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The number 26, The Mayan Tzolkin, and the Grid Crop Circle
Photo by Steve Alexander. etchilhampton97
In "SC" # 68, Michael Glickman interpreted the 1997 Etchilhampton "Grid" crop formation (above) as a pointer to 2012. The formation was a 30 x 26 checkerboard-like grid, giving a total of 780 squares. This, Michael theorized, could indicate the thirty 26-week periods between 1997 and 2012.
Geoff adds that the 780 squares of the grid are exactly divisible by the TZOLKIN, or Mayan Sacred Calendar, which is a grid of 260 squares with sides of 13 x 20. Three Tzolkins fit into the crop grid pattern. Two fit straight in and the third after bisection.
The grid seems related to a "map" called "Psi Bank Warp and Holonomic Woof" mentioned in a book called "Earth Ascending," by Jose Arguelles (page 121). The "map" consists of eight Tzolkins joined together showing relationships between the Mayan calendar, the "I Ching" and the 64 DNA codons. Arguelles researched the Mayan calendar, physics, philosophy, geomancy and the "I Ching," and concluded that mankind is creating a "noosphere," or mind layer, around the Earth, which is evolving towards the "Omega Point of Planetary Awakening" in 2012, according to Teillard de Chardin.
STRANGE ATTRACTOR CROP FORMATION AND THE END OF TIME The reversal point is thought to be approaching in 2012. According to Geoff Stray, the sunspots and reversals of its magnetic field. The reversal point is thought to be approaching in 2012. According to Geoff, the sunspots are thought to have an effect on the endocrine glands of human beings, which relate to the chakras ...
Controversially appearing over two consecutive nights at Silbury Hill, Wiltshire on 2-3 August, according to resident 2012 prophecy expert and numerical conundrum whiz Geoff Stray, this vast wheel of ancient Maya symbols included “the double square spiral - the Maya symbol for jaguar snouts, which indicates an entrance to the underworld”. Given that, as is now widely known, the Maya calendar indicates an end-of-time point in the year 2012, this gave the UK newspapers something to get their teeth into, the Daily Mail dubiously proclaiming it ‘The Doomsday Crop Circle’. Much of the speculation about the 2012 connections made in the wake of this formation was highly questionable, but it made good headlines. Not that the press needed a genuine phenomenon to fill its columns; indeed the Sunday Express went out of its way to debunk the Mayan glyph, devoting two pages to doing this, perhaps in an effort to ‘get one over’ on its rival newspaper.
Among the many claims and counter-claims made about the symbolism of this formation, one widely-circulated e-mail article by C Lewis (pseudonym) from Australia stated the Mayan wheel depicted a ‘Calendar clock’, counting down to 2012.
Joe Mason explains the Aztec Sun Stone Calendar. The outer ring portion of the Stone is said to be twin serpents, one light and the other dark. I believe the two represent the twins, Quetzalcoatl and Xolotl. They relate to Venus, corresponding to The Morning Star and Evening Star. Quetzalcoatl, of course, is also known as Kukulkan (or Kukulcan) and the Feathered Serpent. Perhaps the depiction of two types of feathers in the center of the formation hint at the feathered twins of the Aztecs. They are positioned in a general Vesica Piscis arrangement, also suggestive of duality.
See: Mayan Prophecy of the End of the Great Cycle
Quetzalcoatl translates to plumed serpent. The word quetzalli eventually came to mean "treasure, or precious". The word coatl came to mean "dragon" as well as "snake" and occasionally "twin", hence it could mean "Precious Twin".
2012 is the Chinese Year of the Dragon
The Dragon's Breath = Qi - Wind Feng Shui or commonly called Qi (Chi) energy force The Dragon's Breath Wind Feng Shui or commonly called Qi (Chi) energy force
The Dragon is a symbol of Strength, Goodness, Courage and Endurance. The Dragon is Yang energy which is male. He is the emblem of vigilance and security, and also the spirit of change. In Chinese mythology the Dragon is the predestined partner of the Phoenix, which is Yin energy. Feng Shui endeavours to capture Chi', the Dragon's breath.
