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WantaGate, QueenGate, and The CIA's John Bolton By Aug 1, 2007, 14:42
By Christopher Story FRSA, Editor and Publisher, International Currency Review, World Reports Limited, London and New York:. Press NEWS and the ARCHIVE Button on the Home Page for 'Wantagate' reports since April 2006. [Note: A new panel giving details of our latest publications as they are made available, has been added].
Note: The two preceding Wantagate reports are specifically recommended to those who may have missed them. They provide details of the extreme gravity of the crisis, as well as context for this latest interim report. Its central feature is that the theft of The Queen’s gold by US cadres working with UK ‘inside’ traitors, has not yet been rectified, so that the lectures being delivered to Britain by the former US Ambassador to the UN, John Bolton, have gone down like a lead balloon.
CIA-FREAK BOLTON LECTURES BRITS ON ‘SPECIAL RELATIONSHIP’ John Bolton, now a Senior Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and formerly US Ambassador to the United Nations (2005-06) until he had to resign because his services in that role had proved excessively counterproductive, has taken it upon himself to lecture the British about the ‘special relationship’, and what he, of all people, expects of it. His latest contribution along these cynical lines appeared on page 11 of The Financial Times, London, today [1st August 2007].
For sheer unvarnished arrogance, coming from such a source, Mr Bolton’s outbursts have no diplomatic equal. Mr Bolt-on, whose corrupt Government is complicit in multiple giga-financial thefts and in stealing The Queen’s gold, is telling us what to do with the ‘special relationship’?
What world is this CIA nutcase living in?
Has Mr Bolton not yet been informed by his compartmentalised handlers about the stealing of The Queen’s gold on 29th-30th March 2007, orchestrated by the US official criminalist cadres, which has not yet been rectified?
Has Mr Bolton not yet been told by his handlers that the so-called ‘Special Relationship’ between Britain and America is dead and buried because of the serial corruption of the George W. Bush II Administration over Wantagate and the stealing of The Queen’s gold, and because Britain was blackmailed into assisting with that Baghdad bank raid in March 2003?
THE UNITED STATES IS IN NO POSITION TO LECTURE BRITAIN OR ANYONE ELSE We know all about CIA compartmentalisation, and about the CIA confusing lies with the truth and vice versa – retailing, for instance, to its own bewildered cadres and to the international financial community that Ambassador Leo Emil Wanta was long since dead, so that his $27.5 trillion of original assets lodged in the accounts linked to his Title 18, Section 6 USG intelligence corporations were fair game for stealing, diversion, exploitation, collateralisation, hypothecation and goin’ fishin’: but allowing this blundering US ‘diplomat’ to publish articles in British newspapers LECTURING US ABOUT THE SPECIAL RELATIONSHIP when it is his own filthy, corrupt, DVD-penetrated gutter-snipe organisation which is specifically responsible for wrecking it, is too much.
Serial abuse is one thing: Illuminati-style double-minded, arrogance is something else.
Of course, this Editor, Author, Investigative Journalist and Publisher concurs with Mr Bolt-on that the European Union Collective, a.k.a. ‘the new European Soviet’ (1), is an institutionally corrupt arm of the New Underworld Order, as will be further exposed in the forthcoming issue of International Currency Review (Volume 33, # 1 & 2) [see below].
BLINDNESS DOES NOT EXTEND TO THE E.U. COLLECTIVE He also concurs that Britain has no business to be associated with and a member of this long-range DVD operation directed originally against the European component of the ‘Main Enemy’ (2), Britain.
Having actually sat in on dreary Brussels meetings of the European Parliament’s committee that is supposed to monitor the operations of OLAF, the European Commission’s anti-fraud directorate – which routinely behaves as though it exists in order to cover up all the institutionalised fraud in the European Commission structures, this Editor would go much further that Mr Bolt-on – having in fact for the past 20 years campaigned for Great Britain to leave this sinking collectivist ship as soon as possible by suspending its contributions to the EU pending a clean-up of EC corruption (which will never happen); and thereafter announcing the UK's unilateral severance from the EU Collective inter alia citing Article 49 of the 1969 Convention on International Treaties, which provides for any deceived party to an international treaty to secede unilaterally if its adherence to the treaty was procured by deception, which was the case with Britain’s accession to the EEC in 1972.
But this stance does NOT make up for the arrogance of this Bolton fellow, who appears to think he can order the Brits around and spell out what he ‘expects’ of them, while insultingly ignoring the serial corruption and thievery of his own Government in the Wantagate connection in general, and the stealing of Her Majesty The Queen’s gold in particular.
