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ROMANIAN SMART INFO ( back-up ) / RSI Aliens Caffe - Hanul Extraterestrilor / The Cosmic Plan Moderat de 007/Ro, 007/gRO, Draco, EnKi, fernb
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The Cosmic Plan

Taken from the Sixto Paz' Mission Rahma's website.

"Love is perfected in forgiveness, matures in knowledge, lives in tolerance and is nourished by understanding and charity. There isn't love without compassion and, this truths, are being confirmed to us by the essence of this humanity from Earth."
Extraterrestrial guide Sampiac

The Cosmic Plan is an alternative project in today's Universal Creation. Through a new kind of humanity (like ours), the Plan attempts to end the evolutionary stagnation in which this Creation has fallen. The key to activate this process once more, is in our hands and, it is called Love. It means for us to be authors of transcendental acts of spiritual love.

The extraterrestrial guide Sampiac, puts it this way:

"Your role is such that you will discover yourselves to be holders of the key to a 'secret entrance.' You will discover that only you are capable of entering there first, so that others (your cosmic brethren), by learning from your efforts in a humble way, will also be able to find and cross this entrance, next."

"What you must develop is a different kind of experience, regarding love. For the most advanced civilizations in this last creation, love has meant the common good, both as a measure of elevation and of harmonious living. This state of affairs reached its limitations quite soon and produced a relative type of stagnation, regarding spiritual ascension. Now, after having observed you for a long period of your time, we are convinced that in you lives the key for all the answers we have been waiting for. We are convinced that, with your participation, it's indeed possible for all of us to learn new alternatives to evolution. Within a general restatement of everything we have experienced, understood and focused upon until now, its possible that we may learn other aspects. It can take place, because no one knows or has experienced everything, least of all, within the field of love by which, every day, becomes a new, enriching experience."
A Sketch of the Plan

In the begining, the Cosmic Plan focused itself upon eight planets that possesed a unique characteristic. These were Ur class planets (the Earth being one of them), capable of hosting civilizations that would, eventually, make quick and unparalelled evolutionary jumps, transforming their inhabitants in teachers of their teachers.

The central idea was that, the beings from these humanities, would recognize their potential and their place in the Cosmos, but through their own efforts and faith, and with just a minimal amount of guidance from their older brothers. In this way, they would assume their turn and responsibility in the Light, and also their role as bridges to bring together planes, dimensions and universes. Also, they would assume their role as guides to all whot wait for them. Furthermore, through an infinitely developed love, developed in its own essence, they would lend a compassionate hand to the Plan's dissidents, demonstrating to them the path of compassion and forgiveness.

Today, only Earth has been able to develop the adequate parameters or requisites previously delineated. For different reasons (which could be attributed to the ensnarings of negativity, or to the Custodians' poor handling of the project), the inhabitants of the other seven planets have either dissapeared or generated an inadequate form of dependency.

Without planing for it, the Earth and its inhabitants have ended up becoming the main actors in this great "cosmic play," which is naturally approaching a final, unwritten act. Nevertheless, this play promises a happy ending, since there's great expectation that its actors (in spite of the individualistic stances shown in the middle of the drama) will finally be able to unite and to materialize the divine will that emanated in the begining. This will be done through renunciation and selflesness, cooperation and respect, work and hapiness and, love and forgiveness.

"Rejoice, because in your world, the favorable conditions, for the vibratory level to approach the Fourth Dimension of Consciousness, are taking place. With your personal and group efforts, you are making possible the arrival of help, as was established in the Cosmic Plan. Part of this help comes from the White Brotherhood of the Star, and part from the White Brotherhood of Earth, together with you, the taskforce of surface lightworkers. In this way, that which was written and is of a positive nature, is being realized in the period of change of this planet. At the same time, many new things charged with hope, are being written and this will soon help your planet to become part of the planets of the Confederation, as part of the service and help offered to many other worlds."

Extraterrestrial guide Anitac

Within the unfoldment of the Cosmic Plan, there is a group of beings that work by giving support to men as they strive to become "suns upon the Earth", and to assume their role in Creation. Some of these beings are extraterrestrials some various civilizations and some are intraterrestrials, like the Esteknas. They are part of the Cosmic White Brotherhood, and have accompanied humanity for thousands of years, trying to guide it, according to the plans and intentions of the Supreme.

Light Beams from Space

Many may ask themselves, what is an extraterrestrial guide and, what is his function and interest towards Man? We will allow Anitac, a female guide from our neighbor Venus, to answer these questions with wisdom.

"An extraterrestrial guide is a being from another world that, inspired by love, feels solidarity with humanity's plight on your planet. For this reason, with awareness and responsibility, he/she is willing to serve a greater plan. He/she is willing to guide those human beings that possess the vibrational capacity to harmonize with a mission needed to create a chain reaction in order to awaken other minds and hearts.

A guide is someone that orientates, he is an emissary from evolved hierarchies with which he is also in contact. Therefore, with this kind of inspiration, he maitains a closeness with the world's missionaries, motivating them continously with practical advise, thoughts and diverse guidelines.

