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The Theocrats
Parts two and three of WiH are presented as a dialog between my spirit guides and me. However, I wish to make it clear that very little of the material presented here was channeled in a single session. I would receive a few hundred words by automatic writing while in a fairly deep trance-state, then I would rewrite it while in a normal state of consciousness.
Later, I would go back into trance to transmit the edited text to my spirit guides, and they would suggest corrections and additions. This process, repeated over and over, produced the dialog you are about to read. My spirit guides are responsible for the content and wording of both the questions and the answers.
This dialog starts with their answer to my request for knowledge of the Great Secret...
A. The spiritual beings worshiped as gods by many religious groups are impostors. They are nothing more than the disembodied spirits of human beings who refuse to reincarnate. They remain on the astral plane, where they exercise power over other spirits and over living people. We call them “Theocrats,” a name also used to describe the ancient Egyptian Pharaohs and other earthly rulers who justified their demand for absolute political power by posing as divine beings.
The concept that gods are impostors is the first postulate of a theory that provides explicit answers for almost any question about the nature of spiritual reality.
Part of this theory is scientific. It explains what the soul is made of and how it functions. It also explains how the body, mind, and soul are inter-related and how psychic powers operate. The rest of the theory is political. It describes the political organization of spirits on the astral plane, and the relationships that different factions of disembodied spirits have with living people.
The Theocrats are violating natural laws when they refuse to reincarnate. The souls of all living beings are constructed to incarnate and draw energy from the physical body. This is the only natural and efficient way in which the soul can get the vital energy it needs to function and regenerate itself. Although the mechanics of this process are quite complicated, we will explain them in some detail to allow you to understand the rest of the theory.
The soul is actually an astral body, made up of a special form of matter. This matter is composed of subatomic particles like ordinary matter, but with different properties. Let us call this special form of matter astral matter, and the ordinary form physical matter.
The subatomic particles that compose astral matter have different properties from the particles that compose physical matter. Physicists on Earth have named and described some of these properties, such as mass, spin, and electrical charge. You also have terms like “charm” in your vocabulary for properties the scientific community apparently understands much less clearly.
The principal difference between astral matter and physical matter is that all astral subatomic particles possess much less mass than equivalent particles of physical matter. The charges and the mass ratios of the particles of astral atoms are about the same as those of physical atoms. In other words, the particles that compose the nucleus of an atom of astral matter have a positive or neutral electrical charge and their mass is greater than that of the negatively charged particles that revolve around the nucleus.
However, the astral subatomic particles equivalent to physical protons and neutrons are much less massive than physical electrons. Since physicists often describe physical electrons as having ”negligible mass” compared with physical protons and neutrons, this means that the total mass of astral atoms is extremely small.
Q. How can astral matter exist in the presence of physical matter? Why don’t the tiny astral atoms simply get sucked in by the gravitational attraction of the physical atoms and end up orbiting them the way electrons do?
A. Astral subatomic particles have a different characteristic that determines gravitational attraction. They are attracted by gravity to each other but not to particles of physical matter. In fact, the astral atoms and molecules that make up the soul occupy the same space as the physical matter that makes up the body.
Both kinds of matter are mostly empty space between particles anyway, and since there is no gravitational attraction between the two kinds of matter, the molecules simply slip by one another. This also explains people’s inability to see astral matter or detect it with physical laboratory instruments.
Energy also exists in two different forms, physical energy and astral energy. The photons that make up the two types again have different characteristics. Under most circumstances, astral photons do not react with physical subatomic particles. Nor do physical photons react with astral particles. However, the exception is important.
Q. You’re saying that light and other electromagnetic energy do not affect astral matter. Does this mean that psychic energy is not in the electromagnetic spectrum at all, but in a different one?
A. Yes. Advanced civilizations possess a unified field theory that describes the relationship between the two, but we can’t describe it to you right now. What’s important in this discussion is that psychic or astral energy normally works only on astral matter. It does not produce physical or chemical changes in physical matter. The reverse is also true.
Q. How does psychokinesis work then, or does it exist at all?
A. It exists, but it’s nothing like what you now think. In fact, your whole concept of the nature of psychic powers is a jumble of oversimplifications and errors. Psychokinesis does not move or change physical matter directly, but can do so by working through the links between physical and astral matter. These links are the “Secret of Life.”
