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I am Robert Burgess. I have, for many years, earned my living as a private investigator, a seeker of truth. The primary personalities in this book are identifiable as angels and I have been in direct contact with many of them for an extended period of time. So much so, that those I’ve dealt with have established credibility and believability to my satisfaction. It falls to the reader to make these determinations for themselves. I was invited to partake in a journey. So too, I’ve invited you to join me for a distance.
This work encompasses and clarifies many of the things some call Earth’s collective amnesia. Major portions of our history are missing and gaps are present in the knowledge of our past, our purpose and our future. The key element, the master architect, has been Caligastia, The Planetary Prince. While this book is Earth’s story, it is also his story.
The relationship between us is unique. Those who accept channeling would, perhaps, choose to believe that I am performing this practice. I am not.
In 1995, I received an implant from an angelic benefactor. Proofs to the point are within the pages of this work. Within that device were aspects of Caligastian DNA including genetic memory. In other words, aspects of his memory were provided to me. This did not mean that Bob ceased to exist or that my own personality was over written with ‘new programming’. My freewill is as intact as it has ever been. The situation is more akin to a Bob Plus situation. These circumstances have led me into an exceptional adventure and journey of exploration.
I am Caligastia, Lanonandek Son #9344, Second Order. This means that I was the 9,344th birth into the Second Order of the Lanonandek Family of Angels. Nearly five hundred thousand years ago, I was sent to this world for the purpose of fostering the ‘First Cause’, the development of ascendant life.
Your mythohistorical accounts record my presence under various names at a variety of times. To the Egyptians, I was known as Thoth. To the Hebrews, I AM. To the Greeks I was Hermes. To the Romans I was Mercury. To the Norse I was Thor. In all cases, I was mistaken as ‘God’. Given the limited technologies of the times and the lack of sophistication of the cultures involved, it is easy to understand how these arrived at this perception. Moses once asked me who I was. I told him, ‘I am what I am’. This is universal speak for ‘what you see is what you get’. Moses chose to see a god, thus I became the God of Israel.
I have been in life, as man since 29 AD. Immediately prior to the murder of the Creator Son in Jerusalem, I entered mortality to serve the purposes of my mission. Some of my incarnations are recognizable within historical context. These were Genghis Khan, Charlemagne, Martin Luther, Arthur of Camelot, Benjamin Franklin, Robert E. Lee, and a split soul incarnation as Ellen White and Aleister Crowley.
It is not my goal in these joint writings to indulge in self-aggrandizement nor do I ask of you belief. I accept the axiom of soul. Simply put, that it is the nature of the soul to gravitate towards that which is true. We all exist in our own evolutionary moment. Those with eyes will see and those without won’t. It serves best purpose to accept all as they are and whether or not they accept me is irrelevant. I am what I am regardless of any one individual’s perceptions and will continue to be so.
For many years, truths about your origins and what you are were withheld from you. I deemed this necessary if you were to successfully complete your course of study on Earth. It comes time now to remove the blinders and to allow an appreciation of what was done and why it was done and what is to come.
In spite of the obvious imperfections of this world, it was not my goal to create a Utopia. This idea does not serve the First Cause. My task was/is to generate ascendant souls competent to assume Universal Citizenship.
On a universal world, the average ratio of ascendant to non-ascendant souls is one out of five. Already now, over two billion souls have been judged as ascendant and by the time we reach the actual end of the timeline, that number will have risen to over four billion. This reality speaks well to the non-universal methodologies that were employed. More so, it speaks to the reality that you are a magnificent people. While I may have laid the foundations and set the parameters for your life experiences, it is you who did the work. With you, I am well pleased. Caligastia
An Abbreviated History of Earth
Mankind has been on this world for one million years. This constitutes TWO five hundred thousand year timelines. This is the amount of time alloted by universal protocol for the development of ascendant life.At the end of each timeline, judgement is held and rapture performed. Typically, those deemed ascendant are taken to a world the next level up with a stop over in Jerusem, the universal capitol, for an orientation period.