True, the meeting between Gordon Brown and President Bush went so badly that they could hardly communicate at all – reportedly speaking at cross-purposes, with nothing being decided. This is hardly surprising, in view of the fact that Gordon Brown has a specific remit from HM The Queen to retrieve the Monarchy's gold from the clutches of these American thieves without further ado, and the new Prime Minister's host was the intelligence operative who may have ordered the gold to be stolen in the first place. As hostage, no doubt, against the Wantagate fallout.
HER MAJESTY IS FURIOUS ABOUT THEFT OF HER GOLD Yesterday, the Editor was authoritatively informed that The Queen is furious that this outrage has not been resolved; and, for what it is worth, so is this Editor. The Queen’s gold is indeed no doubt being held hostage and may even, in part, have been alienated in the ill-informed expectation that some power or other in London would start ordering this Editor around in the Wantagate context.
If that was ever one of the crude calculations behind ‘Act of War’ against the United Kingdom committed (with inside assistance from British and Mossad-linked Israeli traitors) by the United States Government, once again there has been a serious strategic miscalculation in Washington.
For, as will have been seen from our two most recent Wantagate reports, the situation has passed the point of no return and all involved are, a respected US source tells us, ‘beyond forgiveness’.
RESERVES OF SIX VAST INSTITUTIONS ENCUMBERED As of last weekend, the reserves of Credit Suisse, UBS, Deutsche Bank, The Bank of England, Bank of America and Citibank were understood to have been encumbered by the ‘levy’ that we described in the preceding report – necessitated by the delivery of $6.0+ trillion by the Bank of England to Bank of New York Mellon, a securities firm, of which $4.5 trillion should at once have been transferred to the securities account of Ambassador Leo Emil Wanta’s Commonwealth of Virginia-based AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc., with Morgan Stanley, New York within Citibank NA.
Any failure by those six institutions to procure the immediate transfer by Bank of New York Mellon of the $4.5 trillion to the Ambassador and his corporation as beneficiary will have implicated them as co-conspirators with Bank of New York Mellon in securities fraud. The stark reality of this state of affairs was, we understand, borne in on all concerned in Monday morning, and following our last report; but the necessary outcome remains to be revealed.
The careers of a significant number of very high-level bankers are in extreme jeopardy because of this, as is the future existence and ownership of several of the largest institutions in the world.
And all this has happened because of the relentless avarice of the Government which Mr Bolton served, and because of the criminality of the intelligence rats’ nets from which he emerged.
START CAMPAIGNING FOR A PURGE OF CIA NAZIS INSTEAD Instead of lecturing the Brits about his expectations of the Special Relationship, this Bolt-on fellow should crawl back into his CIA rats’ nest and campaign from the inside for a comprehensive purge of every single CIA and related US intelligence operative with current or traceable connections (of any kind) to the Nazi Abwehr and its modern-day ‘Black’ successor, Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst (DVD), Dachau. That would be a more constructive use of his CIA time.
Quite clearly, Mr Bolt-on doesn’t like the European Union Collective, which certainly represents the realisation of the Pan-Europa idolatry developed by the Nazis and promulgated in their blueprint compendium entitled Europaische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft (viz., European Economic Community), published in Berlin in 1942 by Haude & Spenersche Verlagsbuchhandlung Max Paschke, copies of which may be viewed at the British Library, London, and in the Staastbibliothek, Berlin.
NAZI BLUEPRINT REPLICATED IN MAASTRICHT TREATY The chapter headings of this Nazi blueprint document are almost identical to the chapter headings of the Maastricht Treaty on European Union. This whole subject of the two-pronged long-range German deception strategy to achieve control and dominance over the ‘Main Enemy’ (Britain and America), as a stepping stone to achieving global hegemony – using the Bavarian Illuminati ‘cutout’ penetration offensive as cover – is addressed in the Editor’s work, The New Underworld Order [Edward Harle Limited, London & New York]: see the Intelligence Books section of this website.
So, enough already of your opinionated arrogance, Mr Bolt-on: and if you are such an influential figure, instead of slagging us off in your newspaper rampages, why don’t you start making amends to us by pressurising your corrupt colleagues to procure the restoration of The Queen’s gold, with interest to boot?
If you lack the clout to do this, leave off telling us what to do, would you?
And crawl back where you came from.
Notes and References: (1) As confirmed by the continuing (secret) head of the KGB, Mikhail Gorbachev, during a brief visit to London on 23rd March 2000. (2) That the EU Collective is indeed a long-range strategic deception and entanglement operation originally devised by the Nazi Pan-German intelligentsia is exposed in detail with the assistance of German Nazi documentation, in the Editor’s latest work, The New Underworld Order, Edward Harle Limited, London and New York (2007), available from the Intelligence Books section of this website.