The difference between living and non-living matter is that living matter is linked to astral matter but non-living matter is not. Complex organic molecules of physical matter can form a chemical bond with similarly constructed molecules of astral matter, and the resulting structure shows the characteristics of life: irritability and the ability to reproduce.
This process is very complicated, and your knowledge of physics is not adequate to understand all it completely. Here’s an attempt to explain why astral matter can react chemically with physical matter only within living molecules and not within simpler molecules. It has to do with the vibrational frequencies of photons produced when electrons of both physical and astral matter change energy levels within complex organic molecules. These frequencies are the same allowing physical photons to convert to astral and vice-versa. This happens only in certain kinds of molecules, not in all. These energy conversions allow a sort of chemical bonding to occur if the two molecules are similar enough.
Q. Does this mean that astral matter – in other words, the soul – plays a part in cell division?
A. Yes, in the whole genetic process: it affects the reduplication of DNA. It also affects many different aspects of cell metabolism. And the breaking of the molecular bonds between physical molecules and astral molecules causes the phenomenon commonly called “death”.
Q. How does this tie in with the idea that the body supplies the energy to nourish the soul?
A. Some of the electromagnetic energy generated chemically by the cell’s metabolic processes is converted into astral energy by the links between the physical and astral molecules. This energy flows into the astral matter that composes the soul, powering its various functions and providing the raw material for regeneration of its astral matter. In other words, some electro-magnetic energy is converted into astral energy, passed into the soul, and converted into astral matter there to perform cellular growth and repairs.
The astral plane is actually higher on an ecological energy chain than the Earth plane, which means it receives less total usable energy. Plants convert solar energy into chemical energy. When animals eat the plants, they absorb this energy and use most of it in growth, repair of tissues, moving around, and other activities. However, some of it is also converted into astral energy and passed into the soul. Since each of these energy conversion processes is less than completely efficient, each link in the energy chain has access to less total energy than the one below it.
Q. The impression of the human soul I get from this is that it’s exactly the same size and shape as the body, linked to it cell-by-cell and molecule-by-molecule. This is very different from my previous concept, which was that it is attached to the body at only one point through the traditional “silver cord.” Please explain.
A. Human beings actually have two souls, not one. So do all other animals; but plants have only one. The soul we’ve been talking about so far is a primitive structure, an astral body that is merely an analog of the physical body. It is alive in the sense that it is made up of molecules of living astral matter, but it is not sentient. It has a nervous system but not a mind. The true soul, the one you were just talking about, is a separate structure of astral matter.
Using the term “somatic soul” for the primitive soul linked cell-by-cell to the body and “astral soul” for the other will make it easier to discuss this subject. The astral soul is a body of astral matter linked to the somatic soul’s nervous system by what you call the silver cord. This is structured like a segment of plant root with feeder roots at both ends. The feeders at one end tap into the somatic soul’s nervous system; those at the other end tap into the astral soul’s nervous system. Energy flows into the astral soul from the somatic soul and indirectly from the body through this cord. Energy flowing through the silver cord is the astral soul’s only truly efficient source of nourishment.
Q. This makes sense. I take it, then, that the silver cord breaks when the body dies, leaving the astral soul free.
A. Correct. Remember, though, that the astral soul loses its best source of energy when it separates from the body. By contrast, when the body dies, the somatic soul does not also separate and live on independently. It simply decomposes when the body decomposes. Remember, it’s very closely linked to the body with chemical bonds.
Q. I conclude from this that a new somatic soul is created during the embryological development of every new human being.
A. Correct. In fact, a cell of living physical matter can’t divide unless the astral cell linked to it also divides. Living cells and molecules can exist only in pairs, one physical, and one astral. This is why many complex organic molecules undergo chemical reactions differently in living cells from the way they do in a test tube.
Q. I assume, then, that reincarnation occurs when an existing astral soul attaches itself to the developing somatic soul of a fetus. You’ve also given a reason why the astral soul needs to reincarnate: to link itself to a source of vital energy and nourishment. Where in the process of embryological development does this occur?
A. There are two very different reincarnation processes. The commonest occurs even before conception. Sexual activity often attracts a nearby spirit and causes a temporary attachment to a woman’s somatic soul at the genital chakra.