Earth's first timeline was conducted according to universal forms, one race (black), one culture, one society. Following the rapture of this group, the bulk of the non ascendants left remaining on the planet were consigned to extinction, soul death, along with their physical forms. A number were left upon the planet to serve as seed for the second timeline. I do not know whether it was by universal design or not, but this seed group did not possess the genetic abilities to be ascendant. Regardless, I am suspicious to the point. There is a balance that must be maintained between intellect and soul. A great soul trapped into a retarded body will never be able to give that soul expression. Conversely, a great intellect possessed of little or no soul will never have the moral restraints necessary to generate a civilization. Such a person would deemed to be a sociopath. The seed for the new civilization lacked the intellectual capacity to rise to the needs of the soul. As such, the timeline and all those souls within it were doomed to extinction from the very beginning. For three hundred thousand years I worked to overcome this situation. Three times I petitioned the universe for permission to inject a superior genetic structure into the genus of man and three times I was denied. Every effort to create a bridge allowing man to succeed past his genetic limitations met with failure. You can't make an omelete without eggs. In this case, the eggs just weren't there.
Three hundred thousand years into the timeline an event of universal importance occurred, The Lucifer Rebellion. Lucifer, a Lanonandek Son, and a perfect being, rose to give voice to much of the discontent that was prevalent within the universe. This resulted in thirty nine worlds declaring rebellion against the universe. One world, Earth, declared secession.
It is a long standing crime to rebel against the universe. The history of the universe is such that occassionally a planetary prince would do so individually. Never had there been such a concerted effort by such a large group of princes.
Earth, on the other hand, declared secession. While this had the same practical effect as rebellion, it was the first time any one had done so. The saving grace of the declaration is that the universe had no law against secession and was rendered impotent to take actions against either myself or this planet. They found this position to be extremely frustrating and deemed me to be a slickster who had avoided punishment through clever and devious means. To some degree, this perception is correct for by declaring secession I insured that Earth would be permitted to complete its timeline and those whom I had come to view as my children would be safe from retaliation. Yet, it must also be recognized that there is a subtle difference between rebellion and secession. The former states a permanent state of separation while the later implies a possibility for reunion. Regardless, the universal bureaucrasy found it infuriating that I had used their own protocols, or the lack thereof, in a fashion which prevented their intervention and my removal as planetary prince.
This event occurred nearly two hundred thousand years ago. With separation from protocols complete I set to do what needed to be done. Yet, the universe was not done with me yet. Their response was an attempt to ignore my rule and they hoped they would be able to continue universal protocol on Earth in spite of my presence. The existence of two separate and distinctly different programs of ascendancy, one of which couldn't work, was not tolerable. To dissuade the universe from it's then current effort and future attempts along the same lines, I destroyed every foundation that had been built in the first three hundred thousand years. I took no joy in these deeds but they did serve the logic of purpose in as much as they denied the universe the structures THEY needed to function. I, on the other hand, did not. Freed from universal constraints I initiated what has since become known as the Caligastian Principles of Accelerated Ascendancy.
It had long been my point that the five hundred thousand year number set by the universe was arbitrary, pointless and did not well serve the First Cause. That the universe was bloated with bureaucrasy and had divested itself of the ability to engage in original thought. That they, instead, worshipped protocols to the point of mindless ruitualism. To illustrate this point, I prematurely raptured the Mayan civilization immediately before the declaration of secession.
It takes three angels of high status to perform a judgement. Two were present upon this world, myself and he who is known in the Christian Bible as Abaddon, the keeper of the bottomless pit (mortality). Lucifer arrived, per arrangement, to fill the role of the third judge. Judgement was completed, rapture was performed and these ascendant souls were packed up and sent to Jerusem. The declaration of secession made it an impossibility (protocol) for the universe to return them. These people had reached their ascendancy in less than five hundred thousand years and there was, in my opinion, no moral justification for making them endure another two hundred thousand years of mortality's hardships. It serves to note that this act did not serve to engratiate me with the universal burearcrats. Also, that with the exception of these people, no soul born to mortality has left this world since.