Note: This list may be incomplete. See the preceding website report for NASD and SEC regulations breached by the securities house Bank of New York Mellon, in which Credit Suisse, UBS, Deutsche Bank, Bank of America, Citibank and the Bank of England will be or may now be complicit should they fail to procure the immediate crediting by the Bank of New York Mellon of $4.5 trillion to the Morgan Stanley securities account of Ambassador Wanta’s Commonwealth of Virginia-based AmeriTrust Corporation, Inc.
Recall that in the Commonwealth of Virginia, there is no relevant Statute of Limitations:
• Annunzio-Wylie Anti-Money Laundering Act • Anti-Drug Abuse Act • Applicable international money laundering restrictions • Bank Secrecy Act • Conspiracy to commit and cover up murder. • Crimes, General Provisions, Accessory After the Fact [Title 18, USC] • Currency and Foreign Transactions Reporting Act • Economic Espionage Act • Hobbs Act • Imparting or Conveying False Information [Title 18, USC] • Maloney Act • Misprision of Felony [Title 18, USC] (1) • Money-Laundering Control Act • Money-Laundering Suppression Act • Organized Crime Control Act of 1970 • Perpetration of repeated egregious felonies by State and Federal public employees and their Departments and agencies, which are co-responsible with the said employees for ONGOING illegal and criminal actions, to sustain fraudulent operations and crimes in order to cover up criminal activities and High Crimes and Misdemeanours by present and former holders of high office under the United States • Provisions pertaining to private business transactions being protected under both private and criminal penalties [H.R. 3723] • Provisions prohibiting the bribing of foreign officials [F.I.S.A.] • Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act [R.I.C.O.] • Securities Act 1933 • Securities Act 1934 • Terrorism Prevention Act • Treason legislation, especially in time of war
This list shows to what extent the Bush II Administration condones one Rule of Law for the Rest of Us, and absolute contempt for domestic and international law for the officials and bankers who are illegally diverting and exploiting Sir Leo Wanta’s funds.
The Directors and others listed in Part 1 of the Wantagate Listing of Institution Directors and others posted on 11th June may likewise be Accessories to the Fact of, and/or co-conspirators in, wittingly or unwittingly, the egregious violation of the laws itemised above.
‘Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some Judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both’.
NEW WANTAGATE ISSUE OF INTERNATIONAL CURRENCY REVIEW An announcement about the new Wantagate issue of International Currency Review, (544 pages) and its 48-page Supplement showing the Wanta-related documents released by the Ronald Reagan Library by consent of the National Security Agency, will be posted in the near future, on the second (Books/Subs) panel, Home Page.
The Ronald Reagan Library documents prove of course that Leo Emil Wanta advised and served President Reagan personally. In the massive forthcoming Wantagate ICR, the Editor has assembled all the Presidential Pardons dished out by President Clinton, to demonstrate that the vast majority of those pardoned by that particular criminal US President were drug dealers, money-launderers, financial criminalists, murderers-for-hire, and perpetrators of abominations familiar to students of organised crime. It was with particular interest that the Editor noticed that some of those pardoned had been imprisoned for ‘Misprision of felony’*. This section, called ‘Pardongate’ will be found in the front part of the forthcoming issue. (One poor fellow was imprisoned for stealing four pounds of butter, which adds to our perception that, on the same penal tariff, the perpetrators of the financial crimes that we have had to expose, face several lifetimes in the US GULAG each).
Ambassador Leo Emil Wanta: Diplomatic Passport Numbers 04362 & 12535 a.k.a. Frank B. Ingram [FBI] (Sector V) SA32NV; and a.k.a. Rick Reynolds, SA233MS. AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc: Federal EIN Number 20-3866855; Virginia State Corporation Identification Number: 0617454-4; Virginia State Department of Taxation Identification Number: 30203866855F001
• Please be advised that the Editor of International Currency Review [ISSN 0020-6490] cannot enter into email correspondence related to this or to any of the earlier Wantagate reports.
We are a private intelligence publishing house and have no connections to any outside parties including intelligence agencies. The word ‘intelligence’ on this website and in all our marketing material is used for marketing/sales purposes only and has no other connotations whatsoever: see ‘About Us’ on the red panels under the Notes on the Editor, Christopher Story FRSA, who has been exclusively engaged as an investigative journalist, Editor, Author and private financial and current affairs Publisher since 1963 and is not and never has been an agent for a foreign power, malevolent suggestions to the contrary being actionable for libel in the English Court.