(The same attachment can happen to a man, but it generally lasts only a few minutes, because the attachment point in a male’s somatic soul is vestigial, whereas the female’s is fully functional.)
The attachment can last up to about twenty-four hours; and if conception occurs during this time, some of the hormonal secretions that accompany the process cause the woman’s nervous system to send energy to her somatic soul that keeps the attachment intact through the entire pregnancy. Late in pregnancy, when the somatic soul of the fetus becomes sufficiently developed, another hormonal change causes the mother’s genital chakra to reject the link to the attached soul, which then remains attached only to the fetus.
Q. I think this information might also explain why students of sex magic in both the East and the West have written so much about the relationship between the female menstrual cycle and various psychic and spiritual phenomena. Most of them have noticed that kundalini energies vary significantly in both quantity and nature at various points during the cycle, and that there is also a connection to mediumship and even possession.
A. Yes, this information can help magicians work out better theoretical explanations for the mechanisms of such phenomena. At present, the theories they use to explain their observed data are among the most complex and mystical hypotheses you’ll find in occult books. This same concept should also be useful to people trying to explain some of the phenomena described by Whitley Strieber in Communion: women experiencing phantom pregnancies after “UFO abduction” experiences, etc.
To get back to our discussion of the mechanisms of reincarnation, the primitive, involuntary form of reincarnation occurs in many of the more intelligent types of “lower animals,” and it happens spontaneously to any human soul at a relatively low state of psychic development who happens to come close to a couple having intercourse. Although it allows the soul to survive death, it has serious disadvantages for both mother and child.
All during her pregnancy the mother suffers serious psychic energy imbalances, which can cause her both mental and physical illness. These are usually more uncomfortable than they are dangerous, but the damage suffered by the attached astral soul is often much more serious. Signals intended for the mother’s astral soul are also transmitted into the attached soul, and they usually scramble the contents of its astral mind quite badly. For this reason, few people who reincarnate by this method show the typical characteristics of the twice born: past-life memories, precocious intellectual or psychic development, etc.
Q. What happens if an existing astral soul doesn’t link to the mother’s somatic soul? Does this cause an early miscarriage? Recent medical evidence shows that about half of all pregnancies terminate spontaneously within a week or two after conception; since an early miscarriage of this type closely resembles normal menstruation, the woman isn’t aware she was ever pregnant.
A. This has nothing to do with reincarnation, but has purely physical causes. Every human being has to have an astral soul. If an existing astral soul is not already attached to the mother, the fetus starts generating an astral soul of its own late in pregnancy. At this point, two things can happen. Either a late reincarnation can occur, or the baby is born with a completely new soul, spontaneously created during its embryonic development.
The people the Hindus call “twice born” are those in which an astral soul at a reasonably high state of development has incarnated shortly before or after birth, a process that keeps the infant from developing its own new soul. On the average, people with twice-born souls have a head start over those with new souls or souls received through early reincarnation. The astral soul of a twice-born person transfers memories into the physical mind during infancy and childhood that “teach it how to learn.” This is equivalent to raising the person’s effective intelligence and creativity.
Energy to nourish the soul flows from the body through the somatic soul to the astral soul, but there are smaller energy flows both ways that convey information. The astral souls of the twice born give them a head start by feeding valuable information into the physical mind.
Q. Why do the Theocrats refuse to reincarnate?
A. Remember Satan in Milton’s “Paradise Lost” saying, “Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven”? The Theocrats are spirits with great knowledge and psychic power. They are a sort of ruling class on the astral plane, and they don’t want to give up their power and privilege by reincarnating. Highly advanced souls who aren’t Theocrats reincarnate and take the chance that their soul can properly educate their new mind, and that their next reincarnation will be a pleasant and valuable one. But it still involves taking a chance: the body might have hidden flaws that they don’t detect before incarnating, or the child’s earthly environment can take an unforeseen turn for the worse.
Also, the late reincarnation process itself is as traumatic as the physical ordeals of giving birth or being born. This trauma erases many of the memories stored in the astral soul and damages the programming that governs the astral soul’s functioning. The Theocrats are too selfish and egotistical to take these chances, even though the alternative is extremely immoral.