I set to correct the genetic deficiency in mankind. To this end, angelic dna was incorporated into your physical structure. Further, I deviated totally from universal norms in how I went about the task. Had this still been a universal world, the inclusion of angelic dna would have earned me the death penalty for it is forbidden to do so under any circumstance. As it was, I was outside the pervue of their laws.
On a universal world, competition is disallowed. The universe views the pitting of one soul against another for any purpose to be evil. I loosed evil upon the world by allowing situations wherein conflict would result. The competition for resources became the first area of competition. Additionally, I created multiple races knowing that the obvious differences in skin color and culture would lead to conflict (competition). I instituted the rule of survival of the fittes, reflecting my opinion that those who did not have sufficient soul to fight for their own survival were unfit for ascension. Several of the races did not survive the tests of time and fell to extinction. It should be noted that no souls have ever been lost in this arrangement. The soul is a reservoir and a collection point for life's experiences. It survives from life time to life time. In this context, the circumstances of life serve to enhance and strengthen one's personality. We should note that man's greatest ability is his facility to rise to the occasion in the face of adversity and to conquer evil. Can one defeat evil if it is disallowed from the learning process? Clearly not. Thus, universal protocol to the point does not meet the tests of logic.
On the average universal world, only one out of five souls are ultimately deemed ascendant. Four out of five face extinction. What a horrible waste! The only exception to this was long ago when Lucifer served as a planetary prince. The ratio for his world was two out of five. Yet, as I write this, two out of five have been judged ascendant and by the end of the timeline, that number will surpass four out of five. This speaks well to the differences in methodology. Me and mine came here to serve the First Cause. We came to serve our Creator Father. We have succeeded in our mission. His Will has been done.
The Structure of Creation
Creation is divided into seven perfect dimensions. Each exists parallel to its neighbors and each has its own unique qualities and purposes.
Father resides in the seventh. We do not know if their are others of his kind there but we suspect not. He hasn't said. Seven, six and five are energy dimensions. Father is an energy entity or a personality composed of energy. His substance is the same as he's provided as casings for our personalities, the soul.
Creation begins at the top of the sixth dimension. There, an energy field projects Father's intent into our cosmos. This field is oft time called Father's Eye and could be likened to a wagon wheel in that spokes of energy radiate from a central hub. One spoke for each universe. The Star of David is a graphical representation of Father's Eye. Although, with the inclusion of the new universes those spokes will increase to eight in number.
It is a fact that Father's Will and His on going attention enable creation to exist. Further, that His lifeline IS the master timeline for all of creation and that both are one in the same.
Rule is passed to the Creator Son and his individual universe from Father's Eye. The lifeline of the Creator Son and the timeline for his universe become intertwined into the form of the double helix. As with Father, the lifeline and the timeline for that universe become one and the same. When Jesus said that no one can get to the Father except through him, his utterance was not only a spiritual reference but a real physical fact and the ability of the Creator Son begins at the top of the sixth dimension.
The fifth dimension is the residence for that special aspect of the Creator Son which religion calls The Holy Spirit. Each universe takes on the harmonic vibrance of the Creator Son. Each Son, while similar in nature, is different and distinct from any of the others. It follows that the Holy Spirit aspect of their natures is also distinct and different. This special aspect serves as a point of inspiration and ascendancy to those who have so evolved themselves as to be able to reach it, although one example exists when the Son called it down upon His apostles. Contact with the Holy Spirit is a moving experience that forever alters a person. It raises an individual's personal harmonic so much that he becomes one with that influence and forever radiates it from his being to others. Those who have been in the presence of the Creator Son, Lucifer, or Immanuel can attest to the massive feeling of goodness that emanates from their beings. One can not stand before these individuals and not be moved by the experience.
The fourth dimension is where most life resides. While we do use markers of time, such as planetary movements etc., as matters of practical convenience, four is timeless and those who live within it are immortal. The rules for existence in four a substantially different than those for three. Thought can become reality and it is essential that those who reside there are possessed of the ability to control their thoughts and emotions so as not to become a blight upon their society. This belies the need for education in the third dimension where limitations are placed that prevent inappropriate incursions into four.