We find this interesting parallel in the book of Revelations:
"When the dragon saw that he had been hurled to the earth, he pursued the woman who had given birth to the male child…”
"Then from his mouth the serpent spewed water like a river, to overtake the woman and sweep her away with the torrent. But the earth helped the woman by opening its mouth and swallowing the river that the dragon had spewed out of his mouth.”
(Revelation 12:7)
Joe Mason, contributed this excerpt from Moira Timms' book, "Beyond Prophecies and Predictions" (p. 256): " "The name Quetzalcoatl is derived from the quetzal bird of Guatemala and Mexico. The quetzal had golden-green and scarlet plumage, and was considered the most beautiful of all birds. "Quetzal" also means precious. "Coatl" is serpent. In the Maya language, "Kukulcan" means approximately the same thing. According to Hunbatz Men, "Ku" is sacred, God. "Kul" is coccyx, the base of the spine, where latent spiritual energy resides. "Can" means serpent. "Kukulcan" therefore is synonymous with "kundalini" - which is what the Kukulcan/Quetzalcoatl archetype is all about, of course. To be iconographically correct, however, the god Quetzalcoatl is not himself the feathered serpent, but the one who emerges from the serpent, just as the spirit emerges from the body through the top of the head, and the Morning Star emerges from the horizon."
69 Venus was an important astrological symbol for the Mexica and was called "Tlauixcalpantecuhtli", which means - Lord of the House of Dawn. The planet had two aspects and was shown and revered as two gods. One, as Morning Star, was kind, and was the Precious Twin, Quetzalcoatl. He held the sun in the sky in the morning. His dark twin Xolotl ruled Venus in the Evening and during the night. Xolotl pushed the sun into darkness.
Interestingly, ancient myths tell of the Creator Serpent. James Churchward wrote that this does not represent the Creator, but rather, the way the Creator creates. Joseph Campbell wrote that the ancients usually used the serpent to represent change, by the death/rebirth of shedding the old skin. The symbols seem to tell us that the Creator creates through changes. The Aztec twin serpents fit well with the same meaning.
The outer ring of the "Aztec" crop circle formation has 20 x 2 = 40 segments. I believe this may be related to two interlaced five-pointed stars, as displayed in a number of crop circle formations.
The people explain: August 4, 2004 Silbury Hill, Wiltshire, England - Whoever, or whatever, is responsible for the August 2 to 3, 2004, crop formation at Silbury Hill, the design in its border is a mirror image of a rare statue of the Aztec God, Xochipilli, The Prince of Flowers, Maizes, Love, Games, Beauty, Song and Dance. Xochi means 'flower,' while pilli means either prince or child. In the mid-1800's, a 16th century Aztec statue of Xochipilli was unearthed on the side of the volcano Popocatapetl near Tlamanalco, Mexico. The statue is of a single figure seated upon a temple-like base.
Xochipilli statue photograph, Mysteries of the Ancient Americas © 1986 Pegasus/Reader's Digest. Both the statue and the base upon which it sits are covered in carvings of sacred and psychoactive flowers including mushrooms (Psilocybe aztecorum), tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum), morning glory (Turbina corymbosa), sinicuichi (Heimia salicifolia), possibly cacahuaxochitl (Quararibea funebris), and one unidentified flower. The figure itself sits crosslegged on the base, head tilted up, eyes open, jaw tensed, with his mouth half open. The statue is currently housed in the Museo Nacional de Anthropologia of Mexico. The ancient Aztec statue's repeating base design of 90-degree mazes back-to-back is similar to, but curving in the opposite direction of, the August 3, 2004, border at Silbury Hill.
Above: Carved base of the 16th century Aztec statue of Xochipilli. Below: Border in second phase of the Silbury Hill wheat formation reported on August 3, 2004. Blow-up from aerial photograph © 2004 by Roiland Beljon.
Historically, the Aztec name for the huge basaltic monolith is Cuauhxicalli Eagle Bowl, but it is universally known as the Aztec Calendar or Sun Stone. It was during the reign of the 6th Aztec monarch in 1479 that this stone was carved and dedicated to the principal Aztec deity: the sun. The stone has both mythological and astronomical significance. It weighs almost 25 tons, has a diameter of just under 12 feet, and a thickness of 3 feet.