One needs to know how to distinguish between a spiritual guide and an extraterrestrial one. An extraterrestrial guide is not personal, but collective in his guidance. There are guides that focus on groups, cities and countries and they dedicate themselves to give guidance related to specific contact missions. In the case of Mision Rahma, 49 guides dedicate themselves to this end."

Guides and Masters

Christ Michael Aton of Nebadon

Sananda Esu

Violino St. Germain


Here's the list of 49 beings that work according to the plan of the Great White Brotherhood of the Star that,
from the center of our local universe, gives us its support,
for humanity to awaken to a bright dawn in the Light.

A guide from Apu, communicating with the contact groups in Tacna, Peru.

A guide from Apu, assigned to the contact groups in La Coruņa, Spain.

A guide from Venus, also assigned to the contact groups in Spain.

A guide from Venus.

A guide from Venus. Commander and technician from the feminine sex, assigned to interdimensional investigation.
Works together with the Confederation's underwater base "Acqualium", north west of Chancay, Peru.
This base's population is entirely Venusian.

A guide from Apu.

Commander and spaceship technician from the base in Crystal City, Morlen (that is, Ganymede, the moon of Jupiter).
He was born in Morlen and also functions as a coordinator for other extraterrestrial guides.

A guide from Apu.

Astar (not Ashtar)
A guide from Apu.

A guide from Venus.

A guide from Venus.

A guide from Venus.

A guide from Apu, in charge of the medical orbiting base, Columo.

A guide from Venus.

A guide from Apu.

A guide from Apu.

A guide from Apu.

A guide from Morlen.

A guide from Apu.

A guide from Venus and Morlen.

A guide from Apu and Morlen.

A guide from Morlen, assigned to work with the contact groups in Spain.

A guide from Morlen, assigned to La Coruņa, Spain.

A guide from Morlen, assigned to La Coruņa, Spain.

A guide from Morlen.

A guide from Venus.

A guide from Morlen.

A guide from Morlen.

A guide born in Morlen. A "mind doctor" and expert telepath, graduated as coordinator of guides for Mision Rahma. Lives in Crystal City.

A guide from Morlen.

A guide from Morlen, mind doctor and instructor in the university of the city of Morella, in the planet Cerpican.

A guide from Venus.

A guide from Apu.

A guide from Venus and crewmember of the spaceship Tipus.

A guide from Venus and crewmember of the spaceship Tipus.

A guide from Venus, commander of the spaceship Tipus, graduated from the interstellar base
in Saturn and coordinator of the Venusian guides.

A guide from Venus.

A guide from Venus.

A guide from Apu.

A guide from Venus.

A guide from Apu. Commander of Cerilum, a base of the Confederation (also known as Rumi Suyo)
in Huanuco, Peru. He's now in charge of coordinating Venusian guides.

A guide from Apu, assigned to La Coruņa, Spain.

A guide from Venus.

A guide from Venus, a mental doctor and physician onboard the spaceship Tipus.
She lives in the underwater base of Chancay, Peru.

A Terrestrial guide who's also part of the White Brotherhood.
He works in the Blue Base in Peru and is currently replacing the guide Xanxa, from Apu.

A guide from Venus.

A guide from Cerpican.

A guide from Venus

Masters of the White Brotherhood

The following are some of the names of intraterrestrial masters of the White Brotherhood:

Regent and record keeper of the information found in Paititi.

Female regent of the inner retreats in South America.

Regent of Lake Titicaca.

A master of Lake Titicaca.

Regent of the Door of Hayumarca area in Peru.

A master living in the Andean Magnetic Center in Chile.

A master found in the grotto of Huagapo, Peru.

A master found in the Sierra du Roncador, in the Brazilian matogrosso.

A master from Mt. Sinai, Egypt.

A master from Mt. Shasta, California.
Guardians of the Truth

According to a message from the teacher (and master)Alcir, the real meaning of the word "master" is as follows: "Ma is the Earth, or home, and the Earth is not only the ground you step upon, but, also that which is underground, and that which is in the heavens. All this is part of the planetary structure."

"We are talking about a very old concept that you will certainly remember as it relates to the wisdom of the Inca: The Hanan Pacha, the Kai Pacha and the Uku Pacha, which are the three worlds of the empire of the Sun."

"When one breaks down the word "master", following the previous structure, we see that it means that "ma" is three. This means that the Earth maintains a balance, in which the number three also represents the three planes of preparation: The physical, the mental and the spiritual."

"You may ask yourselves, what is the relationship between being a master at the service of the Creator's Plan, and that which was previously exposed. Well, the real master knows and respects the habitat he is living in, which in this case, is the Earth. When this requisite is realized, the master becomes one with his real home, the Cosmos."

"The master is a wholesome being and, for this reason, he doesn't overlook working on the three planes. You will soon understand the relationship that the blue planet and the triune preparation maintains with the responsibility of bringing a teaching to our neighbors."
Galactic Federation Members









Tau Cetians

For a complete description of each GF member visit Sheldan Nidle's PAO website

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