Another reason why Theocrats don’t want to reincarnate is that human beings have two minds as well as two souls. One mind is in the physical body’s brain, the other is in the astral soul, and both have separate consciousness. Normally, the astral mind is conscious while the body sleeps and unconscious while the physical mind is awake. The two are conscious simultaneously only during certain states of altered consciousness. This “time-sharing” is humiliating for the astral mind’s ego, which considers itself superior to that of the physical mind. Theocrats want total consciousness for their astral ego, in addition to power over other spirits.
This brings us to one of the most important things we have to tell you in this whole series of communications. The nourishment that disembodied spirits receive from living people as radiant psychic energy is not enough to sustain them by itself. This is why all non-Theocratic spirits reincarnate within ten to fifty years after physical death: if they don’t, the astral soul starts to degenerate because of a sort of malnutrition. The astral matter that makes up its tissues can’t regenerate itself properly and reverse the effects of entropy. So the choice is reincarnation or illness, insanity, and death.
The Theocrats have found an alternative to this, but it is an evil one: cannibalism. They use their telepathic powers to hypnotize spirits less highly developed than they are; then they attach the silver cord to them just as if the other astral soul were the somatic soul of an infant. They can draw out enough energy this way to sustain themselves on the astral plane indefinitely, but the process destroys the other spirit.
Q. This is very frightening. Can they do this to just any other spirit, and can they do it to an astral soul incarnated in a body?
A. Fortunately, no to both. If they could, neither you nor we would be here talking about it. The Theocrats would have eaten up all of us just to get rid of us. They claim to be gods, but their powers are actually quite limited. Some of them are both more knowledgeable and psychically more powerful than most of the rest of us, living and disembodied, but they are far from omnipotent.
They can’t damage an embodied soul or override its conscious will, and they usually can’t capture and devour disembodied souls who resist them, except for the weak and untrained ones that mediums call “lost souls.” And even the majority of lost souls are capable of random psychokinetic bursts that allow them to flee the Theocrats when threatened. The Theocrats obtain victims by posing as gods and persuading religious believers to enter their bands by promising them “eternal bliss in Heaven.”
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Chapter 11: Theocratic Bands
Q. Please tell me more about the Theocrats and how they operate. For example, who were they when they lived on Earth?
A. Many notorious tyrants, conquerors, evil religious leaders, black magicians, and criminals have become Theocrats after death, but so have some people whom history calls saints or benign geniuses. Power corrupts, and the prospect of achieving immortality corrupts even more. Many people with highly developed souls whose earthly lives were lived quite ethically chose to become Theocrats after death.
This has been especially true of people who were religiously devout, then found out the horrible truth about their gods after death. If they were too powerful for the Theocrats to enslave and devour, some became members of the Invisible College and fought Theocracy; but others became Theocrats themselves. The temptation is very strong, because the Theocrats as a class have ruled both the Earth and its astral plane throughout most of human history. For example,
most of the medieval Popes and other religious leaders notorious for being cynical and power-hungry are now Theocrats.
So are many famous occult leaders, from Cagliostro down to Aleister Crowley.
Q. I’ve learned a lot from Crowley’s writings and from members of occult organizations he founded or influenced, but I’ve always also felt a deep emotional revulsion for him.
A. While he was alive, Crowley was very similar to a double agent in espionage. Sometimes he helped us in our battles against the Theocrats, but at other times he worked for them. Of course, we were always aware that no matter which side he said he was on, his only real loyalties were to himself. This kind of egotism is a typical Theocratic personality-type, and proves that Crowley had been a Theocratic spirit between lives many times before. Right now, he’s working with various Theocrats of an occultist persuasion, trying to turn some of the occult groups he founded into cults based on his worship. He talked frequently about doing this during his life, and now he’s in a position to put it into practice.
Q. This makes the War in Heaven sound more like the Allies against the Nazis than the forces of good against the forces of evil.
A. It’s all just politics. Both sides are working in their own interests. The important thing is that the self-interest of the Invisible College and of living people is the same. We acknowledge that we are part of the same human race as you. The Theocrats are trying to become literally superhuman.
Q. Are you implying, then, that the time-honored goal of so many occultists – that of becoming or merging with a god-like being – is evil? That trying to do this turns people into Theocratic spirits who literally eat souls?