The Mexicans, as all other Meso-Americans, believed in the periodic destruction and re-creation of the world. The "Calendar Stone" in the Museo Nacional de Antropología (National Museum of Anthropology) in Mexico City depicts in its central panel the date 4 Ollin (movement), on which they anticipated that their current world would be destroyed by earthquake, and within it the dates of previous holocausts: 4 Tiger, 4 Wind, 4 Rain, and 4 Water. .
Every 52 years the tonalpohualli and the xiuhpohualli calendars would align. This marked what was known as a Mesoamerican "century."
Tonatiuh's Face is the face of the sun, Lord of Heaven, around which takes place all daily and periodic phenomena.
First ring from Center. Four Ollin representing the Earthquake Epoch or Sun. The four epochs represented inside the square portions of this symbol correspond to the four previous epochs also called suns.
Second Ring - The second ring from the center is composed of 20 named days contained in one month, also used for naming years. Each year starts on one of four of these 20 days.
The Calendar date '4 Ollin' will be in 2012. Actually I made a mistake, in that only 19 fine lines show up for each inner clock-hand, not 20 (couldn't see from early photos)!
Hence the inner calendar actually reads (6 + 6).19.19 = 12.19.19 rather than 12.20.20 = 13.0.0 as for any full Sun of 5200 years. That is like writing "999" just before "1000", and means (like on the outer dial) that the end of the Fourth Sun is near: but only one year and not 8.67?
Alternatively, something important might be scheduled to happen next year (at the end of 2005), then something again in December 2012? A lot of intellectual content for a fake! Some additional physical or testimonial evidence is perhaps needed
Excerpted from archives of 2004
See: Sacred Numbers to Resuscitate the Dead - Lazarus and Awakening the Giant
Perhaps the two stars relate to Venus and the Aztec twin serpents as related to the Morning and Evening stars.
Here are a few interesting English alphanumerics concerning the subjects:
Quetzalcoatl 17 21 5 20 26 1 12 3 15 1 20 12 = 153 Xolotl 24 15 12 15 20 12 = 98 (2 x 49, 7 x 14, Lazarus) Satan = 19 1 20 1 14 = 55 Xolotl Satan 98 + 55 = 153 The Golden Ratio 33 + 57 + 63 = 153 369 - 216 = 153 216 = 6 x 6 x 6 Lucifer 74 (Jesus, penny, harlot)
Kukulkan 11 21 11 21 12 11 1 14 = 102 = 51 x 2 153 = 51 x 3 There are ten ones in the above, three twos, and one four. There are three elevens, for an 11:11:11 (like KKK).
Morning Star 90 + 58 = 148 Evening Star 76 + 58 = 134 (Simon 70 + Peter 64)
The Morning Star and the Evening Star both refer to Venus.
Venus also makes a star-shaped figure in space as it revolves around the sun.
Venus 22 5 14 21 19 = 81 Horus, the son, Cardinals, Queens)
Feathered 6 5 1 20 8 5 18 5 4 = 72 (# of Divine Names, Eta Carina, Gog Magog) Serpent 19 5 18 16 5 14 20 = 97 (Fishermen, Rockaway) Feathered Serpent = 72 + 97 = 169 (13 squared)
The Mayan/Aztec systems used the basic numbers 13, 18, 20, 36, 360, and others.
Regards and best wishes,
Joseph E. (Joe) Mason
2 August, 2004 at Silbury Hill, near Beckhampton, Wiltshire, with Informative Links
At Lucy Pringle's Site
The Aztec Calendar
Legend of the Four Suns
The 4th & 5th Worlds of the Aztecs & Mayans
Clear image of Aztec Calendar
The Butterfly Effect
The End of the World
BBC News Article
Crop Circle Warns of World's End
Serpent Glyph from the Sun Stone (timestar)
Mayan Calendar (explanations of glyphs)
The "Snake" Crop Circle (Kunalini)
The Aztec Calendar: Math and Design
XOCHIPILLI The Prince of Flowers
Very Large diagram with explanations
Plasma Physics: Meso-American Mythology
Greenish colorful Sun Stone
Earth Ascending - José Argüelles
9x9 Checkerboard, 6 Aug 04, Hillwood, Aldbourne,Wiltshire
Info: Dreams of Red and Black
Info: Moon Magic Square
Info: Collection of Strange Magic Squares
Info: Mecury Magic Square
Info: Venus Magic Square
6 & 12 Star of David, 7 Aug 04, Wilton Windmill, near Wilton,Wiltshire
2 Circle Interference Pattern, 8 Aug 04, Shalbourne, nr Hungerford, Wiltshire
Crop Circles & Quantum Mechanics
This crop circle is communicating harmomics of the "Time of the Sixth Sun" we are currently in the Fifth Sun time era.