The third dimension contain the worlds of time and space, mortality. These are maintained for the purposes of training ascendant populations. Your genus has been structured to give you usage of only a small portion of your brain and are harmonically separated from access to most of your soul. Additionally, the planet exists on a lower harmonic frequency than does a similar body in four. All of these factors serve to be limitations that enable the viability of incarnation and reincarnation. They also serve to insure that no one gets loose from mortality before they have stood judgment and earned the right of universal citizenship.
The first and second dimensions are foundational for those above it. Regardless, creation is the result of life, life does not exist because of creation. So, there are rudimentary life forms in these dimensions that enable them to be the building blocks of the higher dimension adjacent to it. These forms would, in our colloquial parlance, be regarded as 'nasty little buggers'. Following the logic of purpose, all life and all creation serves purpose. There is nothing that is extraneous or purposeless.
The arguments between Earth's Creationists and Science over the evolution of man has always fascinated me. They seem bent on the idea that the physical evolution of man was not tied to his spiritual evolution. Thus they will endlessly argue which came first, the chicken or the egg. It seems obvious that both positions could be simultaneously true if those who indulge in the argument would only step back and gain their perspective to the points.
Causes For The Lucifer Rebellion
The universe is a caste system. You are created into your slot and there you will remain for eternity. If you are high born you have little to complain about. If you are not, there are many inadequacies and injustices in the equation.
All of the Creator Sons come from a small family of angels called The Michael's. As they all bear the first name, one is distinguished from another via the inclusion of their place of origin into their name. The true name for the Creator Son of this universe is Michael of Nebadon.
Archangels serve in the capacities of upper management. Whilst Michael has been away from his universe, The Archangel Gabriel has been minding the store.
Cherubim serve as low to mid level functionaries. Thought Adjusters, who are commonly mistaken for guardian angels, travel life with you as a constant companion, friend and advisor. In a universe that gives voice to the value of life experience, no other group of angels possess more yet are deemed to be of low status and are not included in the decision making functions that most affect them.
The Lanonandek Family of Angels are relegated responsibility for the worlds of time and space and the management of ascendant worlds.
The Melchezidek Family of Angels are universal teachers. Their philosophies are the foundational principles for the universe.
The Voronandek Family of Angels are builders. The structures, physicalities and technologies we employ are generated from their group.
It serves no purpose to give a listing of each grouping. There are many. Yet, the point here is clear. Those who are not blessed with the advantages of status are denied the abilities to advance by virtue of the fact they are not granted access to the vehicles that allow advancement.
Take yourself as an example. You live a life. You take the journey. In that quest you gain experience. The job you have as an adult usually is far superior to the first job you had as an adolescent. This reflects the gains in experience and worth as you have advanced yourself through life. Yet, were you denied the ability to move from job to job and gain the experiences incumbent with those individual journeys, you'd never have the opportunity to advance anywhere. So it is with the universe.
The universal argument to the point is that there are no limitations on how far a soul can advance. This is true. Yet, it has also been long recognized by this same universe that EXPERIENCE is the key that enables the advancement of the soul. This produces as Catch 22 similar to those many adolescents run into as they seek their first job. The employer tells you he wants someone with experience. The seeker counters that if he doesn't get the job, he'll never get the experience.
Like those within morality, the universe is a collection of ascendant beings. That they are higher up the evolutionary ladder does not denigrate the fact that they too will one day stand judgment before Father and whether or not they ascend to Heaven to be with him is an issue that remains yet to be seen. The First Cause is not limited only to mortal beings and being of angelic origin guarantees no result.
What Lucifer did and did not do is of great importance. He challenged the universe as to the inadequacies I've presented. He stood his ground and did verbal battle with the Archangel Gabriel on Jerusem, the universal capitol. He stands guilty of FREE SPEECH!