A. This question doesn’t have a yes-or-no answer, and before we can answer it all, we’ll have to give you a lot more background information. The question isn’t really a matter of morality so much as one of dealing realistically with natural law. For example, it is a serious violation of natural law for a disembodied astral soul to take on large amounts of energy by draining it from another spirit, because there is no template for determining how the energy is assimilated, as there is when the astral soul is attached to a body. In the latter case, the somatic soul acts as such a template. When the somatic soul transmits energy through the silver cord to nourish the astral soul, the pulses of energy are arranged in patterns that keep the growth of astral tissues in proper balance.
By contrast, when Theocrats absorb energy from other spirits, there is no such template, so the growth-pattern is random and may put the functioning of the astral soul out of balance. Because imbalances in the astral nervous system can cause irrational thinking and behavior, most of the Theocrats are insane. And the bigger and older they are, very often the crazier they are. Many Theocrats do irrational and self-destructive things, and most of them eventually become so insane that other Theocrats destroy them.
Q. This means the Theocrats aren’t really immortal?
A. Most of them aren’t. They have the potential to be, but only by properly controlling the energies they assimilate, and few of them have the knowledge to do this. There are some very large, old, and stable Theocrats on the astral plane who do seem to have this knowledge, but they don’t cause much trouble. They feed themselves by stealing spirits from other Theocrats and don’t work directly with living people, so we don’t worry about them much. It’s the younger Theocrats that cause the most trouble, both for the Invisible College and for living people.
Q. Why do the Theocrats maintain bands of spirit followers, and what are these bands like?
A. The Theocrats enslave other spirits to provide psychic energy, as slaves or employees on Earth provide physical labor. Individual Theocratic bands can contain from a couple of dozen spirits to several thousand, with the average in the low hundreds. The paintings and poems that describe a Heaven containing millions of souls are inaccurate. The daily activities of a Fundamentalist Theocratic band organized as Heaven are similar to a church service as such sects hold them on Earth, except that they go on perpetually. The Theocrat in charge poses as the Lord God Jehovah, and subordinate Theocrats pose as Christ, various Angels and Apostles, and so forth. God quotes the same Biblical passages and preaches the same sermons as preachers in the same sect do on Earth, and the congregation joins in singing the same hymns.
Dead Fundamentalists in Heaven find out they even still have to confess their sins and receive divine forgiveness, because they are still capable of thinking “rebellious and impure thoughts.” Of course, since they are in constant, direct telepathic contact with their God, the process is simple and automatic. Christians in Heaven are kept in a perpetual state of religious ecstasy, which activates their psychic powers under the control of their God. The Theocratic leaders of the band then channel this collective psychic energy to perform whatever functions they consider necessary.
Most of the activities have to do with the survival of the band, and especially of the Theocratic dictator posing as God. The band recruits new members from among the recently deceased, steals souls from other bands, fights to keep spirits like us from liberating members of the band, and so on.
Q. I still don’t have a clear picture of how the Theocratic bands on the astral plane relate to living people.
A. Each Theocratic band has to have a working relationship with a group of living people, often a religious congregation. Occult and political groups are also used; and now more and more Theocratic bands are controlling groups of people whose common interest is popular music, sports, or something else centered around the electronic media. Traditionally, the majority of Theocrats hung around places of worship, but now you can find them almost any place that crowds gather.
Q. Please clarify this. You talk about spirits being on the astral plane as if it’s a place, but you also say, “hang around places of worship.” Just where is the astral plane? Is it on Earth, in another dimension, or what?
A. The astral plane is a condition, not a place. A spirit, meaning an astral soul, on the astral plane is in the condition of not being bound to physical matter through the silver cord. The Earth plane is the surface of the planet Earth as you perceive it with your physical senses. The astral plane is that same place as we perceive it with our psychic senses. We and the Theocrats and all spirits live on the sane world you do. Spirits are present around you all the time, and if you enter the correct state of consciousness to put your psychic senses under conscious control, you can perceive them directly.
Q. This makes more sense than anything else I’ve ever heard about the astral plane. However, you and practically every other disembodied spirit I’ve communicated with telepathically or seen quoted in the literature still use the term “astral plane” as if it were a place. You make statements like “When the soul separates from the body and arrives on the astral plane…” Why do you do this?