Compare this Crop circle to the Sixth Sun "DreamStar" tone systems diagram see attached Link - notice in the crop circle there are 16 small squares that form the large square outside in the image.
In the Crop circle "Inner circle" there is a Six pointed Star like star of David points=Six and Star=Sun thus means "Sixth Sun" the time era coming upon the completion of this current 5th Sun. These six points form the 6 suns/worlds/eras:
sun 1 - nahui Ocelotl (jaguars)
sun 2 - nahui Ehecatl (wind)
sun 3 - nahui Quiahuitl (rain)
sun 4 - nahui Atl (water)
sun 5 - nahui Ollin (earth movements - our current age)
sun 6 - nahui Xochitl (sun of flowering)
This "Inner circle" of this crop circle forms the 17th "Never-ending" position in the "DreamStar" Sixth Sun
Also notice in the crop circle the relationship of the circle (sphere) and the square (cube) and that these Crop circles are GREEN
Dreamstar 17 day Cycle
by Mark Fussel
You will notice many crop circles have harmonics that appear related.
The Mayan periods/cycles of Time known as SUNS. Some sources cite we are in 4th Sun and some cite 5th Sun. These are the same depending upon if you start counting at "zero" or "one" start at Zero: 0 1 2 3 (4) 5 start at One: 1 2 3 4 (5) 6
We are currently in the (4)th or (5)th SUN depending upon where start counting. And we are moving into either the (5)th or (6)th SUN/world again depending on where you start counting.
Best guess is that we are entering SIXTH SUN according to Maya 2012 date. The image shows but one of them is a shift or change in the harmonics of creation. Some Crop Circles are communicating this shift/change.
The current Mayan Tzolkin has 13 tones and the Sixth Sun Tzolkin has 17 tones. These numbers 13 and 17 can be found in various Crop Circles. As other related numbers like the "center" number [7] or [9]. Which are the center tones of each tzolkin respectively.
1 2 3 4 5 6 [7] 8 9 10 11 12 13
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 [9] 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Also the "Alpha" , "Center" , and "Omega" tones maybe multiplied to give other frequency harmonic information:
1 x 7 x 13 = 91
This is the number of steps on each of the 4 sides of some Maya pyramids and thus 4 x 91 = 364 ..... 364 + 1 (top) = 365 (solar year)
1 x 9 x 17 = 153 See: and
Mark Borcherding
Mayan glyph
In The Mayan Factor by José Arguelles, we understand that LAMAT marks the beginning of the final AHAU cycle which includes all 13 Katuns. This final cycle is a culmination of the Baktun of the Transformation of Matter and began in the year 1756 to be completed in the year 2012. The energy of LAMAT is to ‘Seal [the whole mind of the world] with the Star-Seed Harmony’. LAMAT heralds a new way of living on Earth and a new experience and understanding of material life, including our own bodies. This is certainly reflected in the beautiful and elegant symmetry of this crop circle.
On top of all that, the particular shape of the formation is also found in a symbol for Mother Mary, an ancient Goddess figure, as well as a venerated Christian icon.
Mary’s symbol based on Maltese cross and pagan symbol
In this symbol, we see references to the four solar turning-points of the year, as well as the lunar aspects (dark and light circles), rendering Her, Lady of All the World. An interesting point is that LAMAT as a word stands for ‘rabbit’ which is also a long-standing symbol for the Goddess.
Michelle Jennings
Arguelles, José. The Mayan Factor: Path Beyond Technology. Bear & Co. Rochester. 1996.