The ideas he presented were the reflections of the unhappiness that exists in much of the universe. Those of low status, who have not yet evolved to the level they can physically stand before Father have no perspective of Him except to what they've been taught. Many felt that Father was a fiction created by a universal bureaucracy intent to keeping them subservient to the will of a small ruling class. Lucifer, naturally, knew better. Even so, if his voice was to have value, it had to carry the thoughts of those disaffected billions who had no voice at all.
Lucifer did not run into the worlds of time and space and hide from universal 'justice'. He stood his ground refusing to give way before the bureaucrats that demanded he recant his statements. He did not. Ultimately, he was taken into custody and incarcerated upon Earth. He spent nearly 2000 years here and was extracted via Father's personal command in 1996. He is repersonalized and is here on Earth serving the First Cause as he has always done. One of his incarnations was a Leonardo Da Vinci and another as General Sheridan during the American Civil War.
While the universe knows what he said and did, they do not know the 'why' of it. I will supply these historical facts now.
Aware of the unhappiness, and having performed exhaustive and detailed research to the point, Lucifer developed a plan to initiate an awakening, a new birth, that would ultimately lead the universe past this sad point in its history. He took this plan to another great universal personality, Immanuel of Salvington, a Trinity Son. Together they worked out a timeline that would produce the desired results. As this work involved an entire universe, something that had never been done before, it was critical that this same body be denied any knowledge of it. Doing so would only have served to destroy the effort.
Finally, with as much detailing worked out as was possible, the two of them took the work before Father. There, before God, the finishing touches were added and the final work refined. What the universe has called, with scorn, the Lucifer Rebellion, will ultimately be known as The Lucifer Awakening.
What is most important is not the actual words that brought the Rebellion into being but that those words affected many and inspired them to action. Thirty Nine Planetary Princes declared near immediate rebellion from the universe. As stated, I made my declaration of secession. Yet, within the ranks of the universe there are many many sympathizers to the rebellion that remain undeclared.
The universe has taken no action to solve or resolve the issues that inspired the rebellion. Instead, they seek to quash and to subjugate those who do not agree with their totalitarian stance. Within their entire position there is no expression of love, tolerance, understanding or compassion even though they give frequent and hypocritical voice to the same.
Fortunately, the Creator Son has been the leveling factor. Michael ruled, before his incarnation as Jesus, that no action be taken against the rebellion. Archangel Gabriel, an arch conservative, must have chaffed at this decree. Regardless, he is what he is and his loyalty to Michael is without equal in the universe. He obeys.
In the mythohistories of Earth, Lucifer and Satan are frequently viewed as the same people. They are not. Satan was his assistant and no more. While he had served Lucifer with distinction, at the outbreak of the rebellion he went his own path for his own reasons.
Satan views himself as a leader on par with his former mentor. He is not. Of the rebellion worlds, twenty eight of the princes view him as an irritant and want nothing to do with him. Of the eleven that do associate with him, they do so for common purpose and all are lost into clutches of jingoistic rhetoric divesting themselves of logic and reason in the process. Satan, who has never been a planetary prince, who has never had a timeline, is not deemed worthy of a leadership position by the twenty eight who have earned that right and they have refused his advances to that point.
What is Earth's role in this unfolding drama?
It is substantial for from this place will issue the awakening that brings new birth to a stagnant universe. It will not be without its labor pains, but it will occur and there is nothing now that can stop it. Father's Will Is Done!
I could speak at length to this topic but it is sufficient that the foundations for what will become 'The War In Heaven', be known and the personalities and their roles be correctly identified.
Current Status Of The Rebellion
There is a man, an Austrian, who has been sent from Vienna on three occasions to speak with me. The rebellion has used this individual as a vehicle for communications. It is no small thing for this man to travel from Europe to Los Angeles for these meetings.
Neither the rebellion nor the universe has had a clear understanding of my positioning within this scenario. The rebellion assumed that as my actions coincided with theirs that I would take part in the culmination of the rebellion and was thus a kindred spirit. The universe made the same assumptions. Both were incorrect.
To this point, Satan has twice made visits through this individual. Twice he left disappointed that my attitudes do not coincide with his. Of more importance is the last visit that occurred in the early part of 1997.