A. It’s just a verbal convention, but we continue to use it to keep our communications with living people consistent with those of other spirits. You do the sane thing when you use illogical idioms and other grammatical structures simply to conform to common usage.
Q. You’re right. To get back to the Theocrats, then, every religious congregation has its own individual god?
A. Yes, though there are also hierarchies of Theocrats on the astral plane that work very much like political hierarchies on Earth.
Q. Does this mean that each Christian congregation has a Theocrat who claims to be an Angel or a Saint or something in charge of it, with some Theocrat equivalent of the Pope out there somewhere claiming to be the Lord God Jehovah Himself?
A. This is roughly correct, but the reality isn’t this simple. There are many such Jehovahs, thousands of them. The Theocrats who communicate telepathically to individual Christians when they pray also call themselves God or Christ or the Holy Spirit because that’s what the believers expect, but they also claim to be angels or saints or devils when that seems appropriate.
Q. How are the Christian Theocrats organized – according to sect, or geographically, or what?
A. Both. The structure is very complex and constantly changing as Theocrats fight among themselves. The intellectual content of Christian dogma among the living believers is a factor in this, as is the personality-structure of use religious mind control to program the minds of living believers, and the way they are organized as a political structure on the astral plane. However, the structure of the Theocratic bands on the astral plane is even more important.
There are many different kinds of spirits that you could lump under the rough heading of Theocrats. High-level Theocrats are rulers who claim to be gods or important servants of gods, angels and the like, and these all have bands of subordinates or servants working under them. They control these subordinate spirits by direct psychic means, something like hypnotism, or by persuasion or intimidation.
Q. This sounds very much like certain kinds of political structure on Earth, both in governments and in churches. I take it the Theocrats within each band have an ascending power structure, with a sort of “dictator playing god” at the top, and other classes of Theocrats under them with different degrees of power and privilege. And the lowest class at the bottom is like cattle, eaten by the rest. Correct?
A. It is a very complicated structure, and it varies a great deal from band to band. For instance, there are dead Christians who think they are in Heaven, sitting around the throne of Jehovah “eternally singing his praises,” when they’re really just his slaves and possibly his dinner as well. Now you understand the real significance of “Holy Communion.” As practiced in Heaven, there’s nothing more unholy.
Q. I have always been revolted by the symbolic cannibalism in the Eucharist ritual, and I’ve heard a lot of other people say the same thing. There’s a terrible irony to the Christians eating the body of their god during life, and then having the process reversed after death. Only it’s not funny, because in Heaven, the cannibalism is no longer symbolic. It’s real.
A. Yes. And it’s not just the high-level Theocrats who participate. All members of a Theocratic band are offered the Host, who is a rebellious or degenerating member. Not all souls who enter Heaven can survive even through the obscene practice of feeding on other spirits. Many souls simply aren’t developed sufficiently to survive very long even when nurtured within a Theocratic band, though they would survive if they reincarnated.
Q. Are there also Theocratic bands organized into a version of the Christian Hell, with the boss Theocrat claiming to be Satan and various subordinates claiming to be demons?
A. Yes. Some people who deliberately become Satanists on Earth hold positions of power in “Hell” after they die, and the lower classes are composed of Christians who believed the basic mythology but had too little self-confidence to believe themselves “saved.” One major irony about Christian Hells is that individual believers usually don’t have much power over whether they go to Heaven or Hell. That is determined more by which particular band of Theocrats gets to them as they’re in the process of dying. All except the most devout believers have enough self-doubts about the strength of their faith and the certainty of their salvation that Satanist Theocrats can get control of them as they’re dying and lead them off to Hell.
However, a Theocratic band organized as Heaven is more stable and easier to control than one organized as Hell, so Heavens are more common. There is no other significant difference between the two anyway: they are both just political institutions run to serve the interests of the Theocrats. The Moslem, Hindu, and Buddhist mythologies also describe a variety of afterlife states resembling the Christian Heaven or Hell; they too are Theocratic institutions designed to imprison the souls of believers after death.
As fanatical belief in organized religion declines in the modern era, the Theocrats have even devised ways to persuade atheists and agnostics to join Theocratic bands after death. The most common is simply to invite them to join what appears to be a community of spirits that includes some of their previously deceased relatives or friends, or some famous person they greatly admire.