Spilsbury, Ariel & Michael Bryner. Donna Kiddie, illus. The Mayan Oracle: Return
Path to the Stars. Bear & Co. Rochester. 1992.
Walker, Barbara. The Woman’s Dictionary of Symbols & Sacred Objects. Castle Books. 1988.
2012 Unlimited.
On September 26th, Joe Mason realized that another formation should be included in the list:
The above is one of the "Checkerboard" Patterns, of the Greene County, Pennsylvania, formations that appeared around 3 July 2005. See:
Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 Post subject: Pennsylvania "Checkerboard" Pattern Like Woolstone ---
It has been pointed out that several U.K. formations contain the eight or nine step spiral of rectangles, such as those at Boreham Down, Woolstone Hill, and Wayland's Smithy:
Image credit: Viktor Mika,CZ
Joe Mason says the Woolstone Hill formation was, perhaps, the most information-rich
The U.K. formation of 2005, at Ripley, near Bournemouth, Dorset should probably also be included. It was reported 17 April 2005. The spiraling numbers of the Ripley crop glyph is similar to the spiraling squares in the previous glyph.
At least one other person has pointed this out. The 6 pointed star, when looked at from an angle, looks like 3 blocks. I finally got around to illustrating the idea. Such block designs are often shown like a wall of blocks. It is sometimes used to illustrate how our perception can view an image in different ways. The view can appear as looking down at the tops of the boxes, or as looking up to the bottoms of the boxes:
Earth Star – A Mayan Connection!!
The beautiful earth star which fell onto fields at Echilhampton, near Devizes on August 15 is indeed a delicate formation and merits much appreciation. It is also the shape of the Mayan star-glyph, LAMAT, ‘Yellow Star’ and is associated with the planet Venus in that tradition. Here is a meditation on that glyph as it is presented in the website: :
LAMAT. (Star) The Mayan star. This step is basically about learning to love. You develop a tolerance and a compassion for yourself and others. The ability to love yourself is very important in attaining wisdom, and it is perfected here. You begin to feel a profound sense of your own value and a love for yourself exactly as you are. You evolve this self-love into a deep love for humanity and a love and caring for the planet Earth. Meditating with this glyph will help you remember and hold the vibration for unconditional love. The solar glyph painting Lamat portrays with colors our coming forth into being from love when we awake, creating our bodies out of light, then our return back to love, which we all do each time we fall asleep. Lamat is the symbolic portrayal that love is what we are.”
© 1992 Donna Kiddie The crop picture which appeared on August 18, 2006 at Etchilhampton Hill seems to show (i) the four-fold pointed-symmetry of a gravitational wave field, as well as (ii) certain grid lines which are commonly used to represent gravity or curved space time:
Four-fold pointed-symmetry of a gravitational wave field from Rep. Prog. Physics 63, 1317-1427, 2000
Schematic grid lines used to represent curved spacetime from Amer. J. Physics 73, 248-260, 2005.
The new Etchilhampton Hill crop picture thus has a concise, logical meaning: "Space-time may vibrate in two different directions, either 'up-down' or 'left-right', in response to the field energy of a passing gravitational wave". But why should the crop artists draw that particular picture at the end of 2006, after five other amazing "wormhole" pictures which illustrated possible technological uses of curved space-time? There could be two reasons. First, gravitational wave detectors are being built now all around the world; some are even planned for space. Those new and highly-sensitive devices may be used to detect gravity waves from distant astronomical sources, which could potentially cause severe geological disturbances in the future, if any of them were to pass through our Solar System at light speed c. For example, we learn from a website at Caltech: "Gravitational waves are ripples in the fabric of space-time. When they enter our LIGO detector, they will decrease the distance between test masses on one arm, while increasing it on the other arm. Such changes can be detected by bouncing laser beams back and forth between the test masses, then by interfering laser beams from the two arms."
"LIGO" stands for "Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory" ).