Kurt is an engineer who works for the European Union. He is a well educated individual and professional in his attitude and demeanor. He has never 'channeled' information before these events and most likely has not done so since. I will explain how these functions work in a later writing.
He arrived in Los Angeles and booked a stay in a hotel near the airport. My son and I picked him up, had a dinner and took him to our home. The individual wishing communication was one of the planetary princes from the rebellion.
We spoke for about four hours and Kurt was granted memory of the event. It is not always so.
For some time we discussed universal and rebellion concerns. It was clear to me that my position was in question. Yet, this was a minor concern. This individual prince represented eight others from the rebellion and he was before me for a joint purpose. It appears that the universe and rebellion both made inappropriate assumptions without consideration to all the logical alternatives. Basically, they wanted to know where Father stood in the equation. Since their declarations of rebellion they've been cut off not only from the universe but from Father as well. They assumed that Father would take sides and He would naturally come down in the ranks of 'HIS' universe.
I pointed to the prince what seemed a logical error. There is no universal side here, there is no rebellion side, and there is only Father's side. I had to repeat this point to allow the reality of it to sink in. Father is as much the author of the rebellion as was Lucifer and Immune. The implications for this prince must have been mind shattering. I could see the recognition cross Kurt's face as the message hit home.
It must have been clear to the prince that I am, and have been, in contact with Father. It is true. This fact left me as the only avenue they could turn to with regards to this issue. It is a moment within the timeline that was foreseen and that I had been positioned to accommodate.
I suggested to the prince that it would be inappropriate, not to mention inefficient for me to place Father's thoughts before him then. I suggested that we meet with all the princes three days hence at planetary headquarters in Bolivia. The Old One would officiate. He agreed.
My son and I were physically picked up by the Old One and transported to the event. We were 'in the skin' and the other princes traveled to the meeting 'en soul', out of body.
The meeting started poorly. The eleven Satanic princes were livid as they discovered new technologies on this world that they did not possess. Specifically, this is a craft that has been dubbed by my son as the Defiant Class in honor of a similar ship that appears on the television shows Deep Space Nine. Undersized, over powered and heavily armored, the ship was designed for one purpose - war. It is not a standard configuration.
The eleven demanded that I provide them with this technology. I refused. They exceeded the boundaries of basic civility, not to mention protocol, and became extremely insulting. Incensed, I put my fist into one of their faces (granted, not a very angelic thing to do). It was a pointless endeavor on my part as all I hit was empty air.
The princes retaliated by attacking with the powers and abilities of their own souls. Sean and I were locked into place and it seemed clear to me they intended to kill us. Such was not to be. We both released our own soul fire throwing back their assault. They stomped out of the room and left the planet, post haste.
It was decided that the remaining twenty-eight would return the next day and we would continue what had yet to begin. Sean and I made the journey 'en soul' leaving our physical forms at home. Upon our arrival, all sat at a long oval wooden table. I then proceeded to place Father's thoughts before them.
1. Father recognizes and acknowledges that their reasons for entering rebellion were just and that no person possessed of integrity could have done otherwise.
2. Father recognizes that while you have no desire to return to the universe, your decision not to make war upon it also gives voice to your integrity.
3. Father is not aligned with either the universe or the rebellion, nor will he support either party.
4. Father's lamp of truth no longer resides within the universe and has been removed to the House of Caligastia.
5. It was obvious to all present that Michael of Nebadon, while the ruler of this universe, was no longer an active part of it. He too resides within the umbrella of the House of Caligastia.
6. Father would not mandate their return to the universe. Instead, the seventh and eighth universe's were nearing completion and seven was ready for occupancy. These princes and their ascendant populations would relocate to a world of their choosing as their various moments for judgment and rapture occurred.
These comments were very well received. In a universal fashion these men would have been presented with one choice, forswear their integrity or die. A Lanonandek without integrity is the same as dead. All would have chosen to die with their boots on.
A few questions were asked.
Who will be the new regent of the 7th universe?