Q. Does this mean there’s a “Rock’n’Roll Heaven” presided over by Theocrats who claim to be the shades of Elvis Presley, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, etc.?
A. There isn’t just one, but many of them, and the number grows every year. There are also “Heavens” whose “gods” claim to be politicians, movie stars, writers, and scientists, or even fictional characters. However, we’d like to delay a detailed discussion of this until later. It’s easier to describe the nature of Theocracy using the religious infrastructure that’s been traditional through most of human history. Once we’ve done that, we will describe how the Theocrats have changed their methods because of modern technology and other factors, and what they intend to do in the future.
For now, we will continue describing the traditional political structure of the Theocratic bands on the astral plane, especially those organized to resemble the Christian Heaven. Most of the lower-level spirits in these bands have no idea of what’s actually going on, but genuinely believe that the afterlife is exactly what their earthly faith taught them it would be.
Q. People who have had point-of-death experiences have often reported being met by Jesus, angels, or other religious figures who invited them into Heaven; but meeting spirits who claim to be previously deceased relatives or friends is even more common. Is this part of the recruiting process?
A. Yes. Point-of-death experiences represent a major mistake by the Theocrats: trying to recruit people who are close to death but not really dying. The silver cord is stretched out very long but not broken, and the mind is in a state of consciousness very similar to that occurring during the actual death process. The Theocrats perceive this and try to recruit the person into their band, but nothing happens because the silver cord is still intact, and disembodied spirits lack the psychic power to break it. Eventually, the person returns to normal consciousness and remembers a point-of-death experience.
We call this a major mistake by the Theocrats because many point-of-death experiences reveal information about the afterlife that the Theocrats would like to conceal. Sometimes, members of the Invisible College show up during the encounter and warn the person that the Theocrats are impostors who enslave and destroy souls. Only a few remember this warning consciously and talk about it afterwards, but many more are affected by it enough to become hostile to the Theocratic aspects of religion.
Q. I remember reading passages in accounts of point-of-death experiences that support both of your statements. Especially, many people who have had such experiences tend to avoid church attendance and involvement with any sort of traditional religious dogma from then on. I’ve always been somewhat mystified by this, because it would seem logical for such an experience to strengthen faith in religion, not weaken it.
A. The greatest enemy of Theocracy is the truth. The more that people find out about the true nature of the afterlife and other aspects of spiritual reality, the harder it is for the Theocrats to delude and enslave them. This is why so many Theocratic religious sects forbid deliberate mediumistic contact with the spirit world. But point-of-death experiences are accidents, and there isn’t much that the Theocrats can do to prevent them.
Q. When people see the spirits of dead relatives waiting to greet then during point-of-death experiences, are these fakes like the Theocrats pretending to be Jesus, or are the other spirits really their relatives?
A. Quite often, they really are. Theocratic bands often contain many members of one family. There are several reasons for this. Frequently, whole families belong to the same church congregation and are recruited, after death, into the Theocratic band that controls it. Even if not, ties of family affection are also used to recruit spirits after death. One of the most important activities of every Theocratic band is obtaining new members to replace the souls the band devours.
Maintaining a relationship with an organized group of living people also allows the Theocrats to maintain a social and political system here on Earth working in their interest. Theocratic bands maintain their relationships with the living by using religious mind control, which should be described in a separate chapter. Let us end this chapter by pointing out that every single one of the ideas at the core of traditional deistic doctrine is a lie.
“Only God (under various specific names in different sects) is good: people are basically evil and are incapable of improving themselves morally by their own efforts.” This is a lie. *
“Only God is naturally immortal, but people can gain immortality by doing proper service for the Deity.” This is a lie. *
“Human beings can receive forgiveness for their sins, and divine strength to prop up their various weaknesses, by ‘Letting God into their hearts’ i.e., by creating a powerful psychic bond between themselves and the deity.” This is also a lie.
Q. From what I’ve learned so far, the biggest lie of all is that the “gods” worshiped by organized religions are “archetypes of virtue.” We humans are bad enough, but the Theocrats are obviously many times worse than the worst of us. And it’s not Satan who’s the real “Father of Lies.” It’s God.
A. Exactly. However, the important thing to realize about this whole body of lies is that it makes people weaker and more evil than they already are, and increases their dependency on the Theocrats, as we shall describe next.