The same four-fold pointed-symmetry shown at Etchilhampton Hill appears over an illustration of their detector:
Secondly, it would not seem impossible that gravitational waves are now in transit toward Earth. Many previous crop pictures suggest this. Furthermore, see (below) speculations by Paul LaViolette, a non-mainstream astronomer, about the Boxing Day 2004 earthquake and its causes; as well as observations by Lonnie Thompson, the American glaciologist, concerning the last major sudden-climate-change on Earth in 3100 BC (end of the Mayan "Fourth Sun". Now when a powerful gravity wave with pointed four-fold symmetry passes through Earth, it may produce two different kinds of geological vibration as either "up-down" or "left-right", just as were shown schematically at Etchilhampton Hill:
If the whole planet Earth vibrates suddenly like that, there are going to be plenty of earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanoes Due to the relatively large size of most gravity waves, nearby stars could be affected as well. Recall from the Christian and Jewish scriptures various passages where "the Earth will reel like a drunkard" or "the seas will roar" and "powers (stars) in the heaven will be shaken". The Koran of Muslim faith describes a similar event. . How might gravity waves be produced in far distant parts of our galaxy? Gravity waves may be produced through several different mechanisms, the most common of which might be 'collapsing neutron stars' or 'binary black holes'. Paul LaViolette has argued that a gravity wave from a collapsing neutron star caused the Boxing Day 2004 earthquake). It was followed by an x-ray blast on the next day, consistent with Einstein-Rosen theory. By contrast, long-term-periodic emission of gravity waves might be better ascribed to binary black holes, one of which could perhaps be present at the centre of our Milky Way:
For example, if the two components of some binary system at the centre of our Milky Way were to orbit once every 5125 Earth years, then they might strongly emit gravity waves only once during some brief part of that mutual orbit, when they come close together. If that is the case, then a twin pulse of gravity waves and x-rays could potentially be emitted from the centre of our galaxy once every 5125 years. It would then take another 40,000 years (roughly) to reach Earth and Sun at light speed c. Could such a binary system of black holes, and long-term-periodic emission of gravity waves, provide a plausible mechanism for 5100-year periodicities in the ancient Mayan calendar? The accuracy of the Mayan calendar was recently validated by American glaciologist Lonnie Thompson, who found many different lines of evidence for a sudden, worldwide climate change on Earth 5138 plus or minus 45 years ago (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 103, 10536-10543, 2006). He has attributed that event to "a sudden change in the brightness of our Sun". His dates from radio-isotope analysis agree well with the Mayan calendar value of 5120 years ago for "end of the Fourth Sun". According to that same calendar, the next major event will occur six years from now in 2012. Could that be what the current crop-circle phenomenon is all about? The crop artists have been warning us about wave-like emissions from the galactic centre since at least 1994: see for example a lucid crop picture from that year, which shows a Mayan symbol for the galactic centre on the left, with curly rays or waves emerging on all sides:
In modern terms, the Mayan symbol for "galactic centre" might represent the curved in-fall of stars near some black hole, for example Sgr A*. Another pair of crop pictures at Etchilhampton in 1997 warned that our Sun would "flare" in 2012, perhaps due to gravity waves passing through it. In 2005, the "mace" showed an explosion from some central source (galactic?) in six spatial directions +x, -x, +y, -y, +z, -z, where various star systems affected were seemingly drawn all around:
Isabelle Kingston noted, from supposed psychic contact, that crop pictures are being given now "at a cataclysmic time in Earth's history" (see Freddy Silva's book) Both Wayland's Smithy pictures of August 2005 and July 2006 could plausibly be interpreted in terms of astronomical rays which will impact Earth and Sun in mid-August 2007. An alternative explanation for Wayland's Smithy of July 2005 in terms of "skyscrapers" can not explain why it shows numerous mathematical codes See also HERE Finally, regarding to the supposed future predictive ability of our crop artists, the putative August 2007 event will be a good test to learn whether they might be truthful and reliable concerning December 2012 Or as John Locke once wrote (Essay Concerning Human Understanding, 1690), "In matters of substance, experiment can be our only guide." If the crop artists do have wormhole / time-travel technology, as suggested by five other pictures this year, then their arcane source of knowledge seems self-evident! By contrast, the Chronology Protection Postulate of Stephen Hawking asserts that past-transfer of future-knowledge would not be permitted by "the laws of Nature". But nothing is more common than for great scientists to disagree.....
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