The answer is Immune of Salving ton. All found this agreeable.
Where is Immune?
My answer to this point was, "These words can not be spoken at this time, but it suffices to say he is about His Father's business".
The meeting terminated. I returned home feeling that a substantial achievement in the name of peace had been made.
A few weeks later, I convened a Grand Tribunal in the fourth dimension for the purpose of collecting the voices of the princes and their answer to Father's proposal. All twenty-eight were present.
I began the meeting by telling them that I found it heartwarming to see that they had not forsaken their logic and reason on the altar of the immediate circumstances. I acknowledged that these last two hundred thousand years had been difficult for them and that Father was well aware of their sacrifice and their suffering and recognition was given to the point.
I then posed a question. 'Do you kill your Father because your Mother has become a whore'? Clearly the universe is cast in the role of mother.
The unanimous answer was 'No'.
I then queried, "Now that a way out has been provided, do we slither off to the new universe and abandon our mother in this, her time of greatest need?
Again the unanimous answer was 'No'.
Are there any among the eleven worlds who have committed themselves to making war upon the universe competent, by disposition or training to lead the billions of souls in the event they win the war they pursue?
Again the unanimous answer was 'No'.
Speaking for myself, 'I would rather die before I bend knee and sing one chorus of 'Ave Satanus.' Yet, if Father says to me, 'Take up breastplate and sword and go do this', I will do it. If he says, 'Go hither and do this', I will do this also.
I let a moment of silence pass to allow all to collect their thoughts and myself as well.
'Brothers, it comes time now for your voice in these matters'.
I fell silent. Upon their arrival the princes had taken up positions above me and about me. This ultimately formed a large circle where each was equidistant from me, who sat in the center.
One at a time, voices rose around the circle. Each acknowledging their allegiance to Father's service and their, implied, association with the House of Caligastia.
As each of their voices fell upon my ears, I felt a great joy leap into my heart and tears ran from my eyes. That these great men who via their logic, reason and wisdom had found their way out of a no win situation and had done so solely because of their faith in Father, was gratifying in the extreme.
One of the universe's gripes with me was that for nearly two hundred thousand years, I had refused to stand and answer for my actions. This is akin to an indictment by Earth standards. I refused to do so as they had no jurisdiction to try me for a non existent crime.
However, in April of 1995, I received a visitation from an old one from the universe. This angel had been charged to deliver things to me that I will describe later. He approached me via a forced channel during a conversation with a woman on the Compuseve Computer Network. This woman, who had only just made my acquaintance eventually discovered that she had several hours of missing time that was confirmed by her computer logs.
This old one's attitude was unmistakably universal and he made no attempt to conceal his animosity for me. To validate what he was, he told me to leave my computer terminal, go outside and look at the sky. I did as he bade me. There I saw a large red ship with two small white ships rotating in an orbital pattern around it very rapidly. This orbiting craft moved far too quickly to be any celestial body. At the same time, Mufon in Vista, California was receiving UFO sighting reports on the same object at the same time.
I returned to my terminal and reported that I had seen his performance.
He then called for me to stand and answer for my alleged crimes against the universe. At the moment of his transmission, Celeste, my Thought Adjuster, was up and screaming in my ear that he had no authority to make such a demand and I owed him no answer. She had previously suggested to me that when this moment came, I employ the following answer, "I reserve statement pending repersonalization". Her suggestion reflected the fact that it is a poor practice, to say the least, to approach a person whilst they are under the limitations and restrictions of mortality and consequently handicapped in their ability to defend themselves. Celeste's suggestions were sound and well appreciated. However, I chose that moment not to listen.
It was clear to me that these men I call universal bureaucrats are men of good intent. While their actions and practices may be misguided, they truly do believe they are serving Father to the best of their abilities. I saw no point in letting the animosities of prior years continue when it was within my ability to create peace. I chose hat moment to do so.
The Universal Old One challenged me to answer three points.
1. That my act of secession was actually an act of rebellion.
I denied the accuracy of the count. I further pointed out that the very act of secession allowed for the possibility of reunification at a later moment and the act itself spoke for it's intent.
