particular civilization is in a parallel plane, which is reached by entering "electromagnetic" corridors near the openings at the poles as well as other specific regions.

      Possibly the only sad event will be that some families will be split up by the natural spiritual selection of the photon-belt encounter. Some individuals will go with the more evolved Earth, referred to as 4th density, while others will choose to go with 3rd density Earth, which could permanently separate their evolution by several thousands of years (in rare instances, one person taking the more evolved path may suspend their own spiritual progress to wait for the other).

      The Photon Belt cycle is synchronized with the end of a number of greater cycles. For example, 225 million years (the Reptilian cycle), 26,000 years (precession of the equinoxes), and 104,000 years (a prominent evolutionary peak of four cycles of 26,000 years), culminating in a harmonic convergence at about the time of the encounter, 2012. It is also recognized that this point in time coincides with the universe reaching its maximum point of expansion. Synchronization of such nodes would be expected to open up the dimensional strata for the influx of new energy and subsequent changes.

      There are three types of people in our cosmos: corporeal (like us - solid, human); atmospherean (also solid to a point, but the molecular structure is quite different); and ethereans (no mass at all). When we enter the Photon Belt, a normal healthy person is expected to feel a jolt similar to putting your finger in a live electric socket, and the transformation will be complete -- you will have changed from a corporeal person to an atmospherean person ("and ye shall be changed to immortality without the separation of death in the twinkling of an eye". Theologians have written at great depth on Bible characters, and assert that they have lived in this period of light. The sky and atmosphere was different and apparently it never rained.

      Nostradamus, in his quatrain about the end of the world as we know it, in 1999: "and it will rain no more, but in 40 years, all will be normal." In aboriginal mythology it is said "Men were different to what they are now, we had a bridge to the stars." In all their stories if they fell out with the Chief or Elder, they fled to the sky. So did the Greeks. It appears that space travel is simple within the photon belt. The year 1962 was the year that we came within the influence of the Photon Belt. The year 1962 was a year of great UFO activity. Did we come within range of space travelers using the Photon Belt?

      As we hurtle closer and closer, will more UFO's look us over before our rebirth into the years of LIGHT? It would seem that this is already happening. Erich Von Daniken, when visiting South America, discovered a tribe with an object given to them by Sky People thousands of years ago. They were told to keep it clean and "when it hums like thousands of swarms of bees, we will return." (It started humming softly in 1978). A cosmic alarm clock alerting us to the coming of the LIGHT? It would seem some civilizations may live permanently within The LIGHT. When our Planet leaves this period of LIGHT and returns to the 10,000 years of darkness, do THEY return to the LIGHT and wait our eventual re-entry? It seems likely.

      The Mayans departed hurriedly with the message also of their return, which scholars now agree is imminent. Rock carvings around the world show drawings similar to the system of Alcyone. Ball lightning...a phenomena about which little is known, is it perhaps little pockets of the Photon Belt? To all UFO researchers, these craft always show an interest in nuclear installations. What will happen to a reactor within the Belt? I think our scientists are way out ahead. Photon energy seems to be the energy of the future. Many UFO reports seem to indicate Photon rockets on experimental craft "the headlights were at the back." The reports at hand indicate slow, cumbersome craft; but within the Photon Belt, I think we have craft for immediate unlimited space travel. Because the radiation of our sun will be modified by the Photon energy, is this why our scientists only pay small lip service to the development of solar energy? Let us think about our planet coming out of the light and into the darkness. Aboriginal mythology says "we were cast out into darkness and were much afraid, so the Gods gave us a Sun to warm us and a moon to see at night."

      It is conceivable that many people will not survive the initial jolt if they are not prepared for it. If the ice extends to latitude 40 degress, that basically covers approximately half of the United States, most of Europe and parts of Asia. That is a lot of people without a home.

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It is up to you to discern what you see!

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