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ROMANIAN SMART INFO ( back-up ) / RSI Aliens Caffe - Hanul Extraterestrilor / Temporal Lobe Epilepsy and 2012 Moderat de 007/Ro, 007/gRO, Draco, EnKi, fernb
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Steve Scott has Temporal Lobe Epilepsy and since childhood, has sensed the importance of 2012. A BBC TV Horizon programme, called God on the Brain on 17th April 2003 dealt with the connection between TLE and religious experiences. They covered the work of Dr Michael Persinger of Laurentian University in Canada, whose research indicates that people with TLE may be especially sensitive to magnetic fields. He has a specially- designed helmet that directs controlled magnetic fields to the temporal lobes, and has been able to trigger several types of religious experiences, including out-of-body sensations, and even feelings of alien abduction in some cases.

Earth Mysteries researcher, Paul Devereux was director of the Dragon Project which started in 1977, which was an attempt to monitor energy anomalies at sacred sites. Many sites have been found to have magnetic anomalies, such as Carn Ingli, the "Peak of Angels" in Wales, which has areas of reversed magnetic field. It was here that St. Brynach, a sixth-century Irish holy man, lived as a hermit and communicated with "angels". Devereux says that " Persinger and colleagues have produced some exciting statistical evidence that suggests that there is a link between some forms of psi activity in humans and the activity of the geomagnetic field". ( Places of Power p.207) see also Earth Lights Revelation. Devereux, who has tried Persinger's magnetic helmet, notes that a stone shaped like a seat in the Gors Fawr stone circle in Wales, not only affects compass needles, but is also one of a pair of outliers that align to sunrise on the summer solstice. " The sitter's head leans back against exactly that part of the stone that most disturbs the compass: the cerebral cortex is in close proximity to the natural magnetic effect. The stone is also involved in a midsummer-sunrise alignment. Would the effect be somehow enhanced then? Or does that clue tell us when the ritual was carried out at the magnetic "spirit" stone? Alas, we have much yet to learn in our fledgling study of geopsychedelics."

Are magnetic effects at sacred sites enhanced at the solstices? Will the winter solstice in 2012 trigger an even more far-reaching effect? Should we be at such a sacred site for the Galactic Alignment event, or will the changes in the background geomagnetic field affect the weak magnetic field that surrounds all our heads? Perhaps being present at a sacred site might protect us from changes in the background geomagnetic status. Here is a translation of a Spanish page that explains how Russian cosmonauts exposed to a magnetic field of 0 gauss experienced "confusion, aggression & madness", and how Earth’s magnetic field is dropping towards 0 gauss by 2012.

There is more info if you follow the links.

[link to]

pus acum 16 ani
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