2. That the Caligastian Principles of Accelerated Ascendancy were false.
I replied that I currently lacked the perspective to know and that while I had my doubts, time would eventually be the judge.
3. That I had conspired with Lucifer and Satan to overthrow the universal regent, Michael of Nebadon.
At this point I came out of my chair yelling, 'Have You Lost Your Mind'? It will suffice that my answer was again 'no'.
The Universal Old One's stance towards me softened a bit, but he was not yet done with me, or I with him.
From his demeanor I saw clearly the degree that I had offended these men. The last count of the indictment demonstrated the limits to which their thoughts of me had sunk when it had reached speculation that I intended an effort to dethrone Michael. I decided that I would avail myself of the universal protocol that would end this situation, at least officially.
I indicated that I was truly sorry for having offended the universe. My exact words were, "I stand naked before the universe". He countered with, "Stand Naked before him who is Lord".
Unwittingly, this old one had placed me in a perfect position. He did not, nor could he, know that Michael and I were in contact and agreement on the actions I had taken was taking and will take. Yet, for the sake of peace, I ate my humble pie and declared that if I had offended Michael, I was indeed sorry and asked his forgiveness.
This put the matter to rest. The universe had no pretext for further actions. Their protocols had been addressed and respected, and a call for forgiveness to the Creator Son addressed.
It should be noted that in an Earthly courtroom it is typically expected that a defendant will lie to protect his own carcass. In a universal setting it is assumed that a planetary prince is possessed of sufficient integrity that he would rather die than lie. Immanuel of Salvington
Immanuel is a Trinity Son. As with The Michael's, this is a small family of angels and it speaks to the unique nature of their group.
Immanuel is considered to be a glorified Creator Son. Father has first offered each and every universe that has come into creation to him. In each case, Immanuel has rejected the offering, in part, because he does not view himself worthy of the position. He knows his flaws and is uncomfortable with the idea of deity worship which is bestowed with the position. Regardless, he is a surrogate father, brother, mentor guide and friend to each of the Creator Sons of the six existent universes. He has trained each for their positions.
Immanuel holds a unique position within the universe. Clearly high born and a Favored Son, he moves about between universes answering the calls of the Creator Sons when, and if, they feel the need to draw upon his expertise. He also is a person who is dispatched to handle immediate problems of many types. One may say he is something of a fireman. However, he once commented that he was the most competent person within creation to shovel manure in six universes. Of his wards I've heard him comment, "They're all Good Boys", reflecting his parental and carrying attitude towards them.
Naturally, his own self description does not well portray the fact that he is an advanced evolutionary being who is dedicated to the service of Father. In physical appearance he stands at about six feet, with the long lean robed appearance common to angels. He has brown hair and a full brown beard.
The situation between Immanuel and Michael is unique in as much as the Rebellion came to be before Michael's official installation as Regent. A Creator Son is required by custom, not law, to complete seven incarnations at the various levels of life within his universe. Michael's last, and most difficult, was as Jesus. Once this incarnation was completed, and protocols satisfied, he was free to assume the reins of power. He did not. Instead, he dove back into incarnation and has been here on Earth since.
The universe spends much time speculating on the intents and actions of the Creator Son and some of the various exalted personalities. It isn't incorrect to draw analogy to the British Royal Family and the many that speculate every time they sneeze. What is important is that all of these great personalities have one thing in common regardless of their individual angelic families. They reflect Father's attitude in how they go about doing what they do and being what they are. Crucial to an understanding of these people, and in particular Immanuel, is they all service the Logic of Purpose. You don't do a thing unless there is a reason for it. Michael's non-return to the universe is certain to have initiated years of discussion as to what he was up to. Yet, given the events that are now before us, one can see how his silence was crucial to the creation of the universal awakening that lies soon before us.
No other Creator Son came to power with a universe in such abject disarray and no other Son has had to rise to the challenges posed by the rebellion. There are good reasons why Michael of Nebadon is the universal regent, these will become obvious as the drama unfolds before us at this most important moment.